How can I wean from breastfeeding?

Hi all! Looking to wean my 1yr old off breastfeeding as we are about to start IVF again (can’t breastfeed while taking all of the meds/injections)… any tips on weaning? We are down to only nighttime feedings but I’m afraid it’s going to be hard to break.


Have your spouse start doing bedtime routines(it removes the temptation of needing to nurse) Set up a really nice routine bath, books, bed etc. The first week is the roughest. And then it’s fine after that!

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Following! I’m in the same boat with my 18 month old. Plus I’m 16 weeks pregnant and my nipples are sore and sensitive so it hurts again now when she breastfeeds. I try and distract her as much as I can. Even give her a sippy cup of regular milk. But it’s tough! She definitely uses it for comfort and to fall asleep most days. Hoping to read some helpful tips!

Just enjoy mama to soon she will stop on her own.

If she understands ochies, put a bandaid on them… It worked magic for my sis

I never breastfed but my gf has and she just had to refuse the b00b. Nothing else worked.

18 months is typically to young to potty train. If the child shows no interest then it’s best not

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Too young to potty train wait until you wean her from nursing first. One thing at a time is best . Get her some cute colorful cups with lids, spout, and little handles on the sides. Makes it easier to hold and drink


start cutting out sessions, offer him his cup more, might need to change up routine and keep him busy so he’s not thinking about nursing.

I have 5 breastfed 3 the older 2 I fed took a year so they were fed till 2 my youngest I fed till 16 months but slowly I just limited to naps and bed time only then to only bed time then eventually to only a morning feeding and eventually none at all it’s hard to do there will be sleepless nights and moments but stand your ground

We are doing this now with our almost 2 year old. We offer more food and snacks between meals and we do baths before bed. And then a cup with water.

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Leave for a weekend if you can. It helps them get over the fact they don’t need it.


I guess it’ll be like bottle feeding, just stop and don’t turn back

I’ve fed 5 kids had to go cold turkey in the end. That was 18month
.I did cut out day feeds 1st then just stopped night. Offer snacks and beaker in the day.

My daughter uses a cup with a straw, it has a ball like thing on bottom, does not spill. She is 17 months old kept busy with snacks and water in her cup

You’re the boss. Tell them no more it’s no different than bottle feeding. We do all kinds of things like introducing sippy cups and telling them the bottles are broken and throw them out. Your boobies are broken sorry kid :sweat_smile:

At this age, my only solution would be to separate for two-three days. Until your milk supply runs low and he realizes he doesn’t need it. Of course only if you have someone you trust like a healthy partner or parent.