I need help my 2yr old she can and will drink out of a sippy cup all day long she can even drink out of a straw and a normal cup but I can’t get her off the bottle for bed she has to be on toddler formula due tk some health issues and I don’t know what to do she will not take the sippy for nap or bed any suggestions I’ve even tried the sippys with the nipple kinda tops she won’t do it
I always cut it out cold turkey, my boys were fine after 2 nights without it
I just took bottles away cold turkey. A few days of fussing and they were over it.
If she has to have formula still and it makes her happy. Leave it. You’re the only one worrying about it and it’s only other peoples opinions that make you think it’s necessary. Hugs.
Put water in her night bottle.
Does she get water or toddler formula in her night time bottle?
They deff should not be having milk at bed… through the night like that. Shes gonna have teeth rot
But on a better note just cold
Turkey that bottle and let her fuss some. It’ll be a couple days of sleepless nights and longgggg days of fighting the naps but it’ll be worth it good luck !!!
Give her a snack at nap time, she might go to sleep without her bottle. Night time some fruit and a rocking in the rocking chair.
At 10 months I put the bottles clear at the top of the cupboards out of reach. Never used them again. 2 years is too old for a bottle
Idk . My grand baby loves her too ! I guess since I am the grandma I don’t have to worry about it
My 2 year old still breast feeds for naps and bedtime. I can’t get her to stop either
My 2.5 still has a bottle at night. Nothing wrong with it . Leave her alone.
Get a calendar with the zodiac signs on it, when it’s in the knees you can wean a baby from the bottle. Yes it’s an old wives tale, but my grandmother had 14 children, she passed it on to all of us and it’s worked for my children and my grandchildren
I just threw the bottles out that way I couldn’t be tempted to give in. And their right a couple days she will be fine.
just take it . she’ll forget about it in a day or two. thats what i always did
Take them away. She’s smart trust me. She knows if she refuses to take the sippy at nighttime like she does during the day than you’ll take her bottle away night too like during the day. So put the formula in the same sippy she uses during the day get down to her level and explain to her in little kid terms she’s a big girl now and she doesn’t need the bottle anymore and ask her to get all her bottles and say that you’re going to give them to little tiny babies who need them. And ask her if she wants to help you and make it very very excitable for her and get a really pretty sparkly bag and get a cut out of a baby bottle tape it on the bag and after it’s finished show her that it’s for the little babies. Ask her to put the bottles in it then tell her that during the nighttime the baby bottle fairy will come get the bottles and take them to new little babies and will leave her a surprise. Have her and you put it outside. And next morning before she wakes up throw them in the garbage but keep the sparkly bag and put a cool toy she’ll love inside it. When she wakes up ask her if she thinks the baby bottle fairy came and get her excited for it and let her open the door and get the bag.
Cut the tips off sorry your teeth broken them we can’t use them anymore
Take the bottles away!!! Throw them out!! In a short time, she will adapt!
My son who’s now 13 stopped bottles at 14mths but used to like sleeping with it lol
Just stop giving her a bottle. By now she should be drinking out of a cup.
Cold turkey had to do that with my son, their teeth will start to rot my son had to have top teeth pulled at 18mos from having a bottle at nite very bad for their teeth
Are your brushing her teeth?
We did a party. I circled the date & talked up a big girl party. She threw them out on her 1st bday.
Momma, I know it’s hard but throw them out. It’s become more of a comfort than a need. Teeth rot is 100% real & can cause extensive decay, even into permanent teeth inside the gums. It can lead to removal of teeth and the cutting of permanent teeth, infections, etc. Mouth issues get into your blood stream & can cause serious illness. She shouldn’t have anything but water after brushing.
Try some melatonin for a few nights to help calm her but for her future dental needs, and your wallet, throw every bottle out.