How can my sister and I announce that we are pregnant?

our last dual pregnancy 5 years ago, our kids were born a month apart. And it’s happening again lol! So now we need to find a way to announce to our families haha. Do we announce together or announce separately at different times (me first, her a little after)? Our family is big so do we announce it to everyone altogether as one giant surprise lol?


How super fun to be pregnant same time as your sister make it magical go out with a bang. Make it Memorable

Announce it together at a family event, that would be exciting!!

That’s so amazing!!! Congratulations! I would do it together if it was me!

I would do it together. That is awesome

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I’d do it together. Set up like a party for everyone to join and have it as a huge suprise

I would do it together when you have whole family around

Congratulations do it together

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I think doing it together is lovely xx


I would do it together since yall are close. Make sure that’s what she wants too because she may want to do something special on her own.

Do it together how fun. Congratulations to you both. I’m so happy for you a lot of cute ideas out there .


If u both don’t mind sharing spotlight then do it together

Do it together with shirts that say “im pregnant” and the other shirt “so am I”.

Congratulations to you both

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Both of you (sis and you) need to say it out loud at the same time :rofl:
Congratulations to you both :heart:

Talk to your sister and see what you guys can come up with. Congratulations to you both :revolving_hearts:

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Make a sign together with that :rofl::rofl:

One giant surprise!! A lovely one :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

One giant (maybe family dinner) surprise

Do it together , have funny party if you know the genders do them together

Yes Go for it !!! Congratulations on y’all pregnancies :baby::baby:

I would have the younger do like OMG Im gonna be an Aunt again for you like she is announcing yours (sibling rivalry) and then like you take her sign like you’re upset she told and be like sike…and announce hers ir something to where you announce hers

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I don’t have any suggestions on the ‘how’ because I always just said “hey, I’m pregnant”, but definitely do it together!

I would wait for Thanksgiving or Christmas (if y’all celebrate either of those) and announce then, since everyone would be together.

My sister and sister in law were both pregnant but didn’t know it about each other until they both announced it on Christmas Eve at different times we were all so shocked as they were too they were due 3 days apart. Announce together though it’s so much fun. My sister and I were pregnant together a little over a year ago our babies are 2 months apart she announced first because I didn’t even know I was pregnant yet lol.

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This might be a little out of the box
But how about you and your sister
Sit down together and live stream it to your family

Do a surprise gender reveal together :heart:

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You can get t-shirts that say “oops we did it again”


Buy tee shirts for the children you both have now stating that these kids are expecting a little brother or sister and also a new little cousin!!! Have a family bbq or supper and see who notices it first

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I’m so glad I kept reading because at first I was like your sister … Bro!!!


Same time. 2 different announcements. So like u and ur hubby tell them then ur sis and her hubby says yup us too :rofl:

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You have it done now…its on social media lol

The grilling won’t continue if you answer the question …

Matching t shirts for 5 yr olds to wear at family gathering.Saying “I am going to be a big brother/sister”.


One of you wear a shirt that says “I’m” and the other “pregnant” or something like that. Have your husband act like he’s revealing a shirt right after you but his be blank lol and then your sister can pull hers out

Do a Double Trouble Halloween theme


Shirts under jackets that say she’s pregnant

Why make a big deal about it! An issue! Just rejoice!

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Get some “double trouble” shirts or something :joy:

Photo with the two of you and spouses, holding your sonograms, “Double Trouble - Take Two”.

Together! It’ll be soooo cute! I was pregnant with my husbands cousin at the same time and she and I talked as to when to announce. She was afraid of another mc so said I should announce first. I announced at thanksgiving and her MIL announced hers to everyone when I did… I felt so bad for her because he thunder was taken from her. Announce together so that doesn’t happen. I wish we did.


Together!!! You might not ever have the chance again.

Get some oops we did it again t shirts!
Congrats to you both.

I was convinced this was a question about incest considering the way the initial question was asked. :skull: