How can I tell my parents that I am pregnant again?

I need some advice I just found out I’m pregnant I have a 17 month old I still live with my parents how the hell do I tell them I’m pregnant again I’m scared to tell them how do I even tell them someone give me some advice I’m stu


The best advice I can give you is start making better decisions. That and make them a nice dinner one night and just tell them. I was in your position once and my parents didn’t take it great but they didn’t kick us out either. My dad told me people’s kids are out there dying of cancer so if the worst thing we had to worry about was another baby, we’re doing okay. My boys are 15 and 17 now. It’ll all be okay.


I can only tell you how I’d prefer to find out if one of mine were pregnant and still lived at home… say it quickly and get it over with. Be prepared to apologize if you require financial support, and let them know your plan to be able to support yourself and prevent any more pregnancies.
If you don’t have a plan, come up with one before you tell them.


I mean it’s time to be an adult and just tell them :woman_shrugging: there’s so many questions. How old are you? Do they have the same dad? If not, are the dads in the picture? Do they help out at least financially?Are you financially stable or are your parents paying for everything and that’s why you’re nervous to tell them? Are you able to move out? I will say most of the time it will work its self out. Be the best mom you can be and hang in there.


Just remember that if you receive a negative reaction, it’s not because they don’t care about you or the baby. I’m assuming they are helping you put financially? Or in another way? Once that baby arrives, they will be so in love.

Maybe gather all photos you have of them and your 17 month old and put them in a photo album…kinda remind them how much they love your child. Then at the very end, put a photo that has a baby announcement and maybe have a caption that says “more love on the way” something like that. Basically remind them how precious children are even when they aren’t expected. Best of luck!


I would tell them and immediately makes moves to move out and support yourself. They can’t really give you shit then. If you’re unable to support yourself then seek help from the baby’s dad and work together. If that’s not an option figure out a plan to better yourself so you are able to support yourself and maybe they will help you while you help yourself. Your parents aren’t entitled to support your kids. Especially if they are nearing retirement. Good luck.

Sometimes parents don’t react well even when you’re a full grown adult who supports themself. I’m 41 with a 15 and 2 yr old. When I told my mom I was pregnant with the youngest she said some things. Some very very ugly things. I didn’t speak to her for a few months. Now she is absolutely in love with her. I forgave but didn’t forget. We don’t have a village so I had to do what I had to do and we’re ok now. It’ll work out. Babies have a way of bringing people together. Just don’t have 1 to save a relationship cause that’s not the bringing together I’m talking about lol

Gently. Are they supporting you and your child? Maybe it’s time you moved out.


Find a place of your own, then tell him.


Simply tell them. You’re an adult. Just be prepared for it to go either way. If they already have a problem with you and are financially supporting you and your child, expect disappointment and the possibility of being thrown out. If you have a good relationship I’d still expect some kind of lecture but nothing big.

I was 40 and scared to tell my dad ,
But bc of prior health issues with pregnancy…
My adult son and dad did get angry but they was OK afterwards, but kinda had to be.
But I say find a place of your own then tell them lol


My mom lives with me and my husband and we have 4 kids already and she says all the time y’all better not have anymore kids well when I thought I was pregnant I told her I said” mom the plastic rap didn’t work” and she was ok with it now we have another one on the way :joy:

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That’s a roughy spot-
I have no idea what there financial situation is or yours but it can be overwhelming and stressful for them to find out they have another person they feel responsible HOWEVER——Remember they love you and they want the best for you and your kiddos! I would make an action plan. Have an idea of when you plan on getting on your own feet when you tell them. Having a plan might lighten there mental load for them. It will also give you something to work for.

Praying for all of you!


I had an 7 month old and a 6 year old when I found I was pregnant. My mom told me, “no more, get your tubes tied before I tie them myself” I have awful pregnancies though and the last one resulted in an emergency C-section

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I take it neither babies father is in the pictures


Tell them straight like an adult, you’re going to be a mother of 2 and should think like an adult. Sit with them and tell them in a better way than you told them about your first pregnancy. Also, give them your action plans because definitely, they won’t accept just apologies especially if they’d be babysitting and helping out raise another grandchild since you still live with them. They are your parents, there will be different emotions but they will eventually understand. Laying down your action plans on the table after the reveal will help but be ready to agree if they set new terms because it is their house.

Just be honest, they’re your parents

Start by making better choices. They maybe upset but they love you and will more than likely be ok. Trust God and he will help you.


Just be honest and tell them. Not sure how old u are but my kids are 11 months apart. We moved back in with my mom in Ohio from Florida when I was pregnant with #1. My mother is very religious. Me and their dad never married. The only reason we were allowed to live with her in the first place was because of her grandchild. Btw I was 28 when I had him lol. Fast forward a few months and realized I was pregnant again. She wasn’t happy but what could she do? I’m a fully grown adult. #2 came 5 weeks early on my 29th birthday. They just turned 13 and 14


Just tell them there’s no way to sugar coat it , can’t send it back and if they love the first one, they will love number 2, they will still love you as well . I’m a nonnie to 4 and I had a daughter in your shoes , praying for you :pray: :heart:.

Be honest and just come out with it. We all know that if we’re having relations this can happen. You weren’t worried about it then, so now you have to deal with the consequences

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Tell them you didn’t learn your lesson from the first time or say your first child felt lonely and wanted to give it a sibling


My first- I did over text at the baby daddy’s place (we are no longer together) he’s going to be 6 I was 19 and chicken sh*t to tell my mom
My dad I just told him while he was waking up for work.
My second- I was with my mom to take my oldest to the Dr. I asked the day before for her to grab me tums since I had acid reflux (only ever happened when pregnant which I knew I was) she had asked if I was when I asked her to grab me some I said “no.” I had taken 3 tests that same day all positive. In the Dr lot I said “remember when I asked you to get me tums yesterday?” She said “yeah?” I then asked “remember how you asked if I was pregnant? And I said no.” She again said “yeah?” All I said was “I lied.” She turned her head as She asked “Well did you take a test?” Turned back to look at me as I was holding up 3 fingers. She wasn’t mad at all, surprised? Yes. Mad? No.
My dad I told Christmas day my sister wanted to tell him so I was like “okay.” He came down the steps and I said “Okay, tell him.” She said “well now I don’t want to.” I rolled my eyes and said “congratulations you’re gonna be a grandpa again!” If looks could kill my sisters bf would have been D E A D lmaooo then I was “Oh crap! No! Me me me me I’m pregnant!” He sighed a breath of relief and says “Okay, I’d rather neither of you be pregnant but if I had to choose I’d rather it be you.” In retrospect I don’t blame him for thinking it was her. Still funny. He’s now 3
My 3rd- he was planned it was just a matter of WHEN I’d get pregnant. So everyone was expecting it. He’s now a month old.
All boys.

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Just tell them. There’s no easy way , just know eventually it will all work out. They may be upset in the beginning ,but they will come around.

You need to get on birth control and look after yourself! Men aren’t going to do it.


I called my dad and asked if he was ready to be a grandpa again when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter

I would put your 17 month old in a shirt that says “big brother” or “big sister”!

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Just come out with it. They are your family. They will either accept it or they will throw a fit. Let them be mad if they are mad.

Put your pregnancy test in a gift bag and a t shirt saying big brother or sister for your child

Maybe get an apartment then tell them if you think they’ll be upset

If you can’t tell them you’re pregnant maybe you shouldn’t have gotten pregnant

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You need to get your act together. There is no reason for anyone to be getting knocked up these days . You need to get on a housing list and get some resources . One is forgivable… a second is just irresponsible

You move out that is how you tell them.

Well maybe you should learn how to keep your legs close so you don’t have to ask that question on the internet


you were adult enough to play & make a baby now be adult enough to tell them before you start showing…

Mom dad I didn’t place the pill between my knees again so congratulations ur gonna be grandparents AGAIN

How did they respond the first time? and how have they been with your baby since having them? Are they only helping you by letting you live there or are they helping with more? And if helping more, how much more? That’s what I would think about before deciding how to tell them.

Hop off your keyboard
And simply tell them
Your pregnant again
Next thing you do is grow up
If you need/want to have sex
Be responsible

Is adoption an option ??? It’s a hard choice. Time to talk with your parents.

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Hmmm!! Why are you scared? I mean if you and the baby daddy’s take care of the 1st kid. Then it should be all be ok


Are they supporting you and your 17 month old? If not then it really shouldn’t be that big of a deal.


Why are you scared? Like I don’t get it. If you’re a grown woman, there’s really no reason you should be living at home, and if you are, that really shouldn’t matter that you’re pregnant again. Your parents can just get over it. 

Is there more context? No offense, but are you really young and they’re helping support you still? Or any reason they may be mad or disappointed? If not, I’d go with one of the suggestions above and include your oldest child in the announcement.

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I would just tell them and then find some way to prevent future pregnancies. This sounds like it could quickly become a problem if not.


How old are you? Just tell them. Grow up and put your big girl pants on. Where’s the baby daddy in all this?

Hey mom and dad, I’m pregnant. Done.

I mean there’s no hiding it, suck it up and get it done, you think they’re going to react a certain way and our thoughts are usually worse that what ACTUALLY happens, good luck and stop having sex!

If u r too scared too sit them down and tell them put it in a letter sometimes U can say much more in writing it down

Just tell them. It’s better to just face it instead of dwelling on it. It’ll suck at first, but things will cool down and you’ll feel better and so will they. Of course they’ll be disappointed but I think the longer you wait to say it, the more upset they’ll be especially because they’re supporting you (I’m assuming) and will have to help you with another kid.

“Mom, Dad, I’m pregnant”.

It’s going to be obvious very soon so tell them

Put a “big brother” or “big sister” shirt on the kid and let them do it :smirk: Btw I was in the exact same boat as you, had my kids back to back- young- best damn thing ever. You got this. Those two are gonna be thick as thieves and play together, somehow it was easier than one because they kept each other busy. Anyways, of course they’ll have worries but it is what it is and he/she is coming so… your happiness can be contagious. I’d let your kid do the telling :joy:

Tell them you’re moving asap so they can get a break from you

I’d say it’s none of their business, you can have 15 kids if you want. I wouldn’t care less what my parents think…… But I’m not living under their roof, they don’t support me in any way. Maybe get on a waiting list for low income housing or something, & then tell them.