How can I wean my child from breastfeeding?

Fussy 11 month old. Goes feral when I try to give a bottle or sippy cup. Boob only or drops through the bottom of A straw… anyone deal with this? Cold turkey doesn’t seem like an option. He’s stubborn and only in the 10th percentile at the moment…


Does he eat other foods? I personally don’t think it’s the time to wean, especially if his weight is low. If he eats other foods, dip the end of a straw cup in it and he can learn to sucks out of a straw that way.


He’s not ready. I would try to push through the last month as breastmilk or formula should be primary food until 1. Then do naps and bedtime only. For a week or 2. Then cut off completely. Also remember breastfeeding is recommended until age 2, if an option I would consider. But you have to do what is best for your family!

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Will he take bottle from another person?

When you find the answer let me know… still at it with a 15 month old. I refuse to go past 2 :weary::weary: also BF baby’s tend to be on the “smaller” side, not every time but on a general average. As long as he is eating and ped is happy that’s all that matters.

Start giving him some cereal and other foods and during the day a sippy cup.

Only give during nap time and bed time then cut out nap time then bed time .