Any tips on how I can transition my almost 6 month old to formula? He absolutely refuses anything that doesn’t come directly from the boob🥺 won’t even take a bottle. Helppp
Good luck! My girls were super easy transition but my boy(youngest) nope not a chance!!! It was on his terms at 14 months old
Good luck, my baby was the same way. He’s almost 13 months old and I just weaned him from the boob. He won’t even take regular milk
It may be a challenge. I started introducing my first child to bottle at 3 weeks to supplement and he flat refused . Never did change until suddenly my milk dried up when he was 11 months . He didn’t eat / drink for five days . Finally caved .
The baby might just not like the taste of formula!!! Have u tried powder vs concentrate! I’ve hear baby’s likening concentrate better then powder
Ya that’s not gonna be easy I had the same problem with my last child ended up breastfeeding her till she was 2