Lol god wishes my baby would sleep in her bed all night lol
Close the door n lights off
Im sorry, but WHY? im not trying to be a bitch, but I don’t understand why you would not want your child to sleep in her/his bed; my grandmother killed two infants by her or her husband rolling over and suffocating them. When my kids woke up to eat I crawled my ass out of bed went to their room changed their bottom and fed and put them back safely in their bed!!
omfg babe haha Rosa Nbs Trevino
Just leave him in his crib
Keep him in his own bed
Lmao im trying to get my kid OUT of my bed
I co slept with all 3 of mine. No issue putting them to bed now that they’re getting a little older. My kids never had issues transitioning into their own bed. Totally up to you, you’re the parents! There’s also a crib type co sleeping device that attaches to the side of your bed you can buy. Good luck! Remember, its YOUR child.
No hate…but if he’s already doing well in the crib, moving him to your bed will set you back. It becomes much harder to get him back to the crib, and you won’t want him in your bed forever. My advice is not to go down that road. But if that’s what you really want to do, then best of luck
A child secure enough to sleep on his own! What a blessing. Think of how much easier sleep overs with friends and family will be for him!
I’ve been co-sleeping with my 1st born who just turned 2 last week since she was about 6 months old. Crib training her was difficult for me because I gave in to her cries. Oh how I wish I tried harder. If your baby is good in his/her own crib, let them be. What a blessing.
That’s how all my kids were. My daughter is 4. Since she was in big girl bed every once in awhile she’ll come climb in bed with us in middle of night. Middle child use too do the dance as his sister but itd be after i got up and getting ready for work and it was rare.
Lol it’s usually the other way around! But if they aren’t wanting to stay in your bed, just let them keep sleeping in theirs. We are working on our daughter staying in her toddler bed. Some nights she stays all night, others she gets up in the middle of the night and crawls in with us. The ultimate goal I believe is to get them to sleep well as best they can and eventually on their own. So I think you should just let them stay in their own bed. They might want to cuddle with you later on.
Every kid is different. As is every situation. I have 5. I co slept with 2 and never slept with 3. Each kid is so different. Sometimes we have to do what’s easiest. Being a parent of 1 or 5 is exhausting. Whatever works for you and yours.
I’ve always set a settle down time about 30 min-1 hour before bed time. We read sing bedtime songs or watch a movie. Then usually by bed time they’re settled enough to go to sleep fairly quickly. I have 4 kids from 17-4 and I’ve never had problem getting them out of my bed. My 4 yr old was in her own bed by 2. But I still sit with her and do the same things just in her bed now and head for mine once she’s down.
We are fighting to get my granddaughter to sleep in her bed. We made her a beautiful bedroom and she gathers all her stuff and sleeps in the corner by our bed. At some point she climbs in our bed or her dads bed. And no one sleeps well. Except Mila.
Dont. let him sleep on his own it sounds like he is already comfortable on his own kids need to learn to become independent not dependent.
Just why? Ive never understood why you would want a child in your bed in the first place. I can and did bond/cuddle with my children without ever feeling the need to have them sleep with me.
Don’t let it start. I enjoyed having my son in bed with me, and now he is 10 still sleeping between me and his father!!!
Guess I was brought up in a different era. We never gave a thought to having our kids sleep with us. They had their room and we had our room.
Maybe he doesn’t want too and is perfectly happy sleeping in his own space. If it’s not broken, don’t fix it!
SAVE YOURSELF its all fun and games until your being kicked in the face every night and wondering why your neck is stiff
Why would you want that ??? Every parent wants their kids out ! If you kid is happy to be sleeping on its own that’s amazing !
Don’t. That’s going backwards. He is already accustomed to sleeping alone. He is already telling you it’s not working. Sounds like you want him in your bed for you and not for him.
No hate but I have my almost 3 year old in my bed co sleeping and I would like advice from you to get her out lmao for real though send help…also have a 4 month old trying to inch her way in to …isn’t happening lil thang!
Why would you want to encourage him sleeping in your bed? Most parents are trying to get the kids out of their beds!!! You are lucky if you ask me! My kids are 6 & 9 they still like to climb into my bed sometimes and they are still restless… enjoy your bed!
Wow let me explain why co-sleeping is bad. I have an almost 13 year old who now takes up my bed. All because I let her sleep in my room when she was young. Imagine that baby turns 13 suddenly the baby is taller than you. Has less need for sleep and you still have to function and attempt not to lose your marriage because you can’t get it on.
Yea, I feel the same way. I’ve been wanting to cosleep with my son. However, I have the same issue. I’m thinking it’s for the better lol I’ve been super clingy to him recently and ig it’s bc he’s getting bigger and I feel bad that he’s all alone in his room. People are already being judgmental on this post:roll_eyes: I would just stick to his own bed OP and let him enjoy that alone. Idk if you’ll respond to this, but is there any reason you want them in your bed? Is it just feeling bad that they’re alone or bc waking up would be easier? I understand those reasons, but maybe you should try a baby monitor instead?
If he’s fine in his own bed leave him it’s not fair disrupting his routine because YOU want him in your bed. Wait till he’s awake in the morning and have cuddles with him then.
But why? If he is happy where he is, leave him. If you had done it from the start ok, but I think it’s too late now. It’s cute when they’re little but a 7yr old with arms and legs everywhere is no fun!
I have coslept with both of mine since birth. Set up a routine for going to bed. Get cozy, sing a bedtime song , read a story and then it’s time to close your eyes.
He’s probably more comfortable in his crib sleeping honestly. Cause my two year old wanted to jump all over my bed also
Don’t, he already sleeps by himself and he’s keeping you both awake by trying to keep him in your bed. Having him in your bed is going backwards.
Unfortunately it sounds alike he likes his independence I would just let it be and if it helps at least have him beside your bed in his
I co sleep with me one year old we change his diaper and give him a milk sippy and then true tv on and tell him it’s time for night night
Not hating just letting you know another side of co sleeping I started at 3months old and the child is now 6 she won’t sleep in her own bed is this what you want
Don’t my son is 4 and just now sleeping in his own bed. I have a 1year old and I learned my lesson she’s been sleeping in her bed since day one.
If he’s not wanting to sleep in your bed why make him? Honest question…
If he sleeps in his crib… leave him there. Cosleeping isn’t as great as you think it is lol
Don’t co sleep! It’s not safe! Your baby could die!
Don’t do it, I wish my toddler would sleep in crib, I’m exhausts from sleepless nights.
Be happy he likes sleeping by his self
You can get them bassinets that attach to the side of your bed, I’d recommend not to put a child in your actual bed.
Dear God you had him bed trained and now you want him to cosleep?
Why? You have it made.
Hu my advice is to keep him in his crib. My son is 12 and if it was up to him I’d still be co sleeping
Ur lucky most parents r working on getting their kid out of rheir bed…
Oh my gosh that means you can have sex. I would keep baby where he is comfy. Good job
Leave him in the crib !!!
Enjoy a bed to yourself while you have the chance!! Lol
Uh why cosleep if you don’t have to
mmm y el mio ya tiene 5 y todavia duerme con nosotros.
Enjoy the time alone in bed with your significant other. That is my favorite part of the day. We have 3 kids. 12, 3, and 4 months. After they go to bed and we get a shower and lay down that is where we can have our talks and just be together. I love my kids but during the day all attention on then from the both of us. Don’t loose the couple time. It’s important!
You guys are complete idiots
Your baby sleeps independently by himself at 1 year old and now you want to co sleep? Hahahah mate
While infants are at heightened risk for SIDS between the ages 1 and 4 months, new evidence shows that soft bedding continues to pose hazards to babies who are 4 months and o
Approximately 3,500 infants die every year in the United States from sleep-related deaths, including sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), ill-defined deaths, accidental suffocation and strangulation. The number of infant deaths initially decreased in the 1990s after a national safe sleep campaign, but has remained the same in recent years.
What is with all these judgmental Karen’s?! She asked a question, if you can’t give an suggestion to her question without trying to talk her out of something that isn’t your place or right to dictate. Scroll on and shut the hell up. Moms these days always have to push their beliefs on everyone. I don’t co-sleep with my youngest, but it’s not right for us but what she does with her own child isn’t your place to decide. Damn, just stop already.
I’ve never heard of a parent that has a child sleeping in there crib wanting to co-sleep, usually it’s the other way around. I’m not sure if your kiddo is a sound sleeper or not but maybe try letting him fall asleep in his crib and pick him up, rock him in your arms to soothe him back to sleep and lay with him in the bed in your arms until he is in a deeper sleep. Maybe progress towards him being drowsy and laying down with him. I’m not judging, this is your child and they are all different but good luck. Opening this can of worms is not always easy getting them back in their own bed when they get older. I wish I could be more helpful. Only one of mine co-slept and that was from day one and a long time ago. My other two never did at all.
If he sleeps fine in his own bed, leave him be. That’s where he is comfortable sleeping.
-mom who coslept and still does sometimes.
I’m appalled by how many critical comments are on this page. Wow. She asked for advice AND not for you guys to throw shade… anyway, we have the same issue with our 2 yr old daughter. She only sleeps with us if she is feeling really crummy and doesn’t want to sleep by herself. Then we all lay in bed and “go to sleep” until she has fully fallen asleep. If she is rowdy in our bed, we tell her she either has to close her eyes and try to sleep or go back to her bed which usually settles her. I hope this helps mama. Good luck!
My 5 yr old is STILL in bed with us. My daughter was in bed with us as well tell she turned 5 months and then she wanted to sleep alone (thank god lol) but she also will never nap in bed with me or even lay with us for 2 mins. She always thinks its party time lol some kids just won’t.
I don’t understand. If he “can’t get comfortable” why would you want to force him??
if he likes his crib, leave it be.
He needs his own bed you are asking for trouble he will settle in until he is six and never leave. He needs his sleep so do you. Don’t teach him bad habits.
Don’t start that! Very hard to get them back to their own bed!!
Honestly, I think your son has made his decision for what works best for his body and you should follow his cues. Sleeping independently is a huge life skill and he’s already conquered it! Kudos!
There’s plenty of time for loves and snuggles during waking hours.
Sleep with your kid ! Take it from someone who is currently still sleeping with her almost 5 year old don’t doooo itttt !!! You will be kicked in the back in the face allll the timeeee ! Can’t get him out of the bed ! Enjoy your own bed and he is super confutable in his why go and change everything lol
Take this advice…you’re going backwards…you’ll have to retrain, then when you’re ready to give the child their own room…going to be worse…just don’t
I have never had my girls sleeping in our bed and they went straight from cot to bed in their own rooms that was 35 years ago and they have their own children now and they have done exactly the same and my granddaughters love their own rooms
The risks don’t outweigh the benefits of co-sleeping. It isn’t safe. Baby should be on his back, in his crib alone. Same room as you guys? Sure. I have seen firsthand infant deaths from co-sleeping. It isn’t worth the risk.
Have you tried starting with nap times cuz usually with a nap time they’re a little more worn out all four of my kids co slap with me and from time to time it was like a little treat instead of having to sleep by themselves they get cuddles to take a nap
Don’t do it! It’s so hard to get them back out of the bed. It sounds harsh but if he sleeps well on his own enjoy that!
Give it a few days of trying and he will get use to the new sleeping routine, but why?! U have done a great job letting him sleep on his own bed
I’m trying to get my kids out of my bed. Props to you. The second you get him adapt to sleeping with you the harder it’s going to be to get him out. Trust me I know from experience (twice). it’s not fun.
At 1 year old if he’s sleeping in his crib with no problem, why would you change that routine??
co sleep? and that is why our kids grow up way too dependent on us. our kids all slept in their crib or own room. it’s also not good for. healthy marriage. occasionally its ok, but not constantly.
No hate but r u crazy… spend time making the parent relationship good so the child knows how to act as an adult…
If he sleeps great in his bed why would you want to start co sleeping? Not being critical but if it’s about him, you’d leave him where he’s resting well.
Every baby need there own spaces , especially now with the covic /19 , if you get it the baby will too .
Maybe only attempt cosleeping arrangements for nap time
I’m not sure why you would encourage co sleeping
You have all day to bond?
And I’m trying to get my baby to sleep in his own bed
What is wrong with u…
I feel, personally this is something that you start from the beginning. Idk that disrupting his sleep habits now makes any sense, is good for him at all or is possible.