My nana passed away in April this year. She had custody of my neice. I lived with my nana and neice for 3 years before my nana passed. I wasn’t living there when she passed though. So the neighbors took custody of my neice. Bc her family could step in to take care of her. She is refusing to let me see my neice. She makes up excuses everyday. As to Why they can’t meet me. I’ve seen my neice on video chat one time since my nana passed away. And now she’s posting that my neice wants them to adopt her. She’s 9. Is there anything I could do to get visitation rights. She’s not biologically my neice. My nana is my moms stepmom and my neice is my nanas great neice. But I have pictures to prove I’ve always been in her life. Idk what to do. It’s killing me not seeing her. She was like my child. Any advice would help.
Lawyer up. Never heard of neighbors doing that
Reach out to the Department of Family and Health Services a request to speak to a caseworker in regards to her. If they say there is not an open case, request one to be opened
Attorney, if there’s no one else she belongs with you. Not the neighbors
DCF is involved if they now have official custody, try contacting DCF? Write her letters for now.
You need an attorney
Get a lawyer…go for custody…
Who gave them custody in the first place? You can’t just take a child and say their yours so how in the world did they get her? Did none of her blood family want her so she went into foster care?
Neighbors? Call the Police!
If you can’t afford a lawyer go to legal aid and see if they will help you
U need a good lawyer
get a lawyer; they had NO right to take her in the 1st place!!
Agree, lawyer. Her not letting her see other family members suggests they have something to hide.