Is there a court order? You say his mother took her rights away and put her on child support? how can she do that? unless there is a lot more to this story his mother isn’t a legal authority, so was there a court-appointed judgment, or was CPS involved? Did your sister sign away her rights? Sorry this doesn’t make sense.
She needs a lawyer not Facebook honestly
If rights have been terminated, she cannot get them back. And if her rights have been terminated she wouldn’t have to pay child support… so something isn’t adding up.
It’s saddens me how many people on this form actually think that it’s too late to be fighting for your children. I would have accepted my parents if they had fought for me when I was nine, because at least they finally had changed. I just turned 25 and neither of them are any different from when I was younger. people can change if they want to, you guys need to stop being so judge mental
They sound like bullies after money. Control. Get a lawyer and do what is required.
He sounds like a little boy hanging on mammas tit. No woman will want him.
You have rights get a lawyer and sue her
If they didn’t legally take her rights away go back to him and then leave with her son- she has as much right to him as they do then go to the courthouse and file for custody - if they did take her rights away there is more to the story
There’s definitely way more to the story. The grandma couldn’t just take her rights away. And then put her on child support after taking her rights away. That alone doesn’t even make sense.
So many inconsistencies in this story… for the record, I’m in Texas & I have worked with the foster care system & CPS. If her rights were terminated, she wouldn’t be paying child support… thats the first thing I noticed. Second, it is NEARLY impossible for a mother in Texas to lose her children. Therefore, that tells me there is a TON we don’t know.
If she’s paying child support, then her rights are in tact.
She needs to reach out to the attorney/state/department that was involved in the case & follow their requests.
She will have to go back to court and ask for parenting time as long as her parental rights weren’t terminated. She will probably not be allowed full custody but she can get visitation time.
The grandparents have no say!!!
Your sister didn’t just get her parental rights taken away for no reason, she needs a lawyer if she wants to see her kid.
Set her self up then move back play happy families for a week and leave with the kid when she gets the opportunity and have a lawyer on stand by to file paper work…
So much missing here. No way you’d just leave without you baby. That’s bull💩…
She should have went to court way before this. 9 yrs is a long time to walk away from a kid…
How it got to 9 years with this bull crap is beyond me, I would have been at court the week after, there is way more to this story, no mother walks and doesn’t fight for their child without there being a reason, to only have seen your own child 5 times legally no court would have ruled that ok, unless a good reason was present.
Unless court is involved I don’t see how his mother could do all that? I’m confused. If it was through the court, then she’ll have to go back to court.
So she waited till her son is 9 to fight for him? It took her 7 years for her to realize she love her son ? Girl fuck out here!!!
Usually if her rights have been terminated… there would be no child support.
Did the mom receive any paperwork from the court state her rights are terminated? If not she got played n needs to go to the court ASAP they could get in trouble for what their doing if it ain’t legal and with out probable cause they won’t terminate rights she had to get paperwork threw out everything
The don’t take away a parents rights without reason.
Hire u an attorney and get your child back
There is a lot and I mean a lot of information left out here! Too be able to even give advice more context needs to be provided. Did her rights get stripped? If so why? How come she let it go 9 years? So many questions and context left out.
Too much of this doesn’t add up.
First- if your rights are terminated, you would not have to pay child support.
Second- if your rights are terminated, you would have COURT.
Third- there has to be proof that she’s unfit for court to take his rights.
Fourth- the grandparents do not have a say unless she HAS LEGAL CUSTODY.
FIFTH- why on Earth would you just leave your child and take 9 years to fight?
- She needs to keep every message he/his mom sends her.
- It’s gone be hard she can fight to be back I’m her son life and keep striving in life
If hes been there 9 years you have to think if its the best interest of the child trying to move him from the only home he has ever known. Alot doesn’t make sense in the story to me
it feels a lot like they’re lying to her about her rights
#1, she still has rights as she is paying child support…people who no longer have rights to the child aren’t required to pay support as THEY HAVE NO RIGHTS to them.
#2, there is usually state aid that helps in these situations…she should’ve been fighting since day 1 of being kicked out and having her child held from her.
Unless they have proof of her being an unfit mother, a court wouldn’t keep a mother from her child.
The father would have custody, not the grandma and grandma would not have a say in the matter as she is not the child’s parent.
If there is a court order and NOBODY is following it, then I’d take them back to court for contempt.
Something is not adding up here though……
If she doesn’t have any visitation rights she needs to stop paying child support and talk to a lawyer
Take them to court?!?
Take it to court show all the messages were she is trying to be in her boys life
Well, he needs to see her more if she’s trying to get him back. He’s so used to being at grandma’s house that if she takes him away randomly he will be traumatized. I’m sure he has it good there. My advice would be to hire a lawyer or find one probono and then go from there. You won’t be able to do much if her rights are taken away. Was it rights, or just temporary custody? You’re gonna need a lawyer for this one. I already know, I’ve been in a situation and had to ask myself.
Unless the courts legally took her rights away then she still has em. That’s how the law works in Nh. Fairly sure any other state as well???
From my understanding Texas will pretty much do anything to keep kids with bio mom. Even if moms unfit unfortunately. In most cases you have to fuck up pretty bad for them to take everything away. Im not trying to be a dick, but pretty much she just has to try.
Save money, get an attorney!
That was the dumbest thing your sister could’ve done…your sister has rights though…don’t do phone conversations do it all through texts print all these convos…the way our family court Justice system is set up she won’t ever. Hire a lawyer dump your savings. I dumped 50k into my lawyer but I have my daughter.
Take them to court you have the right if your paying
If she has no rights than why is she paying child support? She needs to take them to court something doesn’t add up.
If she’s paying child support then she has visitation rights, even if they have to be supervised.
Take them all to court
This is all fishy. She should have taken the kid when she was kicked out. I would never leave my child. She could have had the child with her and a police escort as left so could get her things without being bullied and went to the nearest shelter if had to. And then to let this go on for 9 years!? No…should have been looking for legal action asap. Doesnt add up
There’s got to be more to this story
If she didn’t sign paperwork to sign her rights away then she still has rights. Especially since she’s paying child support. Contact a lawyer! Get advice on next steps!
Sounds more like the grandma took guardianship of the child due to circumstances in past. Have her go to courts n ask for a copy of all court documents from back then.
9 years is a long time n she’ll have explaining to do of why now, however if she really wants her daughter back or to see then- pull the panties up n fight
2 words
Lawyer. Court.
How did she lose parental rights tp begin with? A grandparent cannot have rights over children unless the parents are incapacitated. But what led to the loss of parental rights to begin with?
Your sister is that child’s mother, they wouldn’t just take all rights away unless there was a reason, even if she had no place to go. If she is paying child support, she has rights to see the child. There should be some kind of court order. I would start with contacting friend of the court and asking for a copy. If there is a parenting time order in place, she needs to file missed parenting time forms for each day she missed. Provide call logs, text messages, etc. once that’s done turn those forms in to FOC. They will schedule a hearing and could hold them in contempt of court for failure to abide by parenting time rules IF there is something in place for visitation.
Been thru a version of this. It is a literal hell ! Hugs sorry she is going thru this too
Sounds dodgey. There is more to this story. Get a lawyer.
Just bc the grandmother filed for child support doesn’t mean she doesn’t have any rights to her son unless she signed those away through a court proceeding and the grandmother has since adopted him. I’m not sure how Texas works but I would think that all she would need to do is to obtain an attorney if she can afford or just go file a petition at the juvenile courts seeking her child back into her custody or at least visitations. If she has never been proven an unfit mother or anything and has a suitable home and income for said child it shouldn’t be a huge issue to start the process of getting him back - the best thing she can do is to at least enquire about and stop letting these tyrants bully her and making her feel like she is an unfit parent. Good luck.
Not sure about texas, but I’m from Kentucky and if a parent signs all rights away then they aren’t required to pay child support. So if she’s paying child support then she still might have some type of rights to the child. She should go to the court house and ask questions, and get a lawyer. Again, not sure about Texas, but I’d just look into the laws for your state.
Sounds like he’s a punk, letting his mom choose everything that happens. It’s none of her damn business tbh
Ok one they dont take rights way right way …its actually hard get right taken off them , idk what started u r but in pa after ur rights r removed then u no longer have pay child support , so my advice is go bk court find out if her rights r actually gone and see what she can get …my friends was like this ened up her rights wasnt gone it was visits, she ended up getting them bk ended up w every other weekend and other holiday and summer , this when her son was 9
Literally she has to do what the COURT tells her to do. That’s it end of story
She is sleeping on her rights:woman_shrugging:t5:
As far as I can tell she hasn’t signed her rights away, and hasn’t been to court, all that’s happening is the child’s grandmothers doing and the child’s father goes along with, they are calling the shots and have decided she can’t see her son. She needs to get a lawyer, tell her story and go to court.
Tell the court he is disabled and receiving disability, I believe that makes him unfit to care for the child. The grandma doesn’t have rights unless she fights for them in court. Your sis needs to go down to child support and contest that order of support and ask to see any court rulings and get copies. Then she needs to get a lawyer, pro Bono if possible or on a payment scale. If there is no court order in place, technically she can go with the child’s birth certificate in hand and have police meet her at the home so she can take her child or they will allow her to visit with him. Grandma will be set aside but remember that may cause the child to feel scared. Or wait till a ruling or court case takes place.
I’m the state of texas, as long as you are still paying child support, you have rights. They can not terminate your rights if you are paying child support. She will have to lawyer up and go to court if she voluntarily surrendered custody…
Um… I’m sensing there is more to the story. My first question is why has she not gotten a lawyer, did they ever take your sister to court, why did they take guardianship? What exactly are we missing from this? I’m not trying to be rude in any sense, but I’m not going to sugarcoat it.
Sounds like she needs to file with the court to obtain her parental rights back because it sounds like what happened. The grandparent, in most states, barely has any rights and has to fight tooth and nail just to get their foot in the door, just for visitation. However, if she signed guardianship over and it’s been 9 years, she could have a bit of trouble. She will need a good lawyer and show consistent stability, show proof they denied her to visit and proof of the grandmother bribing her. Also, show that the father isn’t very stable either. I would start with petitioning for weekend or weekly visitations and go from there. It will look a bit better to start that way than ripping the kid from what he has been accustomed to the last 9 years. Unless she feels their is any type of abuse then of course involve child services as well.
There has to be so much more to this story! Further more think about the 9yr old who obviously doesn’t know his mother!! Why do that to him at this point! I’m sorry you don’t just decide 9yrs later you want your kid back! Again there has to be so much more to this story!
Go to court for visitation, that should have been done a long time ago. No one can just tell a mother she can’t see a child at all for no reason. Something doesn’t add up
She needs to take it to court… At least in new York if you have no rights than you don’t pay support. I’m guessing she has her rights and just needs to petition the court.
I would say get a lawyer and go from there. You need to get this before a judge
Get an attorney and fight for it
That ladies a bitch wow
Did the court take away her parental rights? Because an individual (the grandmother) has no legal right to do so.
Get a lawyer but she will only get visitation due to not being in the child’s life enough unfortunately seen it done she will probably only get every other weekend for a few months then maybe 50/50 xxx
She needs to get an attorney and document everything. Everytime she’s reached out and denied, save all text messages and everything as well
She needs to get a good attorney. Mothers have rights.
She is the mother. As long as she try’s to fight it in court they want the kids with the mother. She has to save proof of what he does anything that can help. She should stay civil no matter what!!! They will find anything to use it against her, even after all they do. 9 years old boy is old enough as well they will speak to him when the time comes in court. She should go file. There are programs for low income mothers all over. I’m sure Texas does if you look it up. Good luck
Tell her to save all those messages from the stupid father. Those help. Especially when he’s saying how he has it good getting disability and child support etc. Get a lawyer
Even tho she was kicked out she could of taken her child. When she agreed to pay child support vs taking said child she also signed a custody agreement witch gave them primary custody. She needs to go look at that paperwork. It’s been 7 years now, so it’ll be hard for her to just get custody back especially since she is just now trying. She’ll have to get a lawyer, and more than likely get a visitation schedule and it’ll be prolonged out since the child doesn’t really even know her if he’s only saw her 5 times… regardless of her leaving or paying child support a judge is going to wonder why now she’s trying but not before.
I feel like part of the story is missing here. How would grandma get the rights taken from the mother?
Take that ass to a judge. Dude needs to cut the umbilical cord w his mommy too. That’s some bullshit
Regardless of being kicked out, I would have brought my baby with me! There’s resources out there that could have helped her with her situation. Also, how did she lose rights? Here in Minnesota it’s so hard for fathers to lose their rights to their child/ren so I can imagine it be the same for mother’s. Something had to of happened to where she got her rights terminated. It doesn’t make sense.
Get a lawyer they will tell u how to go about everything
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Why doesnt she take him to court??
Show courts she can provide for him ….show that mother is stable and provider…that’s all courts want…low income attorneys are out there …pro Bono
If she legally had her rights taken away then there is nothing she can do but if the grandmother is just saying it then she can get a lawyer and do something about it if there wasn’t any legal action taken between the parents
First of all unless she signed her baby to them they can’t keep her child. She needs to take them to court and will have to prove herself fit to parent
Save all the text and file in court
Take the grandma to court. She should not have lost custody in the first place
This is a sad situation. I just went through a divorce and I learned a few things in the process. If she made her sign over her rights then she doesn’t have to pay child support. She needs to save her money and get a good lawyer so she can get her son back. It sounds like they bullied her out of her child so she can definitely win if there are no other underlying issues (drugs, homelessness, etc…).
There is much more to this story than what was posted. Parental rights aren’t taken away because grandma said so. This is a sad situation and unfortunately more information needs to be known before advice can be given.
More to the story it seems
Lawyer up my friend. You are the child’s mother, you have more rights to the child than some overbearing grandmother who wants to try and get it right the second time around.
Also if you have a text from them saying you can see the child and they deny you, you can take it to the police.
Document everytime u make contact with grandma or dad. Eveytime you ask for visitation. Keep receipts of everything you drop off for your son Keep text messages. This will help in court. Unless grandma has parenting orders and additional guardianship through family courts she cannot withhold visitation. Get a lawyer. Good luck the process may be tedious and long.
Go to court print out text messages from them
Get visiting right first in ohio it like 50 bucks to file
Why won’t you answer to these people on here.
In 9 years she hasn’t thought to take them to court or see the kid more than 5 times?
If she lost her rights, she wouldn’t be paying child support. So she just isn’t actively trying to get the child back, she has rights if she’s paying support, she could be getting a lawyer and going to court for the child, but it sounds like she wasn’t all that interested in being in his life for 9 years. Sad she waited so long to care. Maybe it is better the grandparents had him since she wasn’t willing to even fight to have a place for them when he was a baby.
Print all the txt we’re he is saying he has it good cause he gets child support and disability every call take screen shots every visit you all go go take a picture of the front door or video and mark it on your calendar the day y’all went record conversations with the grandma and him specially the grandma telling you if you want to see him you have to get back with his soon gather all that and take them to court and get your son back please don’t sit around and wait
Father’s for equal rights also works with mama’s in this situation
You don’t pay Child Support if your Parental Rights have been taken away. Something is Very Wrong.
Yes she can. Tell her to get evidence of the using the kid to bribe her and anything else and take her to court
Also in texas at age 12 the child gets a say in custody.