How can I wean my son from his pacifier?

My son turned two in March and is absolutely hooked on his pacifier. Any advice on how to wean him off? Continued prolong use it not an option- his teeth are beginning to misalign.


Only give it to him at naps and bed.

I did the binky fairy. Put them on the windows sill and each one that is left will be traded for some kind of treat

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Cut a little off a day until there was nothing left and then said uh oh time to throw it away and had him do it

Just take it away. Dont have it as an option. He’ll whine for a few days but then done

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I did naps and bedtime only first and then a couple months then “lost” it, and went cold turkey.

Keep ONE in the bed Naps & nights only. when it breaks or gets lost its done.

Cut off the end and give it to him. Did this with my daughter and took a day for her to be fine. She remembered it was “broken” and gave it up

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With my son we knocked it back to only nap and bed time. After a while we took it away at nap time. Then after a while we did a count down to take it away at night.
It is harder on YOU than it is on them!

Drop it in the toilet sounds gross but works

Just take it away :woman_facepalming: he’ll be fine. Yes he’ll cry for a few days but he’ll get over it.

We took our sons away a few months after his 1st birthday. We started by only giving it to him at nap and bedtime and then we just didn’t give it to him anymore. It was rough the first week id say but it’s been a few months and he does well, he’ll take his brothers (3 month old) every now and then but he just plays with it and doesn’t usually put it in his mouth.

With my brother … Santa took them away for the baby elves … he was happy the baby elves had his pacis and thought he would get extra presents :joy:


Tell him to throw it away.

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Cut the end of it off


If he’s like my daughter, he loses them often. I told her once she lost them, we weren’t buying more. She hung on to her last two for about a month, but once they were gone she didn’t get any more

I just slowly would take them away. My son was very dependent on his “nini”. But when he’d get distracted and sit it down somewhere, I’d quietly grab it and hide it. He would come to me and go “where nini?!” I’d say I don’t know, let’s find it. As they became less and less, he stopped being able to find one. After about a week they were gone and after two weeks, he stopped asking for them.

I started at 2 yrs old. It took about 2 weeks before he forgot about it.

You throw it away that’s how you do that it’s that simple

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We cut my daughters Down a little bit everyday til it bugged her so much she didn’t even go for it.

Lol with sister we took them all away when she woke up they were gone she’d ask at 1 and a half and we would help her “look” and than say oh we will find it let’s play a game and kept her occupied. But helped “look”. Lol eventually she gave up.

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At 2 1/2 years old, I told my daughter that if she gave all her pacifiers to Santa then she would get lots of presents at Christmas. We gave her a week to get used to the idea of it, reminding her every day. She gave them up, no problem! We thought it was going to harder, but it was fine!

I always told my kids that the dog took it away … It always worked for me lol

I told mine the garbage man took it and it worked. Lol. my twins of course ask for it but I just kept telling them that the garbage man took it. I did forget one-time months later when my son decided to try to ask me again and I told him that I threw it away and he called me out on it but at that point it was already a broken habit. Good luck Mama!

Throw it away. Yes, he will cry and possibly throw fits but you just need to distract him as best you can. In about 2 weeks he will have forgotten all about it.

Paci fairy. There will be crying and throwing fits but you just have to let it happen

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I did the paci fairy and told my kids that they were big kids and the paci fairy was coming and in the morning all the pacis would be gone. They got a big kid present from the fairy worked good for 4 kids none had a problem.

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Walk to the trash can with him and say…youre a big boy now…time to throw your binky away. Big boys don’t use binkys and toss it…

We packed them up for “the new babies that needed them” - he was so proud of himself. Also, cutting the tip off is supposed to work. Good luck - :four_leaf_clover:

We gave the dummies to all thr babies who needed them, left them for the Easter bunny and she got a lovely present from him. Asked for it 3 times after and that was it x

I’m in the Dental field, cut the Tip off. It wont give the same sensation and he will lose interest

Cut the tip of it off


My son is 18 month…I took his dummy off him and only aloud him to have it for nap time and bed time, he cried for 2/3 days continuously, gave me migraines. But I put up with it and on the fourth day he was fine. He hasn’t cried at all for it. Persistence is the key, do not give in. He will get over it.


Start with taking it off him during the day an once he doesnt have it one night just don’t give it him

I put something they don’t like on it. Then when they complain tell them it’s no good anymore and let them put it in trash. They learn that way.

My kids ended it themselves. Oldest threw his off the parking tram at Disneyland at around 10 months and youngest just stopped taking it at about a year old :woman_shrugging:t2:

The tooth fairy…tell him the tooth fairy took it bc hes too big for it now and needs to keep his teeth nice. I did this with the bottle bc my son just WOULD NOT give it up. Worked like a charm

I told my so. I left it somewhere of course he was old enough to say go to Walmart. Told him I didn’t have the money to buy one

My daughter stuck a hole in them and it worked great.

I told my son to throw his in the fire we are going on 2 months without one:)))

We first took our daughters away, and only could have it at nap and bed time… then We just took it away a week ago all together… and she didn’t like it first few days but we just told her it was going to a baby that needs them…

Just stop giving it to him

my daughter was 2 1/2 … we packed them up and sent to the “north pole” for Santa to bring to the new babies. She had a rough night the first night without it, but that was it. Much easier than I anticipated. and no dental issues either.

I started cutting the tip shorter and shorter every couple days. Told my son he broke it because he was big now. He did fine :woman_shrugging:t4:

I cut the tip off! “Oh nooo guggy is broken” :rofl:

Laura Houston Illgen

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We had to do it cold turkey. I let my youngest have it until like 2 1/2 because she just LOVED it. It was hard for both of us for like 2 nights and then she just got over it

Don’t wean, just take it. I have twins and when they turned 2, I went through the house and took all of them and threw them away. The one twin fussed the first night or two, the other didn’t (but she didn’t because she kept finding more of them that she had stashed and I missed). Once I finally got all of them and tossed them, we had a rough night or two, but after that, no issues. My youngest two refused to take them at all.

Super Nanny has a celebration for the big boy, he puts all his pacifiers in a treasure chest. The next morning he opens the chest and all the pacies have been replaced with age appropriate toys. Because he is a big boy now.

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We stopped buying new ones and when he bit holes in the ones he had we would throw them away. Soon he had only one and he lost it. It was cold turkey from there. He was surprisingly okay with it. When we moved out of that apartment he found one and popped it into his mouth and we told him he was a big boy and didn’t need that anymore. He tossed it in the garbage(he was 4).

I bagged ours and let my 3 yr old give it to the garbage man himself. It actually made both their day!

Start with only giving it to when when it’s nap time and bed time, then only bed time and then just take it away, the first 3 days will be hard but don’t give in mama’s…

try a good bye party, have him celebrate being a big boy and have him throw the pinkies away and celebrate ever thing about it…

I’ve also seen a “binky fairy” where you would have a doll with a bag, have him put all his binkies in the bag and leave it over night, and for each binky he got rid of he would get a prize in the bag and all the binkies will be gone with the doll and the then later just have the doll go away as if it were a fairy…

Throw them all in the trash.


Just throw them away! My son was obsessed with it to the point he would freak if it wasn’t clipped to him… 2 days of crying and he was over it! I took it from him when he was just shy of 2 years but I also just had his sister so I let him have it for comfort till he got use to his sister then I threw them all away :rofl:

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We “lost” them…just do it cold turkey! First couple days might be tough but worth it

Easy, QUIT giving it to him!!!

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I just cold turkey’d my daughter. It took about 3 days until she was over it. I was so stressed about it but it went way better than I thought! Just commit to it and do it! Good Luck! :blush:

We took ours to build a bear and put them in a stuffed animal. the employee made it super fun for her. When she would ask for it I would give her the bear. Took us about 3 days before she stopped asking for it. At 14 she still loves her paci-bear…


My parents took mine at 4 and then I sucked my thumb till late highschool lol good luck

My oldest broke himself from it when he was 6mnths old an my youngest didnt like them period.

You can cut the tip and he won’t be able to suck on it anymore. I did that with my son who was so attached to it as well and he stopped. :!

Throw all away except one, then cut the tip and show him it’s broken, and have him put it in the trash himself. Then just say it’s all gone now because it was broken. I did that with my son around the same age. He asked about it a couple of times, and I just reminded him that it broke and we had to throw it away and he was totally fine with it.

Take it from him when he is asleep… And throw it and all you have away… Tell him pacifier fairy took it. You can leave him a small gift. A toy or something.

I just went through this with my daughter we had her place them in a box and send them off to the kids that dont have any. I left the box in the mailbox and had my sister come get it before we came home. I had my sister leave a small gift in a box addressed to her and a card that said thank you for sending is your pacifiers we really needed them. She asked for it once that evening and I reminded her we sent them off and that was it. I let her be involved in getting rid of them and I think it really helped.


Throw them away…cold turkey is the best

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I’ve always been told to just get rid of them. It’ll take babe a few days to get over it but once they forget about it they’ll be fine.

My daughter never got into them, but we made it a big deal for my little sister. Tied it to a balloon and said goodbye. She never asked for it again!

Cold turkey. The first 2-4 days are rough, but then you’re done and YAY

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I remember my brother being hooked on his pacifier. When the famiy took a summer vaca trip to Montreal, my mother told him in the car on the ride home that we forget it at the hotel. Over and out!

Try using the dummy fairy, give up the dummy and get a little present or Santa??? That’s how I did it xx

Gather them all up, put the in a gift bag. Tell him the binky fairy needs his binkys for the babies. Hang bag outside in a tree. Tell your son the binky fairy will come get them and leave him a special present.
That night change out binkys for something special. In the morning, binkys all gone

I’ve seen a video where they put the binky inside a build a bear. Idk how successful it was tho.

My son was addicted until 2 years 8 months. We would cut holes in the bink and we took them away. He would always find one. When we were taking it he was losing it! One day he threw it across the room and said it was broken (chewed a hold in it so sucking hair) and that was it.

If you just take it cold turkey he could cry for it and it could be days… I took my daughters away during the day at 2 but she had it at bed time and nap time… I finally got her talked into getting rid of it at bed and nap time but even then that was a struggle after the first 3 days it wasn’t as bad but she still cried for it for days not all day but there was times and I had to help her learn to soothe herself to go to bed since she was doing that with her bink…

My son is the same age and we are a week pacifier-free! I cut the tip off of one and let him find/try to use it. When he figured out it wouldn’t work, I told him it was broken and let him throw it away. A few whines here and there but other than that we’re doing fine!

My son used a pacifier and I got him off it just after 2 years, I used another comfort toy and we talked about how he’s a big boy now prior to the removal, he occasionally would think about it and say something like “babies have dummy’s I’m a big boy aye” but he never asked for it. Just prepare him fully for it and let him understand as best he can. Worse case senario you have a bad week

I only let my daughter have hers at bedtime while breaking her. It was a bit rough the first day but considering she would only would take hers out to take a drink or a bite of food, that wasnt bad at all. We just distracted her really really good for a few days (playdate, ice-cream, walks, just kept her moving and happy). Now bedtime is gonna be hard. It will happen.

We went cold turkey with all 3. The one we thought would fight it the most was the most okay with it. She didn’t fuss at all. The other 2 were okay without it in a day or two.

My son was 9 months when I took it away. His teeth barely started coming in. I just… took it away lol. He cried for a bit but after a day he was fine

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I couldn’t get my daughter off it until she was 6!!! It was terrible. I would take it away pronto. The earlier the better. I think I waited way too long to get my daughter off it.

Unfortunately I couldn’t take my sons away from him until he turned 5 lol his teeth are straight and there wasn’t really any negatives it was pretty hard to do at that age. He cried for hours lol

I made my son throw his away. And it worked. But every child is different! Good luck momma!

My approach may not be favourable but my son was ADDICTED to his. One day I finally had enough, took it one afternoon and that was it. He cried for about an hour, and he hasn’t mentioned it since… that was about a year ago.


My son kept losing them so I just stopped buying any, took three long days and nites to get past it. Hes got a blanket so hasn’t been left wivout anything

I have been just giving it to my daughter at night time but I’m also trying to wean her. Might just do cold turkey like I did my other two

Idk. We hardly gave our kids pacifiers… teethers helped. Now he just puts toys in his mouth. Lol we tried our best not to give them the pacifier ever, rather a carrot or apple to chew on. Following

Take him to
Build a bear and let him put his pacifier in the bear and they sew it up

I saw a mom take her kid to build a bear and had the child put the pacifier in the stuffed animal! That way they weren’t using it but still had a comfort item!


Just keep them so busy for about three days in a row, that they conk out without it. I’m 2 for 2 so far… about to do it with #3

Cold turkey throw them all away he will b cranky but only for a couple days remind he’s a big boy now and how u love to see his pretty teeth

We only allow it for nap/bedtime & usually it’s a 30 second deal… OR if he’s sick… otherwise it’s hidden… my mom used to cut the ends off & eventually we just quit using them

A friend cut all the nipples off her kids pacifiers. They had a break down for a few minutes but eventually got over it.and just carried it for awhile than lost interest all together

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Cut a hole in it then he will think it’s broken mine cried maybe 2 nights and was over it

Remove them all from your child’s sight and eventually he will get past needing one.

Cold turkey and gave him a blankie at night for comfort make sure you throw all the binkies away he will forget about them in a few days

We just cut the nipples off and told him they were broken, he tried using them for a day or two and then just gave up on them.

We started with pacifier only at nap and bed time then we took it away at nap time then bed time, he did very well. A week at a time or try a couple days in between.

Cut off the tip and tell him it’s broken and you have to throw it away

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Cut its nipple and say spider bite it n we have no more