How can I terminate my kids fathers rights?

Hello I am a 22y/o single mother of 3 babies (2,1,8mo) my kids dad up and left them to a different state about a month ago (I broke up with him 6mo ago) , he left to be with his PlayStation girlfriend whom he met online playing a game who lives 500 miles away , it was like a splurge thing happened very quickly they were only talking for like 3 weeks before he decided to abandon me to take care of 3 babies under 3 so that’s a little bit of the back story but my question is I want his rights terminated completely , is there a way I can do that ? Or is that not possible ?


Depends on your state, in MN since we weren’t married, I by default have full custody until my ex takes me to court. Most places you can’t just terminate rights unless there is someone willing to come in and adopt the kids. Honestly just go file for full custody and child support. No guarantee he’ll pay, mine doesn’t and they haven’t done a dang thing about it until now when he’s been declared mentally ill and unable to work currently, so now his obligation is $0/mth. Good luck!


You can go to court and get sole custody and decision making. If he wanted visitation of anything back, he’d have to go to court and file paperwork etc. Unless someone else is taking the rights, I don’t believe they’ll terminate them. He can have no visitation or decision making and still have to pay child support.


Not sure if you can but if I was you I would contact an attorney and maybe they can get him for abandonedment just up and leaving the kids and if he decides not to come back for so long they may say he just up and abandoned them and that could be a start who would ever just up and leave there kids for a woman or man he ought to be ashamed of himself. Good luck I hope you get what you want.


It’s not gonna happen after only a month. But you do need to document everything and get custody and support set up. None of us know the ins and outs of your case nor the state you live in. You need to protect the kids and yourself legally.


It depends where you are . Some, you can’t unless someone else is willing to adopt them, some that parent has to be absent for a certain period of time

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It depends on where you live. I had to be able to prove that it had been over a year since he had willingly abandoned my child, I had to give him a chance to fight it, and I had to give up all rights to back and future child support.

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It depends on your state.

Typically though, you can’t just petition a court to have his rights terminated. Otherwise mothers would always be in there petitioning to terminate the rights of the father when he pissed them off and fathers would always be in there petitioning to give up their rights when they don’t want to take care of their children.

What you should be doing is heading to the court house and filing for sole custody and child support. He can physically abandon his children, but at the very least, a court will make sure he doesn’t financially absconding his children.

Please be smart and don’t take this loser back when he inevitably comes back after his failed relationship with his online gaming girlfriend!

My sister did because he didn’t want nothing to do with my niece… all states are different… do your homework and if u feel that strong about it go for it

Abandonment Leading to Termination of Parental Rights for whatever state your in! But you have to be able to prove it!

Not unless you have another man willing to adopt the children

Contact your local attorney general office and ask.
I’m so sorry you’re going through this!

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I believe you would file it as abandonment! You wouldnt be lieing any way

It depends on where you are. Certain states won’t “bastardize”.

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Nope men are enabled. His rights can’t be terminated. However if you did the same your right would already be terminated. Go to your family court & file for sole custody though. It will give you sole rights to make decisions without him & protect them somewhat from being taken away from you by him.

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Can’t just take rights away from the father. He has to be away a certain time without getting in contact in touch or paying child support. If he is on the birth certificate. If not mother has custody in most states. But to have someone else adopt the child you have to have the fathers ok. How can you have a one year old child and a 8 month old child ? Something doesn’t add up.

Sooo long story short. Because he hurt you, you want to hurt your babies?


Go get child support for all 3 kids.


Get legal advice in your state.

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Your better off going for child support before you do all that. You can’t just take rights away because someone left you. You broke up with him 6 months ago and he left a month ago to live his life. Did you ask for child support? Did you seek the court for mediation and help? Has he contacted the children since then? Have you even filed for sole custody? These are questions the courts will ask.


Depends on what the rules/laws state…… in WI it isn’t possible even if it’s voluntary unless someone is willing to step up (step father) married and living together. Very unfortunate. Wish you the best of luck as even as far as a will goes I could motorize something stating who the kids go to but unless my es husband who doesn’t even know my youngest and hardly in my middle kiddos life 6,8 …. If he doesn’t agree to my will they will willingly allow him to take them knowing that he can’t even take care of himself

Based on the information here, I doubt any court would terminate his parental rights and for good reason!
You used the word “abandoned” but you don’t say if it is physical distance or if he’s attempting to maintain a relationship with his kids. People move out of state and still manage to maintain a relationship with their kids (not saying it’s easy but it’s easier than it used to be). You don’t say what his relationship with his kids was like before he moved but it’s been a month.
I also can’t help but notice that you said “he decided to abandon me” and I absolutely get that taking care of 3 little ones alone is difficult but it’s the word choice that struck me. He didn’t “abandon” you, you broke up with him. It sounds like you want to terminate his parental rights as some kind of “punishment” and that is no reason to do something that will effect your kids so much.
Your ex sounds like he’s immature, impulsive and selfish. Sadly that’s who he is right now but he’s young (and I AM assuming based on your age) and hopefully he will grow up. That doesn’t mean that he’s not a good dad or that he doesn’t have the potential to be a good dad. Unless he’s a danger to your kids, please don’t use them to try and control him. Your kids will eventually resent you for that and it’s not fair to them.
Being a parent means that you need to put your kids’ needs before your emotions. I’m sure you are very angry but you weren’t together and he has every right to move out of state. Ask yourself if he moved so far for a job, would you be this upset? Would you be seeking to terminate his parental rights and take your kids’ father away from them? How the distance effects his relationship with his kids is a consequence he will need to live with. But if you sever that, YOU will become the bad guy.
If these are the facts you would be presenting, the court will likely see that it’s being driven by spite. Courts do their best to protect parental relationships. The other thing you need to realize, IF you were to successfully terminate his parental rights, you will never be able to collect child support from him.
If this was me, I would do my best to NOT badmouth their father to your kids. Don’t bring up the distance but meet them where they are. If they are sad/mad/upset that they don’t see him, validate their feelings by saying that you understand but don’t go further. Focus on what YOU can do to show them that they are loved and supported. If you don’t already have one, get a support and visitation order in place and while it’s not your responsibility to get the kids to him for visits, do what you can to support a relationship between them and their father. Trust me when I say, kids are smart and they will form their own opinions about him AND about you. Teach them by example. Allow them to grow up knowing that they have YOUR love and support, it’s HIS responsibility to do the same (or not).
I absolutely understand the anger but please don’t pass that anger onto your kids. Kids figure out that they share DNA with this guy and if you paint him out as evil, they will question themselves. Reinforce that he didn’t leave because of them just that he felt it was the right thing for him. And try to find an outlet for the anger that you are feeling for your own good because you deserve peace

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My sister’s kids dad got mental disability when they got divorced. Her attorney helped her file for their support from the disability and both kids got a check from ssdi until they were 18.
The dependents are entitled to part of ssdi. Get attorney asap and get everything started

In SC if a parent goes 6 months with no contact, it’s abandonment and they lose their rights. Other than that, he would either have to willingly do it or be proven to be unfit and just bc he moved in with someone else doesn’t make him unfit. You have to have actual reasons and proof to back them. Some states even require you to have someone else be able to adopt them in case something were to happen to you. Your best bet is speaking with an attorney.

Seems like you might be a little too busy to worry about legal action, also if he attempts to call, text, email, or even breathe in your direction - run for fear of getting pregnant again

Look at your states laws some have a stipulation where you can get the non custodial parents right terminated based off of physical and emotional abandonment but you have to find out how many days or months your state requires the parent to be gone for it to stand.

I’d be making him pay for the kids, not allowing him to sign his rights away and don’t have to pay anything. Get full custody legally in your name and make him pay. If he wants to see them, get supervised visitations set up

Well , he didn’t abandon you. You broke up with him 5 months before he decided to move on. That will definitely not get his rights removed. Maybe yours.

In my state they can’t terminate rights unless you have someone to adopt and the father goes one year without trying to contact.

You canr!!! Ffs stop being jealous that he left you and move on!!! He is THE DAD and he will aways be ! Nothing you can do about it

Depending on your state, he has to be out of their lives for a while, no contact and no child support. You can’t just automatically terminate his rights right after he leaves.