How can I wash my babies hair without getting water in his eyes?

How can I wash my babies hair without getting water in his ears? We are constantly getting ear infections no matter how hard I try not to get water in his ears or what we try differently to see what is a better way.

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If you have space lay him on his on the kitchen counter. Pretending he is a the barber getting a shampoo.

There’s shower cap things that go around the forehead that run off water in front of the face and head. You can also try ear plugs made for swimming or there’s clear sticky pad things that are made to go over the ears too

Take a wash rag and wash it with that.

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They sell disposable plastic ear covers on amazon and they also have a step further of a full ear sticker

Baby shampoo is tear free

Water in the ears doesn’t cause ear infections. It is the natural fluid within the ear and eustacian tube not flowing properly that causes them. Get baby tubes