How can I tell if I am further along?

How do you tell if you’re further along than what you think you are? I’m currently 22 weeks pregnant, and with how big my baby is, I’m thinking around 25.


When I got pregnant my last cycle was November I counted back 3 months from the day that I started and that was the due date or you can count forward from your last cycle 40 weeks and it will give you about the same day give or take maybe two weeks

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Ultrasound will tell you for sure how far along you are me and baby are measuring a week and a half ahead of due date but they wont change your due date unless there is a 2 week measuring difference

Ultrasounds are accurate, I thought I was further ahead my whole pregnancy bc she measured 3 weeks ahead the whole time…nope she’s just a big baby

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If you are 22 weeks you are 22 weeks

Only an ultrasound can accurately tell you gestational age.

I get it…but just wishful thinking

An ultrasound would tell u how far along u r have inhad one?? Call your dr talk to him

There is no definite way to tell how big baby is. Mine was over guessed


Due dates aren’t exact. However if you’re measuring more than a week one way or another they should move your due date. If your midwife/ob doesn’t think baby is big enough to move your due date then I wouldn’t worry about it. Having a bigger baby doesn’t necessarily mean you’re further along than they said you are. Your ultrasound at 20 weeks should have also been able to confirm gestation.


I dont think you can be 100% accurate on babys size mt dr swore both my kids were bigger and they came out atpeast a lb smaller and a little shorter than what ultrasound showed

Everyone measures ahead by 2 weeks the further along you get because the baby starts eating more and grow bigger the last 15weeks of pregnancy

Make sure you get your gestational diabetes glucose test! Big baby is a big sign.

Not necessarily meaning you’re further along. My daughter was always measuring 3-4 weeks further and I had her 2 days after my due date. She was just a big baby (almost 11lbs)

You can’t base it on size of baby - my mum with me is a prime example.

I was born in Holland where they based due dates on size, but their average baby size at the time was around 7lbs. I was 9lbs10 - so their expected due date for me was 3 weeks too early. Even when they induced mum, I wasn’t ready (so she tells me).

Some babies are big, doesn’t mean your further along

Look at head measurement. Unless you have a large head it’s pretty accurate. As is measuring fundus height at that stage…that was totally accurate for me until about 32 weeks.

My sons 1st due date was may 26th they ended up switching it to July 1st he was born May 24th weighing 5 ib 10 oz and 17.5 inches still labeled as a preemie (My first was 6 in 1 oz 22 inches whose dad was tall. I have small babies. My syblings are over 6’1" tall, but I am 5’8".) nothing you can do will fix your due date really its a biased/educated guess my son had an anotomy ultrasound about 20 weeks because he was short they couldnt change the date back and I was on bc so couldnt go off of a period all I can say is ask for an anotomy ultrasound at ur local childrens hospital tell them sum is off u feel the date is wrong bone length n development seems to give the final comfirmation

I measured ahead with my last 2. My youngest was 10lb5 oz. 23 inches long with a 15 1/2 head. We did elect to induce at 40 weeks 6 days. His delivery was easier than my 8 lber

Could just be a big baby

They estimated me 3 weeks ahead based on babies size on the ultrasound and they said she was going to be 10 pounds but she was only 6 so… there is that.

Size means nothing. My mother was 10lbs born, and my cousin was 13lbs born. Both over two feet also

My first little, I was told was a big baby starting at 7ish months which I was to he was already measuring at roughly 9lbs, they wouldn’t move my due date no matter what. He was born at 10lbs 13oz , the week before he was born i was told he was roughly 11lbs :blush:

I was told with my 1st that they estimated him to be about 7.5-8 lbs. He was 6lbs 12 Oz. It’s a guess and not an exact science

I’ve always had an ultrasound by 6 weeks. Early ultrasounds are the most accurate for dating. My girls always measured small and my boys big in later ultrasounds. My first was born on the small side. My second and third were average. My fourth was right in the 50th percentile and they had been worried about him being small because of VCI.

Before I gave birth they did ultrasound bc i was 39w1d. The dr said about 8 pound. The next day she was born she was 10 4.4 oz. Much bigger. So I dont believe anyone until baby is born

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The doctor checks your fundal height which is quite accurate in regards to gestation.
If you start to measure very ahead or behind, they’ll do an ultrasound to determine babys general size and amniotic fluid levels.
Baby’s weight is taken by measuring certain bones, although the further along you are, the more this weight can be off (up to 2lbs). I measured normally but my midwife insisted that my third would be 10+lbs…he was 8lb 12oz lol.

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I’m currently pregnant 9 weeks and 3 day. I feel bigger and my stomach is harder. This is my 4th child and this one is very different from my other 2 pregnancies. With my first my stomach didnt feel hard until I was 3 and 1/2 mths. So every pregnancy is different… With my first 2 pregnancy my boobs didnt hurt until the last month of my pregnancy… But this one my boobs hurt…

I always measured ahead with both of mine but as you get further along it usually evens out in my experience… they thought our son was huge and we had extra ultrasounds because of it. He was actually smaller than our daughter was. Haha :smile: there’s only so much they can tell until they’re born but they’re usually correct on how far along.


Trust your OB… if you had an early ultrasound, that would be the most accurate in dating. This far along, it’s unlikely that they’ll change your due date because it’s harder to get accurate measurements of baby.


When you get your ultra sound they measure the length of bones in legs arms and spine. That’s how they determine age, the belly measurement is a close guess

Size doesn’t mean age. I was measuring at 40 weeks when I was 30 weeks pregnant with my son. He was 7 week early and was only 5 lbs.

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All pregnancies are different but you never know :slight_smile: sometimes babies measure at a further date too like big babies lol

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I trust my OBGYN and their measurements

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All my babies measured ahead even my twins

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A ultrasound or the doctor measuring you.

You to the doctors :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Trust the medical professionals.

yeah i feel like my baby could be born next month with all the symptoms i’m having geez but my doctor said that it’s just bcs i got pregnant within a year that i haven’t healed completely so it’ll hurt more … i’m 29 weeks today and i feel like i’m 35

My last pregnancy I was told I was gonna have a huge baby by how I was measuring she ended up being 7lbs14oz only 1oz bigger that her big sister at 10 days over due

Due dates are estimates. Regardless of bow big your baby is, simply plan on having baby arrive sometime within the 2 werks before and 1 week after your date. No need to move your did date. Jave a packed bag ready ro go in the car and ban any long trips or huaband drinking nights for tjise 3 weeks and voila. You are as prepared as one can be for birth. BTW congrats and try to relax and not worry about getting things exact. You are a parent now…that word is soon to be used fast and loose for about a decade :joy: