How can I tell my family that I am a witch?

Any other mommy witches out there? How do you come out of the “broom closet” to your family? I recently got into witchcraft and fell in love with it, but my family is very Christian, and I know they will have a huge issue with it…I don’t like hiding my true self but I don’t want to lose my family either. Has anyone been in the same situation?


Do you realize how crazy that sounds


If they aren’t comfortable with it then don’t day anything unless brought up. It’s like politics love


Girly I think you need a psychiatric hospital :grimacing:


I was raised pagan by my mom but she died and everyone else around me growing up was Christian, and I married into an advendtist christian family. All I do is just wear my pentacle and tell them it’s a 5 pointed star with the circle representing life if they ask, and I joke about being witchy/ ‘the witch bitch’ etc but don’t every make it come across as serious. I have really long hair and joke that i’m a swamp witch a lot too.

I think now everyone assumes i’m into the occult but when asked i’ve never confirmed it, just said I believe differently than they do and left it at that.

use one of your spells to tell them since it works :woman_shrugging:t4:


Please don’t be nasty to this momma!


Maybe use different wording…saying you are a witch sounds pretty ridiculous.


My 4 year old was born into it… He has been a “rock”collector since he could stash them in his pampers lol. We don’t call it that though. We just live the life….
My son calls it “healings”


Most people totally misunderstand Wicca. It probably will depend on how you explain it to them. My 16 year old daughter has been practicing for the past couple of years and it’s become a way of life for her.


I’m a Satanist and my family is very bible thumpy but they just mind their own business. What I chose to believe in is up to me not anyone else.


Why in the world would u say anything specially if u know its gonna cause probs??? U dont have to hide anything just dont discus it!!! Dont shove it down others throats specially if u know they will disagree.


Loose lips sink ships

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Is is really any of their business??

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Don’t dance with the devil!!!


Please pm me so I can direct you to a page you will get positive advice for this and not trampled by small minded people :blush::black_heart::black_heart:


Do what you feel is right. If they don’t accept it or think it’s crazy that’s a reflection of who they are not you. I don’t support certain religions but I respect them.


I’m really at a loss on why you all think its okay to bash some one on their beliefs. If this lady was Muslim or some other shit you all would be for it. Grow the hell up.

I just don’t tell my family stuff like that. My SO respects that I’m into Wicca and I have friends that practice also, I’m in groups on FB for it but its my thing for myself and its not my family’s business :person_shrugging:t2:


They’ll think you sound ridiculous just as you think they’re ridiculous. And that’s that.


Some things just aren’t worth mentioning. What they don’t know won’t hurt them and it’ll save you having the regret of telling them when you know they won’t agree.


I would say… don’t.

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Look, first off I’m gonna say you need to ignore the negative BS that’s hitting your post. Ignorant people will ALWAYS judge and say rude things about stuff they don’t understand or agree with. You came here for friendly advice and unfortunately or fortunately (however you choose to see it) THIS thread is gonna give you plenty opportunity to learn how to tune people out. If you’re comfortable with YOUR path and it makes you happy then that is all that matters. You don’t NEED to come out of the broom closet to your family unless you see fit to do so. It isn’t anyone else’s dam business what your spiritual path is. And I am a witch too. There’s many different ways to be a witch and none of them is wrong unless you’re hurting other people!!! Hit me up if you want someone to talk to. Always be BOLDLY YOU and block out the negativity. Sending you much love and light for your journey.


Is your name Nancy Pelosi? :thinking:


Cast a spell to make them cool with it


As you can see, you’ll run into intolerance everywhere. You don’t need to “come out” to them, just do you. You can practice as a solitary practitioner or you can find local shops that usually have meetings. There’s lots of online groups full of useful knowledge and thousands of books. You can do it all without ever having to tell a soul and it wouldn’t be living a lie because you’re still practicing just not in front of judgmental eyes.


If it’s important to you that they know just come out with it. They will either be open or not, and there’s not much you can do to help it one way or another. One thing that I’ve found with people who are open is that you can show them just how many elements of witchcraft are instilled even in mundane things and their own religion. Blowing out birthday candles, tossing salt over your left shoulder, religious alters (even for Jesus and Saints). They might be able to see that your beliefs aren’t too far from their own. There are even Christian witches!


Don’t think it’s the right page to ask this :sweat_smile:… My opinion is, it will be hard for them to accept it, they may think your working for the devil, if you really want to tell them make sure you ready for the lash back off them,


How does these things work lol :joy: is it even real!


It aint their buisness :woman_shrugging:t2:

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You want to destroy your life and that of those around you. God have mercy on you and open your mind to His truth. Jesus Christ is still greater no matter what the devil has said


Why do they need to know? What you do in your personal time is your business…

As you see within these comments. Things like this will never be accepted because of the ongoing disbelief… Just do you boo :kissing_heart::heart:


I usually throw a couple hail satans around then read the room from there.
If they don’t like it, f*ck em


After a Harry Potter marathon of course!

That’s not your true self. That’s the wrong path to take and you will soon find out that playing with the occult is not what it’s cracked out to be, you will legit have demons torment you & be hit with all sorts of warfare but not only that, the spiritual world is binding, so you’re not just entering into a covenant with the devil, you’re also entering your children into it by default. I would not mess with it if I were you, I’m speaking from experience because I told used to mess with witchcraft and I literally had demons in my house and there were a lot of supernatural and paranormal activity in my house like objects being fling across the room & had demons pay me visits and would experience a lot of spiritual torment since I messed with witchcraft… it’s like things in my life we’re getting worse, and it get like I had to go from one type of witchcraft to protect me from certain demons and curses… but nothing would work, I then gave my life to Jesus and got delivered from the spirits of witchcraft & the demons that were tormenting me, I had GOD’s help and supernatural protection. You need to be careful what you open yourself, your house and your children up to. Jesus is the only way! And GOD does not approve of of such things, it’s abominable to him… either way he loves the sinner and not the sin and he will be waiting for you arms wide open when you do decide to repent and turn from that evil. you’re straying away from the good foundation that you’re family has been connected to, which is GOD. Witchcraft and the Occult is the devils arena & it’s not worth it… zbelieve me, it is NOT worth it. Nevertheless, we all have free will.


Do you know what you are calling yourself into? Isn’t witchcraft the one we’re followers worship Satan? The African version of witchcraft is very cruel very soon the people around you will start dying.


I’ve been in the opposite situation where I was thought to be a witch but am not.
Honestly, unless you feel the need to tell them, why not keep it to yourself? Not saying to hide it… If that is what interests you then embrace it. If you need to tell them, be prepared for backlash.


I want to know if you can turn Farhaad Mukhtar into a frog lmao


I have friends who are into there families know and it doesn’t necessarily mean going into Satan either like some people say stay on good side of it.

Whoa I would not mess with any of that. May our Lord Jesus protect your loved ones as you open this door


I was born and raised pagan. My family is a mixture of Christians, Catholics, and pagans. We all get along because we respect each other’s freedom of will to choose our own path. Do what you think you need to do and the stand up for your self.


I watch charmed and want to be a witch too :slight_smile:


Raven C. Streeter how did you tell your family? Any helpful tips? :face_with_monocle:

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‘Just let them know what is happening and they will either be ok or not. It sounds like you are expecting this to be a huge thing so if that’s the case try talking to a more open minded person in your family first to gauge what the concerns may be from others then go from there. You are exactly right that you should not hide who you are but that doesn’t mean you stick it to people who disagree. Good luck and I hope it goes smoothly.

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I am a Christian so therefore I am not going to JUDGE YOU on this. :wink:

But I have also educated myself on Wicca as well to better understand my friends. It’s really not that bad. It’s basically yoga of the mind. I don’t know why people make a big deal out of it.

But anyways, love and light to you. I just wouldn’t tell them. Most people are very closed minded and can’t understand things like this.


Rosey Kincaid this reminds me of what you told me on Wednesday lol

Oyy. The ignorance on this thread :woozy_face:


A lot of these comments are a perfect example that you will never please everybody! You do what makes YOU happy! Screw the naysayers and leave their judgement at the door. If you feel the desire to share than just tell them casually. I personally think telling too many people at one time could be overwhelming to you. Keep doing what makes you happy Momma :purple_heart:


What does this post have to do with being a mother?!? Are you telling your kids?


Just like you want to be respected for your life style, you have to show them the same amount of respect for theirs. Honestly some might fear you and not want you in their home, some might ask questions out of interest and others may lecture you. Have respect, patience and kindness.


My cousin lost her shit when I said I was pagan and it started a train that eventually led to us no longer speaking.

Why even bother telling them. I’d only mention it if it came up

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Join Macabre Moms - we get each other there! I just avoid the topic of religion with my family. Your personal practices/faith/beliefs aren’t any one else’s business but yours :black_heart:


I don’t believe in ppl “getting into witchcraft”… You’re born and raised into it. That closet you’re opening has demons that will hurt you. I know someone that was literally born with powers. And helps others in good ways. But listen… You’re an adult. Expect to be treated different by some. And laughed at by others. As long as you messing with this only attaches to you. Don’t let ur little “magic” attach to those you visit. Buying stones at a mall kiosk.and etsy and herbs at Spencer’s will only get you evil spirits. Good luck :woozy_face:


Around here that’s what we call a Wednesday…

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You dont have to tell them I’m a Wiccan/pagen and not a whole lot of my family know but if you want to tell them then just tell them or you can kinda do a how would you feel if you knew someone who is a witch and wait for an answer that way you can gage how receptive they will be

Woooow so much ignorance going on, real Christians wouldn’t judge…just saying.

For me religion is a deeply personal thing so unless they asked I wouldn’t say much. No sense in hiding but I wouldn’t flaunt it either I guess. I also respect other people’s beliefs when I’m in their home though, so if they means blessing the food or letting them pray it’s no big deal.


There’s a lot of uneducated close minded people trying to project their beliefs onto you. I’d try joining and asking this group. I think they would help you get your answers and it’s a pretty judgement free zone. Peace, love, light. Redirecting...


My family just things I’m weird and eccentric lol but then come to me for readings, they are all christians also, some with take time, some will except and some will walk away but then you know who real in your life and who’s fake so it’s a win win :slightly_smiling_face: just be you and true and blessed be :slightly_smiling_face:

I didn’t really tell my family but we aren’t super close. Not really anyone’s business if you pray to God or to the universe or Creator or rocks, etc.

As in like a pagan??
Someone is always going to judge…do you.

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God save me from good Christians :rofl::rofl:


It’s none of their business honestly. Your beliefs are your own. Not everyone is going to understand. As long as you’re happy, nothing else matters.


Seriously the level of ignorance in this thread.

PSA to a ton of you, when you have literally zero idea what you’re talking about, you really just shouldn’t say anything at all.

To the OP, don’t listen to 99% of these comments, because they have literally no clue. You will always have judgemental idiots with something to say. You only need to tell those, that you want to & are comfortable with telling. Some family may be judgemental & make comments, others may brush it off & others may actually become intrigued- even if not right away.

You can PM me if youd like!


Don’t tell them all at once. Tell the ones you feel closest to maybe. I’m a Christian, but in my views it is not my place to judge, and it is not their place to judge either. If they judge you for it then they are sinning just as much as they say you are sinning. Unfortunately not all Christians see it that way.


People just walking around witches and shit

Y’all need to educate yourselves on Wiccan and witches.


Errmmm…I came out to my family years ago…my Parents are Presbyterian Ministers.

I came out in high school. My mom was like “it’s just a phase you’ll grow out of it” but later was like " you mind if I read that book" lol she wasn’t upset anymore once she learned about what I was actually doing and soon very supportive. So educating your family about what you are doing is probably the best way to get them to understand. My mom started calling me her moon child and I loved it.


Tell your family to do some research.

I told my mom in high school she was fine with it, my siblings still think its a joke. My stepdad thinks Im going to hell and I had to move out or convert… so I moved. I still talk to my family and love them but stepdad still thinks the same.

I’m a Christian and very good friend with a witch. We had a deep talk the other day and explained it to me. All the stereotypes and myths. Good conversation and more knowledgeable now. Understanding and respect go a long way. I would just say please respect my spirituality as I would respect yours.


I’m shocked that women would insult each other so easily.


I’m empath as well as both of my daughters. I honestly didn’t really have to “come out” to family. They could see it with how emotional all 3 of us can get. My husband on the other hand…still doesn’t really understand when I’m crying over “nothing” or I’m all of a sudden sick when I’m around pregnant people or stressed the f out when he walks through the door from work


I’m of the same faith my grandmother introduced me and I come from an agnostic household so I never had an issue. My grandma gave me tarot cards matter of fact lol I don’t usually share ny faith with others I just practice privately if it comes up it comes up.

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Y’all talking about Jesus loves her blah blah blah. And you are a Christian but y’all judging the fuck outta her. Damn :roll_eyes: shut up Karen

My church (Unitarian) calls it “Earth-based spirituality,” which might be a more palatable term for your family. Just say it harks back to ancient practices. Heck, we have Christmas trees because of the pagan Druids.

Maybe you can share some of the tamer rituals with them and tell them the pentacle is a very ancient, pre-Christianity symbol for the Earth, which it is. If they believe the Christian god created the universe, you can bond over appreciation of the creation. Early (and some modern) churches used censers to burn sage or other aromatics too, so saging sacred spaces is OK.

Find common ground, agree to disagree, change the subject and discuss something else. Cast the sacred circle before or after you see them. The more you talk about it, the more likely they will push back trying to evangelize.

If they get out of hand, threaten to cast an evil spell on them or burn them at the stake. KIDDING!


Again with the insults. I don’t know nothing about what advice you are seeking all I can say is ask another page about this that has more experience and women who won’t bash you because people are disgusting in here. I hope you get an answer you are looking for though :heart:


I’m a Witch. My family are Christian Republicans. I don’t want to hear about their politics or religion so I don’t talk about mine. I’m not hiding anything. My personal beliefs are none of their concern or business.


Do what your gut tells you. Us witches utilize our intuition and if you feel deep in your soul that you need to relay this information to your family, go for it. Your spirit guides will always guide you, through good and bad. Sending love and light sis.


I just do my thing around my older kids and my youngest joins me

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Cast a spell on them so they don’t turn their backs on you.
And btw how is it acceptable for them to believe in God but not for you to believe in witchcraft??


Blast the song ‘im coming out’
Then suprise them.


My family are heavy Catholics and I’m into the opposite. Dark, creepy, death and evil lol. They believe that I am a child of god amd that’s how I’m leaving it.

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What exactly do you need to tell them, if you’re a witch then just be a witch :woman_shrugging: if they have questions answer them accordingly. A tree don’t need to explain that it’s a tree, it just is.


Also, maybe you can ask them to read a book on Wicca that would introduce them to the practices & ask for their opinions after, like your family’s personal summer book club reading of something you found fascinating. Then you can gauge where to go from there.

Haley Brooke Myers can you give her advice?

Coming from a Christian witch in the “broom closet”, :laughing:I wouldn’t hide your craft and just would let them come to their own conclusions lol​:sweat_smile: my family just thinks I’m kind of :sparkles:eccentric​:sparkles: :joy: but if the subject did come up, I’d be honest with them and say that you’d like them to be respectful of your spiritual journey, as you will be respectful of theirs :blush:


what is a ‘witch’? i’m just curious! do what makes your soul happy. the rest will be fine.


Girlfriend. I’m a hot mess of lots of things, but none of them are CHRISTIAN. :joy::joy: I was raised Mormon. So wheeeew, shit can get dangerous lmao. I just do me. I don’t participate in church activities. I’ve had a few people jokingly call me a jesus hater which its all light hearted and for the most part everyone respects my own beliefs, or better yet, lack thereof. You don’t have to TELL anyone anything. But you can easily just stop participating in theirs. The one time there was almost an issue was when I was explaining to my Aunt that we celebrate Christmas and Easter, but we do not celebrate the birth or death of Christ and she thought that it made NO sense at all. She almost freaked out. I told her we celebrate the TRUE meaning the holidays were intended to be. She said “ohhhhhh I’m sorry I hadn’t realized you officially proclaimed yourself as agnostic” and I was just like “uhhh yeah well I didn’t actually proclaim myself as agnostic but we can just go with that.” :joy::joy:

Tbh I just slowly accumulated more and more witchy stuff and never hid it. Eventually it just became a pointless topic because it was very evident I was into witchy shit, but I was too far into it for anyone to be like “woah wait what?”.
Also froming from christian background, if you really wanna have that convo, just explain you want to study other things to help “strengthen your faith”. Again, by the time you start practising fulltime, itd be too late to say anything. Its generally not a topic that NEEDS to be spoken about. Just let people figure it out themselves

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Tell them you have a terminal illness and have 6 months to get your affairs in order. After they freak out, tell them the truth :woman_shrugging::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


As a Christian, I feel like they should offer nothing but love and respect. I know that’s not always the case with Christians as I have seen recently when people have differing beliefs. Hopefully as long as you respect their beliefs they will respect yours! Good luck :heartpulse:


What is wrong with difference of religion?? Literally the freaking nicest people I know are Pagan. And unlike some fellow Christians I know, they don’t scream in your face their difference of beliefs and how you’re wrong and burning in hell.


You are mental and have no business having children


When I was a teen I got into that whole Wiccan thing, lucky for my moms and family they accepted it since technically me and my twin got into it. It did not bother my mom at all. My dad didn’t really care. So just let them know and you got this. I stopped doing that whole Wiccan thing after a year.


Ladies please remember to remain respectful! :heart: being a witch isn’t what most of you think it is lol. We are not evil beings!


This is a fucking joke…right? Kalynn Uland

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Brittney Catlin is this you?