How can I tell labor is near after a membrane sweep?

I am 40+1 weeks today and my ob did another stretch and sweep I was 3cm and 75% effaced before the sweep. I know bleeding is normal but I’ve passed 2 clots now the first maybe smaller then a dime and the second was maybe smaller then a nickel or the size of. Should I call L&D?

I was able to feel the contractions a few days after my membrane sweep. If you feel cramping I would go in and get checked.

I think some bleeding is normal after a sweep but if you’re worried definitely call

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If you’re producing clots you should definitely call

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I’ve labored 4 children naturally 2 decided they wanted to be late.sweeping the membrane does cause a little blood.always call your this stage with any concerns but you are on the home stretch.youll know when your labor starts.since your asking I don’t think your quite there but close.