I’m 37 weeks pregnant, and I’m having these uncomfortable period pain-like pains.At first, they’d come and go; now they take time to go away. My waist is warm and in mild pain. Am I in labor?
Ring your midwive and get her advise lovely
Time the pains. How far apart? How long?
Could be Braxton Hicks
Umm call your doctor probably
Your body getting ready to go in to labor… Just deep breaths
Could be Braxton Hicks. But time them & see if there is a regular interval happening.
If they’re real contractions, you wouldn’t be able to talk or do much of anything but focus on the pain.
Watch them and pay attention to them.
But give your doctor a call.
You’ll know when it’s labour contractions, could be your body getting ready for sure!!
Definitely talk to a doctor. When I was in labor with my second she was way smaller than expected (3 days shy of due date) and I honestly didn’t think I was in labor because the pains were nothing compared to my first, so better to be safe than sorry.
Could be Braxton Hicks! They’re don’t always on the top of your uterus!
Just time them. If they get closer go to where you are having the baby. Pain level varies by person. I could talk laugh and walk through mine. I even drove my self to the hospital during labour. The key to real ones is they get closer together and last longer.
It’s more then likely Braxton hicks.
Unless you are “free birthing” you need to call your ob or midwife…
Definitely get checked out just to be safe! My Braxton hicks were pretty intense. I went to the hospital and all was ok.
Go get checked out just to be safe I had the same problem and found out I was one centimetre dilatated I remained like that for a few days
I’m 39 weeks and having irregular contractions everyday now. The midwife said to follow the 5-1-1 rule while timing them. Once they become this frequent, it’s considered to be active labor and time to call into the Labor & Delivery team to let them know you are coming in.
With my first, I ONLY had period like pains, nothing in my abdomen. And those turned out to be my contractions. I didn’t believe I was in labor until my water broke Start timing them and check in with your doctor!
Not to be mean but by the time you get the answer you are waiting for your baby will probably be born
Any concerns always contact ur midwife.
With my son I got this radiating feeling of a bad period cramp that would come an go for a few days (I gathered it was my body getting ready) an felt a lot of pressure below… Then my water broke early hours of the morning.
I had my baby at 37 weeks, cleaned the house and labored at home for 6 hours before they got bad to where I couldn’t talk. Time them. I went to the hospital when they were 10 min apart for an hour
I would be checked by your dr. I went into labor early with my second and didn’t even realize it. I just didn’t feel well and something felt off. I was very uncomfortable. I was in full labor by time I went in
I had period like cramping the day I went into labour. I felt really off and didn’t really want to move off the couch.
Had a shower thinking I’ll feel better… nope
Contractions started
For me it felt like a clock was ticking in my stomach . It was so weird.
Its weird that your waist is warm and in pain. I was 8 months pregnant with my 3rd. Thought I was in labor but knew something was off because the pain was higher in my waist, ended up having to having to have my appendix out.
I am confused as to why people would rather come to fb and ask questions that should be asked to your personal doctor? I’m sure you have a nurse on call 24/7.
I didn’t think I was in labor I was 35 weeks didn’t feel pain just kinda pressure or uncomfortable went for a routine check up and turns out I was 3 cm dilated and in labor got sent to hospital and gave birth the next day after they tried everything to try and keep baby in longer 🤷🏻♀
39+3 here and it sounds like Braxton Hicks… my OB reccomend taking hot showers and hot baths if I feel uncomfortable but I’m not having them consistently enough, then lie down and relax! 5 contractions lasting 1 minute during 1 hour. Some could be strong, or they could just be crampy feelings. You should still call your DR just to be safe Good Luck
Call your doctor. When I went into labor it felt like strong period cramps.
With my first I had braxton hicks from 33 weeks on. I had no normal contractions when labor started, just severe back pain and could hardly walk. Currently just shy of 35 weeks with my second and have been having braxton hicks again plus back pain. Keep an eye on baby movement and contact your ob/midwife to find out what they’d like you to do
Sounds like you may be in early labor …37 weeks is fine to go into labor if you’ve had no problems in the pregnancy but I agree call the hospital you plan on delivering at to speak to a nurse😊
Oh honey…you’ll know when you are in labor…trust me…pains will be consistent…time them…they will be regular and consistent…good luck!!
My recent pregnancy I didn’t even know I was in labor, I thought I was constipated. Then I just felt uncomfortable Period like pains was 40 weeks though so I went in just in case. I walked in the hospital and just made it to the delivery room just in time to get my clothes off laid down, baby was out. So I would most defiantly get checked. My OB told me to come in if I ever had period type like pains because neither pregnancy’s I knew I was in labor.
I’ve heard stories of people who were in labor and I had no idea. I hate those people. I was miserable shoving my face into my pillow rocking back and forth with no doubt I was in labor lol
Probably…go to the hospital…
I say go in. With my first I just had cramps for maybe 12 hours went in and was 3cm dilated
I was told I “would know” when I was in labor because of the contractions would be unbearable… nope all I had was crampyness and nausea but felt off went to the drs I was 8cm dilated had my son a couple hrs later
Braxton hicks you’ll know when it’s TRUE labor cause they come every 5 to 10 minutes n get stronger
When I was in labor with my first I didn’t know I thought I had gas pains so you never know for sure if you don’t talk to your ob
With my second I didn’t know I was in labor. I was having back pain and I thought it was because I was sitting on the floor wrapping Christmas presents causing my back to hurt but then I went to the bathroom and I was bleeding and that’s how I knew I was in labor. I don’t remember having bad contractions.
Call your doctor. When I was in labor I had no pain just sick to my stomach. Only your doctor can tell you what is really going on.
My daughter her second daughter she was 5 to 6 months pregnant and she went to the hospital and barely got there and the baby came out she weighed 1 lb something and still is alive to this day she is 10 her son after the daughter she was like 5 to 6 months pregnant her water broke the end of May they put her in the hospital in the next biggest town from here which is Dallas and kept him there till June the 12th he was born he only weighed 1 lb or 2 lb something he’s a 9-year-old grown up boy and is doing very well so it’s better to get checked just in case then to wait and it be too late
Privat provably early labor. I started off with period like crampsbut they progressed fast and then I knew I was in labor
I’m 38 + 5 and my tummy has been getting really hard and then a cramp on my lower right side but doesn’t happen often
At that point in pregnancy better safe then sorry, go in and get checked
baby is turning itself into his/her delivery position, that is what may b causing the on off pains
Time them, if they are regular intervals or keep getting closer you might be in labor. Also, phone you doctor or go to the hospital just to clear it with them
We are not doctors not everyone experiences the same pains if in doubt go get checked out. Better safe than sorry good luck
Most likely braxton hicks Drink some chilled water and lie down on your side they should go away. If not and they intensify go in could be early labor (but early labor could last 6-12 hours)
If the pain subsides when you drink water or move postions or walk it is braxton hicks if nothing helps to subside the pain it is real you wont be able to talk with out stopping and if changing postion or .drinking doesnt help that is real labor
When you get the pains start a stop watch on your phone to see how long they last, and how close they are. Once they are 1-2 minutes apart then there’s a high chance baby is coming!!
If you can type and talk then you are not in labor. But i had pains on and off for a week before i started with my 1st. Doctor said he wouldnt see me in a week. Because i would have had baby by then. (I was 37 weeks). He was 100% correct lol
Always be safe rather than sorry. Call your ob or local labor and delivery unit.
Time them honey. If they’re less than five mins apart and last for 30-90 seconds, go to the hospital. For now, you can just take a relaxing bath. If they stop, it was just Braxton Hicks. If they keep up, it’s probably labor.
Can i just say… “ WHEN you’re in LABOR. trust me. YOU WILL KNOW… there will be no doubt!! Lol. I know that doesn’t exactly answer your question and I’m sorry. But! You could be in very early labor. Active labor however, is (unfortunately)VERY VERYYYYYY VERYYYYYYYYY painful and trust me. YOULL KNOW !
I had my child two week early … my back felt like I couldn’t move then my water broke and I was not even dilated to a two so I’d go get checked out I was also in ans out of labor and delivery. For a whole week every other day
With my first I could not move at all the pain in my back was too much. With my last I didn’t even know I was in labor. If you are not sure call labor and delivery or your OB.
Period pain was the start of my labor.
I suggest you call your mid wife or whoever you go to. Facebook is not the place to ask these questions
If you can’t sleep. Or have to stop when you feel these pains. Your probably in labor.
It could either be braxton hicks or early labor as covered above, doesn’t harm to give your midwife or the maternity assessment centre a call. Better to be cautious! Good luck
Count how long they last and how far between and call your ob. If you feel in your gut something is wrong, go in.
That sounds like hicks. But so time them in case. The real labor was similar to that but sharper and with back labor as well.
Defo call midwife. Also in regards to timing these pains theirs actually a app (i know i was shocked too) i used it with baby no3 as my contractions were all over place so it helped me time them
I would get checked. With my first I had uncomfortable pains like period cramps amd I was going to stay home. If it wasn’t for my partners mam telling me to get checked I would have had him at home as I was 9cm. With my 2nd I had a bleed on the Fri.they kept me in for observations and cause the machine was showing strong contractions, even though I felt nothing and thought I was going home, they checked me sat night and I was 5cm. Everyone is different but I don’t feel the contractions. until its ready to push its jist uncomfortable xxx
People asking why people on here asked on Facebook for medical advise instead of doctor Well am currently 7 months pregnant I have never seen or had check up or met or spoke to midwife and same with doctors due to covid rules so far been on my own dealing with pregancy for 7months only relying on Google for medical advise and people on Facebook to for advise as for the girl in question hope you’re well and sounds like you’re in labour good luck:heart:
Could be preterm labor! Lay on your side and drink two large glasses of water. If they do not go away go in, that’s what I was always told. Could also be Braxton Hicks! Your first pregnancy is scary and I remember thinking what if I don’t know I’m in labor? Believe me you will know!
Take a warm bath. This was the advice my midwife gave me for my first. If the pains ease up and are not consistently progressing then it’s false labor. Mine ended up being preterm labor 6 weeks early so I’m glad I was able to tell it was real to go to the hospital.