How can I wean my toddler from breastfeeding?

Hi, can anyone advice me on how to stop my toddler from breastfeeding she’s already 2yrs and 9mos.


Cut out one feeding at a time and start talking about the transition with her.

My daughter was 2.5 and wasn’t giving it up, until I had to go out of town for work training for a week lol

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I had to send my son to his grandparents for a week a month after he turned 3 cause he would not stop. Even now he still touch’s them and wants them but he knows there’s nothing there and it seems like it’s more of a comfort thing which is really hard to break.

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Put bandaids over them & tell her they’re broken :tipping_hand_woman:t2:


Chocolate milk. Tell toddler boobs r empty nomore in there,all gone

I stopped when my son was 3. I talked with him about it for a couple months before his birthday. I just told him when he was 3 there would be no more ninny as he called it. His birthday came and went, all was good


They give it up when they are ready. World wide average age for baby lead weaning is 3. That said, often, Mom is ready before the toddler is. Like others have said, talk about it with the child. Give up daytime nursing and allow favorite times such as bedtime and nap time. Remember that when your toddler is sick or hurt they will still nurse for comfort.

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Not to sound mean but you tell them no. They are going to scream and cry. But explain best you can and sun cuddles or play time instead of that


Didn’t wean my son till 3 1/2 and only reason he weaned is I had my wisdom teeth out and he could see I was in pain and I told him I was sick he couldn’t have the nasty milk. He still asks every night for mimis what he calls them

Just quit letting them nurse

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I started say oh no… boobies broken. No more milk

Put vinegar on your nipples won’t like the taste and will not want to Breastfeed anymore after tasting it a few times plus it won’t hurt them

Give your toddler a cup with milk and finger food. Say no -you are a big child now.


Cold Turkey !!A soppy cup and food!

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I covered mine with band aids. Before that nothing else worked.

I heard some moms use vinegar on them ?

18 months my son 3 years my daughter

My son was about that age when he weaned himself

You give her a sippy cup and tell her no.


You really can tell the ones who have been through this and the ones who haven’t :roll_eyes: I wish I had some good advice for you, mine is nearly 3 and she isn’t ready to give it up either. I’ve tried bandaids on my nips (kind of works), apple cider vinegar (who would’ve guessed she actually asks for that now) and of course I’ve tried “just telling her no” (dumbest advice ever. Clearly whoever suggests that has not had ear shattering screams and heart breaking wails thrown at them. Or perhaps they’re just heartless :thinking:) good luck mama :heart: I tell myself…not many kids, if any, go to Pre-k stuck on the b00bie.

Keep your bra and shirt on . Offer a sippy cup of milk for her

I put band aids on mg nipples and told the kiddo mommy has boo boos. Then say ouch! If they go to touch. After 4 days or so they sort of stop asking, it worked with both my kids and helped avoid tantrums from saying no.

Vinegar on your nips and soak an old padded bra with some… tell your child your milk is bad

Following for the same advice!

The first two weeks are the HARDEST! we started only nights and then the second week we did none!

It’s gonna be tough momma - no matter what route you take! Stay strong!

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If possible, have someone else take over the night time/bed time routine…

Try saying “mommy’s milk is all gone but you can still cuddle mommy if you like” … prepare to spend alot of time just holding her whether at night or during the day but after a few weeks she will adjust. It will be tough for both of you but persistence is key! You got this!


Have a Gramma , Aunty, or close friend take her for a couple of nights , she will be fine

Try pumping and giving it to her in a tippy cup. That’s what I did. Then I started gradually reducing the amount of milk and diluting with water til it was all water


Apple cider vinegar has helped a lot

Lots of great suggestions here. I suggest that you try them but I know from experience cold turkey can be traumatic for them and make things so much tougher. Ease out of it. Nights… every other day… whatever works. I know adjustments are hard.


Give he a sippy cup with a straw in evening and when she goes to bed sit it in corner of her crib so when she wakes up she has it and if she throws a fit send dad the first couple of times to hand her the cup

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Give her a cup instead when she wakes up

Says no same as you would bottle. They kick off for a bit but persistence pays off. Good luck


A friend of mine put bandaids on her nipples and told her little boy they were broken lol.

“I don’t want to right now. Would you like some water instead?”


My first did this and it’s a comfort thing she just wanted the cuddling that comes with the breastfeeding. I stopped when she was 4 mainly because I felt it was time for me. When I finally stopped I just used that time to cuddle instead of breastfeeding and she had no trouble adjusting. I’m spanish and it’s normal in my culture and as long as you still feel comfortable doing it ignore everyone else and do what works for you and your baby.


It helped to say ok but only for one minute and after that minute say ok that’s all I love you would you like to read a book/snuggle etc. They pretty quickly lose interest with this approach

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Maybe try just holding her and giving her a sippy cup to drink while you do? And then you can slowly move towards just giving her a sippy cup when/if she wakes up and then eventually you can stop that if you would prefer


Have a bottle ready when she comes.

Should have stopped a long time ago,


She is old enough to drink out of her cup!


She’s 3 does she drink watered juice or try milk


Turn her away from you. Back to chest. 3 days are the hardest. You can give her a snack and drink before brushing her teeth for the night. Explain that you’re taking a cup of water to put next to the bed if she gets thirsty.

I think it’s harder on us moms to let go and to know what we have comfort our children.

I have 4 kids. All 4 never took to a bottle.

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Tell her no. That it’s dried up. Or that you have booboos. She’s old enough to understand so that may help. Also it may be tough until she figures a new way to soothe.


Stop getting those things out, man.

Claim back your body and your space and they will learn… it will be a rough few days but they move on quickly


I am following for advice. I am in the same boat and really tired of waking up anywhere from 2-5am for cuddles and boob time. Yay, she asks with please, but toddler teeth hurt.


My midwife said there is no need for food at night, give her water. I only did it once, she never woke again in the night.

  1. Everyone saying use breast milk in a bottle is so wrong, she’s 3, she needs a cup…2. It’s very honorable (crazy to me though) that u went that long. 3. I agree, put band aids on and say you have a boo boo, they are the age to understand that…it will take time

Breastfeeding til 4 or 5 is actually very normal in every country but the US. Here we love to judge for EVERYTHING. That being said your boob your decision on when to stop. Sounds like you want to but the kid is resistant. Have you tried telling her it is broken? 3 year olds believe anything. Just being like oh it broke I have to get it fixed. Or sending dad in instead

Arlene Fairlie any advice x

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Mine used to want to see the milk bead when I squeezed, so when it was time to ween I wouldn’t really squeeze and told her that there’s no more but I can hold you :heavy_heart_exclamation: and when she wanted it again I would just do the same thing and that was that.

But they do try to hold them though lol just be careful. I was so used to her holding them when she nursed that I was standing in line and I couldn’t find my wallet, looked up to a cashier laughing. She was squeezing both and said, “no milk still” I was so focused on my purse :joy:


With my first I had to have my husband take over all sleeping stuff. After like a month he stopped trying to nurse. My second and third did better with weaning. Any chance I got I said no bc I had a boo boo or no bc Milkies were all gone, then try to redirect with something else. And then if it was like really bad I’d let them nurse still but it started getting less and less. Mine all weaned at 2.5, 3, and like super close to 3. So it’s normal momma :heart:


Explain that at 3 the milk goes away and she’s now a big girl and the milk isn’t good anymore. I like the Vicks trick, do that and when it’s gross say see it’s bad now that you’re a big girl.

Wow there are some rude comments on here. Not your child not your problem. I’d try the bandaid thing, tell her they are broken. But don’t feel bad about still doing it momma, my baby girl is 4 and we are still breastfeeding. It’s a natural thing and the people that have a problem with it, are the problem.

Vinegar on your nips also soak a padded bra with some tell her your milk is bad

Say no to her she should be being potty trained anyway & drinking will prevent that … do people not no how to say NO cold turkey.


Put bandaids over your nips and tell them they are broken…


You’re the parent, she’s the child. Just say NO🤷🏻‍♀


Three is a little old to be breastfed…say NO. Give milk or water in a CUP

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I just put a dab of vicks, I said it’s not good anymore. She tasted and never asked again at 2.5years


Band aids over your nipples and tell them you have boo-boos. Worked for me at 28 months!

She should have already stopped before school


Put band-aids on your nipples and show her… say ouch … mommy’s boo boo. Offer her a cup of breastmilk if you pump also.

I wish I had advice but I come to you saying I’m in the same boat. My daughter will be three this month and showing no signs of letting up off the b00b. Everyone is so quick to say “just stop giving it” well, they haven’t had a head strong whole a$$ person digging down their shirt driving them nuts. People will say “oh just leave for a day or two, they’ll stop” like how? I’m not a single mom but my husband is my only person I have, we have no friends or family in the state we live in, and he’s the one who works so I’m ALWAYS here. So I feel you mama, I’m hoping it goes well for you too.

I bought this bitter stuff off amazon for nail biting or thumb sucking, dabbed a little on my nips and he hates the taste! he still asks for milk but i let him try to nurse but the taste stops him.

I went to Vegas for a long weekend and left my 3 year old with her dad. Worked great.


You should have stopped breastfeeding at least a year ago. Do it now or she will suffer for it.


You have to just stop. It’s not easy but that’s what you have to do

My dr told me to let her cry for 20 minutes. Worked like a charm.

There is nothing wrong with nursing your 3 year old of that’s what you both want to do.
However, at 3, there’s not a nutritional need. It’s a comfort that they want.
If you are done, then set your boundaries in a gentle and age appropriate way. You can say something like “mommy is feeling ready to not nurse (or whatever term you use) anymore because you’re getting bigger but I still love you and want to connect/bond. Can we find a new way before bedtime? I love hugs and snuggles (or songs or stories etc). Can you think of something you would like to do before bed?”. Just change the routine. Goodluck mama.

It’s absolutely normal. My son weaned at 3 and a half but many go beyond that and if it’s only at night time she may be close to weaning herself soon .

Following because my daughter will be 3 in October and I am OVER IT :sob:

I night-weaned my 1YO by telling him he had to wait until he saw the sun through the window. It was difficult for a few nights, but he adjusted. When I weaned him completely (at age 3; he was only nursing 1st thing in the morning and last thing at night by then) I had to use my eye surgery and the fact that I needed medication to heal that wasn’t safe for him, as an excuse.

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Mine was 3 and a half and it was time. Been over 7 months she still asks for boob milk lol. I’d suggest to swear a shirt she can’t help herself to. I understand it won’t always wake you up when they latch. So a tighter shirt will definitely help wean. Unfortunately your just gonna be the bad guy. For a while I promise it does get easier. Just keep firm no means no don’t cave to the cuteness. :rofl:

I’m so happy to see such positive comments.
Mommas will older kids understand its not about nutritional. That being said it does still help there immunity. Mine never get sick. But it’s for comfort. Both ways especially If there the last like mine was #4.

So I started giving my guy a heads up (he was 1 1/2) that it was going bad and didn’t work anymore. Then one day I put some of that nail polish so kids stop biting their fingers on me and when he went to latch it tasted gross and I told him “I told you it wasn’t good anymore” and he didn’t ask for it again. He would bring it up a lot and I’d just remind him and give him the option to try again but he never wanted to again.

Sippy cup with chocolate milk. Tell her u have NO more milk. It’s all gone and stick to it… tell her since she’s big now the milk went away

You tell them no and hand them a cup of milk. You are the parent

My son was 2 when we stopped. I was over it at that point and getting a major surgery. Per Dr’s orders, I put Red wine vinegar on my nipple, needless to say he made an ick face and never wanted it again :laughing::laughing:

My GP said to put that stuff on the nipple what they use on the nails to stop biting…it did work on my 26 month old…last year…I was away for 10 days before…hoping she will forget about boobies…but after 10 minutes welcoming me back at the airport she was asking for them…so I needed to do something…so I put some on my nipple…she tasted it and she said they are broken…she did cried…but didn’t asked for them after…still hug them and kiss them some days…:slightly_smiling_face:

I nursed mine until the age of 2. When I say that this means that on the later stage where you are right now it was wake up nurse and then bedtime nurse. During the day they are and drank
normally in the various stages of whatever their age was at the time no bottles either . If they wanted to nurse at any other time I would distract them with toys or taking them outside or offer a cup of juice etc so they would forget about it and they would. Good Luck! :four_leaf_clover:

Most toddlers are supposed to be taking a sippy cup by 1 mine was strictly off of a bottle and using a sippy cup only by 9 months old. You should definitely just try a sippy cup and they should be sleeping through the night.


Sippy cup! Might have to hold it at his lips and soothe him into taking it. He’ll get used to it

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If she waking up to eat that many times and over a year old. Introduce oatmeal and rice to fill the belly before bed.


I already had my toddler on a sippy cup before one but I would offer milk in a cup through the day when she wanted to nurse, drop every other feed and then all day feeds after a few weeks of that. For night time I bought some sports bras one size smaller so she couldn’t get to it herself. Took 2 months to get her completely weaned

I breast fed all four of my kids.

All weaned at different ages.

You can turn his back to you and soft talk him into relaxing enough to sleep. Quick saying like it’s time for bed now. Rub or scratch his back lightly.

After he sees you not giving in. He will slowly demand it less.

It will take a period of a few days. But once you cut off bed time nursing. He will start sleeping through the night.

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Drop one feeding a week until weaned. Best & Safest way to avoid mastitis & clog ducts

The dr recommended offering water thru the night in a bottle, not really hungry just want loving

Tell them your milk went bad. Try sippy cups. Is baby eating regular meals? At 16 months baby should be moving to sippy not bottle anyways unless there’s a medical reason for it. Lots of encouragement to eat foods and drink from sippy cups.


Doesn’t need a bottle anymore . Offer milk or water or water mixed with juice instead of bottle .

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If you want to stop it’s ok. Please don’t let anyone tell you differently. They will be ok

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My 2 breast fed babies also wouldn’t take a bottle. The sippy cup was introduced when they were about 6 months old.
My Mom was very worried that I nursed my son past 9 months (he was my first and mom thought he’d grow up to enjoy breasts too much as he got older - geesh! I’ve learned since then.), so out of guilt, I increased his food intake.
My 2nd baby, my daughter, I let her self wean. One morning when she was 23 months old, she was done. She just didn’t want to breast feed anymore. The next day, I had my first period since the month before I was pregnant with her.
I would suggest that your little guy weans himself. He’s too old for a bottle anyhow, but introducing a sippy cup is a great idea, along with feeding more solids.

Give them a sippy cup and just stop the breast and the bottle.

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Little one isn’t ready yet


At 16months your child should be sleeping through the night. Sounds more like a separation issue. Perhaps you shod speak to your pediatrician about the best way to handle it. Also, at one year children usually use a sippy cup so perhaps try that rather than the bottle, it may go over better.

I recommend breastfeeding for 2 yrs (if that suits you )unless you planned on starting solid food.You have to remember once you stop breastfeeding all of the Nutrients he /she will be getting is from solid food. That’s what I did with mine