How can I tell my husband I want a divorce?

I need some advice on how to tell my husband i want a divorce im not really sure what to say i have some idea but i have no idea what im doing as im clueless in this area, do i talk to a lawyer first then tell him or tell him before? I dont know how bad he will react or if he will get petty. Im not really sure what else to say.


Talk to multiple lawyers 1st.


I want a divorce sounds good!


I told mine, “I think we need a divorce.” Then we had a long conversation about it. We’ve been divorced for over a year now and are still the best of friends.


You don’t need a lawyer, just fill out the paperwork and give him a chance to sign amicably

Lawyer up first. Get an escape plan ready so you are safe before spilling the beans just in case he gets vindictive. They say you never truly know a person until you divorce them. Especially if kids or significant marital assests are involved. You don’t want him to go nuclear and leave you in a lurch.


Just be totally honest and sit him down when you are both calm and tell him that you haven’t been happy for a long time and you imagine he feels the same way so it’s time to make some changes. Life is too short to be unhappy with your partner.


I had paperwork don’t at lawyers first and ready to be served. Then told him and had it mailed. He was so angry he was losing the idea of controlling me, wished I’d have him served the papers at work in front of everyone. Worst year of my life was the year it took my divorce to get finalized. Good luck.

First. Do you have your exit plan ? Money, a place to live, job, etc.
Second. Contact a lawyer.
Third… if you think councilling will help, you can try that.
If you have fear, have a friend with you.


Lawyer first…Always. Or you can go to a law center and have the papers drawn up yourself with the help of staff. It’s usually around $500. Then you pick who you want too serve him.(friend family ect…) You won’t have to tell him anything. He’ll know once he’s been served. Why cause more drama by telling him before hand…


The grass isn’t always greener on the other side . Maybe try counseling and try to work it out first . Be 100 percent honest with him and tell him exactly how you feel in a respectful way.
Communication goes a long way.

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Are you prepared financially? Do you have your own account and some savings on the side?

change the locks & set his stuff outside :woman_shrugging:t4::rofl: that’s what i did :skull:

Be honest. Everyone deserves to know what is going on in their marriage.

Well I don’t know your reasons, but if it’s just the I’m not feeling him anymore maybe sit down with him and some counseling. It’s a sad world we live in when marriage seems to just be an option instead of something to actually work for, but as i said don’t know what triggered it. But anyway why beat around the bush go to your lawyer draw your papers and have him served, you might want to make sure you have a place to go 1st.

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Unless your husband is Lilkly to harm you don’t be sneaky and just sit him down and tell him your intentions. If you have been unhappy for a while then he knows it’s coming, come to an understanding with what you both want and be civil about it. If you go and involve lawyers and everything first he will feel betrayed and not be very friendly with you about it


Just tell him,and since you want to end the marriage then you leave the family home and find somewhere else to live and lf children around then you need to make arrangements about seeing them like every 2nd weekend and one phone call a week

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So you want complete strangers from all over the world to tell you how to leave your husband??? :woman_facepalming:

That very much depends on circumstances.
I’d talk to a therapist first to navigate what’s going on in your head. Then a lawyer if you’re going to go through with it. Then tell him the truth and either figure it out together or draw your final line.


I would suggest going to a counselor first. Everyone’s circumstances are different. You need to protect yourself physically, mentally and financially… if you have children that’s even more to consider.

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Lawyer first if u don’t know how he will react. Just in case he is petty u wanna make sure you’re protected and know all ur rights

He’ll probably be happy honestly