How can I wean my 3 year old from breastfeeding?

I have two kids, one three-year-old boy and one one-year-old girl. I breastfeed both, but I want my boy to quit breastfeeding. Any tips, tricks or advice??


Stop offering it to him. Give him a sippy cup with milk in it.

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I weaned my kiddo at 2yr and I basically just kept telling him that boobies are for babies now. Boobies are not for big boys anymore. Just had to offer distractions and alternatives until he gave up. We took him to the store and bought him a new cup only for big boys. Took 3 months and he was weaned off. Good luck mamaā€¦ its a rough process. :+1:


I need this too I have a 1 1/2 and Iā€™m 19 weeks pregnant and my little one will not gave up lol

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Give him a cup instead and tell him heā€™s a big boy and needs to use the big boy cup. Itā€™s ok to not offer the breast to him anymore. You donā€™t necessarily need to wean him off. You can cut him off and not allow it anymore.

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itā€™s not that easy just giving a cup. . :woman_facepalming:t3:. Iā€™ve been trying this with my 1 year old daughter and it usually ends in terrible tantrums. Itā€™s a comfort things for them. They have gotten use to it.
Slowly offer less and less. My daughter only get breastfed for bed time. And we are slowly back off on that. Iā€™m due next month with another and my goal is to have her weaned by then.

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Get him some fun cups to drink out of

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He may be feeling left out because the baby is nursing. Make sure you give him some individual special others said tell him nursing is for babies only and he is a big boy now. I offered my girls extra story reading, massage etc instead of nursing.

I always heard ppl say put some mustard on ur nips when they want the boob lol

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Ummmm stop offering up as a choice. He is 3 drink from a cup

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Take it away simple as that. Give him a big boy cup and tell him no boobies . Donā€™t give in anymore cause heā€™ll cry about it n probably try and take one out so be stern and donā€™t give in as hard it may be

Give him a sippy cup

How often does he nurse now? Cut back to just nap time bedtime first thing in the morning. Or cutting out 1 every couple days if he does more. Only do it at home NEVER out and about make it clear to him that itā€™s only a bedt thing. Slowly make sure you arenā€™t readily available. I breastfed all my 8 boys the last 4 were almost 3 but always done before the next baby but some I literally had to leave and let dad handle some meltdowns. Itā€™s hard but it all depends how much he is currently getting maybe tell him the baby NEEDS more.

Advice. act like youā€™re sleeping. So baby wonā€™t want any boob. I breastfeed my second daughter almost 4 years. Kind of stressful when you want to sleep and toddler wonā€™t let you.

My son is 2.5 and we just stopped. Good job for making it that far!! I would definitely decrease down to once a day. If hes nursing just once a day already, go to every other day. Iā€™d do that for about a week meanwhile telling him that mommyā€™s milk will be for the baby only soon. Explain and mentally prepare him. If he wants milk let him have almond milk, coconut milk in a sippy cup. He may not like it and thatā€™s fine. We dont HAVE to have milk past our nursing experience. He will be fine! You got this!


I weaned my 3 yr old when she was 2 by giving her a paci. While I know it wasnā€™t ideal. It was an easy transition. I will wean that away later when she can understand more


Yeah I nursed my daughter until she was three and had a difficult time weaning her. I just said no more sorry and said once your three we are done. I couldnā€™t take it anymore. Sheā€™d still be nursing if she could and sheā€™s fiveā€¦

Not the same, but when I brought home my sonā€™s baby sister (he was 3 and refused to potty train), he saw her and proudly announced, ā€œshe can have my diapersā€. He immediately began using the toilet as we had encouraged. Maybe you can feed the little one, and explain to your son that he will need to drink his milk from the cup, as you donā€™t have enough to feed them both. (And you probably donā€™t) Add flavoring (chocolate) to his drink so that he looks at it as a treat. He just wants to feel like you still love him like your new baby, and you can possibly show him that respect and love by touting him as the ā€œbig boy brotherā€ .

Lol. Children at 3 are not wanting nutrition, it is an emotional need. I realized my youngest did not actually like the taste of breast milk. When she asked to nurse, I would, without her seeing me, express some milk onto the nipple. It was ā€œyuckyā€. After a few times, she stopped on her own. Lots of cuddles instead. No trauma. Am sure this may not work for everyone but worth a try. I nursed 4 children for a period of 10 years.


Let him know he is being a big boy now and let him do something for big boys let him pick out a super hero sippy cup to drink his big boy drinks in ,
Let him watch a special movie
Explain that his sibling is still a baby and needs to nurse
Praise him for being a big brother


Same thing happened to me so I took it away from both! I felt my skin crawl at one point was so over it! Itā€™s hard but just say no theyā€™ll cry but they will live and get thru it!

I breastfed until for over 2 yrs. My son wanted to continue but I couldnā€™t do it anymore. He was already drinking some milk so I weaned him to only nap & bed times. Then after a month just bedtime. Then after about 2 weeks I told him milk was all gone. After 3 days he stopped screaming for it, occasionally heā€™s be upset but not like he was in the beginning. I put a tiny bit of chocolate or strawberry syrup in his milk, didnā€™t even change the color, to make it sweet and that helped.

Where is there a magic time/year you stop breast feeding?! If you as mom feel its time share with your son that heā€™s a big boy now and give him special time. For those of you who had negative things to sayā€¦ leave her alone. As a mom itā€™s HER choice when to stop NO ONE ELSES!


I loved breastfeeding! I would just tell him he is a big boy now and just fill that time with anything else. Reading. Go outside . Anything. Just donā€™t give it to him. But be persistent. He will probably cry and have a hard time but itā€™s only for a couple of days. You can do it momma. Good luck xo

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Iā€™ve had 5 kids and fed them all. The child is 3 he doesnā€™t need breastmilk. Just stop feeding but still give the hugs. Lots of hugs.

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OMGā€¦give advice as requested. Lady did not ask for everyoneā€™s unsolicited opinion on EBF.

Please seek advice from EBF advocates such as Le Leche League or other BF support page. Weaning one child while still nursing the other sounds like it could be tricky since you canā€™t put away the boob. Maybe emphasize being a ā€œbig kidā€ now with a super special big kid cup, use boob only for nap and sleep for a bit then not at all, of course you may to go cold turkey depending on kidā€™s temperment.

Kids like to be specialā€¦so tell him heā€™s a big boy now and big boys drink from his own special cupā€¦so while your nursing have him get his cup and even help him pour his own drink and have him chose a toy he can only play with it when you nursing and it his big boy time.

My sister weaned her two year old with promising a toy he wanted - you might try it! No nursing for three days and he can have the promised item -

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People are so harsh lately. ā€œBe the adultā€ and ā€œact like a parentā€ are the least useful pieces of advice that Iā€™ve been seeing on a daily basis. Not only is it not helpful, itā€™s rude. Stop being so damn high and mighty.


Children should not be even drinking out of a sippy cup. In my daycare the two year olds drink out of the little Dixie cups for meals and snacks. Just stop and praise him everytime he drinks from cup. Tell him what a big boy he is.

I had to just do it cold turkey. She was fine by the 3rd day.

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In todayā€™s time I would think if mom is healthy and eating great, nursing longer would give the child a head start on a immune system especially with the virus and whatā€™s next with the Democrats ā€¦


Each child is are the best person to decide for your own daughter stopped at ten months my son was daughter wanted real food my son didnā€™t care much for solids.God gave you that child specifically for you. Not one knows then better than you

It might be hard for him the first couple of days, but I would just STOP. Maybe reassure him you can still snuggle and be close, but itā€™s time you try a sippy cup.


Have a big boy partyā€¦give him a new cup and make a big deal out of him being a big boy now and only using a cup! Make it funā€¦if he is only doing it at night get him new pjs or a new stuffed animal or book and tell him that is his new big boy night time cuddle time with mom!


My kids weaned themselvesā€¦so I really donā€™t know what to sayā€¦ maybe offer a sippy cup when little sister is nursing and tell him how proud you are that he is a big boy now!

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3 years old is way too old. He is defiantly old enough to give a cup to. He can understand he is a big boy and now he gets a cup


Can we focus on the real question at hand. She wants ā€œTIPS, TRICKS, or ADVICEā€ to wean her child. She isnā€™t asking to be judged for extended breastfeeding HER child. Take the age out of the equation and itā€™s a simple question.

My advice; stopping one when allowing another is going to be hard on a 3 year old emotionally. If you are able to, pump and allow him to drink BM from a sippy and slowly transition him to regular milk. We used almond silk milk and our 2.5 year old didnā€™t realize a difference.


Go away with the one year old for couple days. When you return itā€™s only for baby

Just stop. Thatā€™s it. I know it will be hard because you want them to be happy and youā€™re taking that awayā€¦ but it is up to you to make it end.


Omg 3 waited way too. Old enough just to just say no. Whoā€™s the parent donā€™t let the tail wag the dog itā€™s ur job to wean


Both should be eating from the table. Need to stop with the breastfeeding


Just do pepper around the nipple, serve and watch. It is an old African strategy.

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Why does everyone assume he doesnā€™t already drink out of cups? Lol :woman_facepalming: I breastfeed my daughter til she was 2yrs but she learned to drink from an open cup by 8 months.

Buy him a cup with a cartoon character he likes on it. Tell him itā€™s a present because he is a big boy who can drink from a cup.

Donā€™t offer it anymore. Give the kid a sippie cup . Heā€™s a toddler for Peteā€™s sake .

When the teeth arrived so did the ā€œTommy-Tippy-Cupā€

I have same problem. My son is almost two and wont quit nursing.

They are supposed to be on a sippy cup by the time theyā€™re 12 months old. Did there Dr. forget or did you not listen!!! Grow up!!!


It will be tough in the beginning because you will still be breastfeeding your younger one. But I would be encouraging and say that this is special milk just for babies and your a big boy now. Mommy is so proud of you and still give lots of hugs and snuggles. Because he is still only 3 like others have suggested maybe say this one stopped working because your 3 now.


Start giving a cup to him every time he wants to nurse. Tell him he is a big boy now. Big boys drink from a cup.


What has happened to just telling kids no?

Whoā€™s in charge here?


Give both of them a sippy cup and stop


Put dad on the other one, they can suck 2getherā€¦


Start giving him regular milk in a glass
Seems like you are attached also

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Watch the movie ā€œGrown Upsā€ :face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_monocle:


Boy. Some of you women are so mean. Stop it!!


Say no and give a sipping cup.


Our daughter stayed a week at grandmaā€™s house and she no longer wanted the boob.

If you want to stop breastfeeding your boy, then stop. If he fusses let him fuss. He will get over it

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You just stop you are the Mom ā€¦ you are in charge

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I got him to try strawberry milk

Rub catsup on it and tell him itā€™s bleeding.

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You need to wean both!

Tell him itā€™s just for his sister now

Just stop. Hand them a cup.


Cut off use big boy cup

Should have quit 2 yrs ago !! You waited to long!!!

Time to say no and stick to it. They are old enough to know what no means. Stop coddling your children or they will turn out like some of these awful kids today that think they should have everything they want.


Seriously, you be the adult and just stop. I breastfed both my kiddos and weaned one at 13 months and the other at 14 months. They will take a sippy cup after crying and realizing you mean business!


I had four kids and they were bottle fed and off the bottle at nine months if they can drink out of a glass they donā€™t need a bottle or a boob


My daughter was 18 months, I started with only bedtime and comfort ie, falling, feelings hurt, shots things like that. Around 20 months she ask for " breast milk from her boobie", I said no, and it was my boobie, and I was only sharing it with her, but now I need them. 3 or 4 nights of 2hr crying spells and that was it. No substitutes for bedtime.

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check old garmers almanac online for the best weaning days . try to find a set of 5 or more days together. did this with all 3 of mine and they quit cold turkey and never missed it

3 years old is way too old. He is defiantly old enough to give a cup to. He can understand he is a big boy and now he gets a cup

Ooooh, dang its been so long since my kids were babies. . Can give him a bottle In between Or start him on a sip cup!! Heā€™ll enjoy that. Be crafty about itšŸ˜‰

Tell him no. Itā€™s pretty simple. Put ur milk in a cup for him.

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Just stop letting him do it!

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Again with the negativityā€¦yā€™all are soā€¦ima say it again, there is nothing wrong with asking for advise whether you agree with the situation or not. :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head: I agree a long big boy weekend trip might help! Good luck to you!

Dad needs to take him on a long weekend big boy trip. Hype it up but let him know ahead when he comes back he will be such a big boy he wonā€™t nurse anymore

Iā€™d go ahead and ween both at same timeā€¦

Apply something better before he or she drink we did it in our home god bless stay safe

Grow up. You are the parent.

All my kids had self weened by age 1/2 , all except my last one who just wouldnā€™t come off, but I kept going in the hope that he would come off by himself, he didnā€™t and at age 3 I figured it was more of comfort thing rather than feeding so I changed tactics and did the whole big boy thing but I didnā€™t just cut him off, I started by only letting him on once in the evening so his evenings werenā€™t affected. I also did a shopping trip and made him choose a big boy item and gave him the money to pay himself, he felt so big he never asked for the boob again.

Well done for BF :smiley: ignore the negative Nancy comments

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