I am scared to give my 9 month old honey and peanut butter but my doctor told me its time so he doesnt develop an allergy later on in life…has anyone done this in the ER parking lot? If so, how long should I wait?
Normally babies are better off trying it at this age better than later in life like your doctor said cause they are more prone to getting an allergic reaction the longer you wait. But if it makes you feel comfortable to sit in a parking lot then you can do that too
Honey is not safe for babies.
Babies can’t have honey until after their first birthday. It is not safe for them before that
Just wait. You will give a small amount of peanut butter, and watch for skin rash etc
I never gave my kids any large amounts of honey. Know some kid snacks have honey. So watch the ingredients. Gramcrackers, those teddy grams…
Wait until the child has passed the age of one.
Why do you think your child will have a reaction to these things? If there are no genetic factors there is less then a 5% chance your child has a peanut allergy and less then .001 % of a honey allergy. Stop giving yourself problems you don’t have!! I mean you’re stressing yourself out for no good reason.
Small amounts of peanut butter mixed with babu cereal is okay, but DO NOT give them honey until after 1 year!!! infant botulism is a risk when giving a child under the age of 1 honey
Take a little peanut butter with you next time you have a Doctors appointment and give it there .
Your Doctor sounds like an ignorant buffoon. Do not give honey until at least one and I’d wait on the peanut butter too. This isn’t really how allergies work.
The only way you will know if they have an allergy is to give it to them.
Most food allergies are genetic so if there is someone in the family that is allergic then there may be a possibility.
When did that change? I was always told no peanuts or honey until a year.
If yiu are worried, I would take a small amount and rub on the bottom of the foot or the back of the hand. Strawberries included.
If they are allergic, they will start to swell.
My little ones are allergic to cinnamon, it make them red where it touches them. They still eat it tho.
Idk about the honey but the PB is before age 1. If you want do it in the parking lot of the er.
You can just smear some peanut butter on the inner arm by the elbow to see if the child has a peanut allergy… and you can test the honey the same way …
I never thought about it because their dad gave them bites of Reese’s cups as soon as they could nibble lol
With my son (2014) both were not allowed until after one.
With my baby peanut butter before one and honey after. Neither are allergic
Just do it in the parking lot of the hospital. It’ll help put your mind at ease to get it over with
I wouldn’t give honey until one. But I would definitely give peanut butter, the only way to know if they have an allergy is to give it to them. I gave mine PB at 6 months .
Honey is not safe for babies under 1 year old
You didn’t bother to ask the doctor while you were there? Give them a bit to taste at home but make sure that’s the only “new” food you give them so you can tell. It’s easy to tell if they’re having an allergy. No I wouldn’t sit in an ER parking lot lol.
I have three kiddos. And when trying peanut butter, and strawberries. I gave a small amount while I sat in the parking lot of the er. In case anything happened I was already there lol I sat for about 45 minutes each time.
I had a bee keeper tell me absolutely no honey until the age of 2
You could do a skin test first, like you (should😝) do with hair dye…put a small amount on the inner arm, wait 5-10 mins, then wipe off. See if there’s any reaction within 24 hours…
First of all you should not be feeding your baby honey under 1 year old
We have me her dad are both allergic to apples so we took her to a ER and sat in the parking lot ( She is also allergic to apples.)
I was yelled by a nurse for giving my now 9 year old honey when he was 1.5 years old before he turned 2 but all my kids got high allergy foods early with no issues.
I would wait till a year old for honey. It’s not the allergy you have to worry about with honey. There is a bacteria in it that is unsafe for babies. They don’t have the immune systems to fight it off. Talk to your doctor. Simple.
I gave my daughter both at 8 or 9 months old, I can’t remember. There was no reason to suspect an allergy so in didn’t see a sense in waiting
Wait till 1 for honey and 15-20 min
No honey until 1 for sure. Peanutbutter you can try on the skin first
No honey til after 12 months
Peanut butter is best given around 6 months, but honey not until after 1 (nothing to do with allergies for honey). My daughter was 6 months old when we gave her peanut butter (a tiny amount) and she had a reaction. She had blotchy red patches all over her face and threw up. She is 4.5 years old and still allergic to peanuts.
No honey until after 12 months due to infant botulism being a main concern. With peanut butter I say in the er parking lot at 8 months with my oldest for about an hour just to be safe lol