My wife and I have always had our one-year-old son in his crib with no issues. We’d really like to try to cosleep with him, but every time we try he can never settle down. He thinks it’s time to party and play. Any advice on how to manage that or try to transfer him to our bed? Please no hate comments. Thanks.
Why would you mess up a good thing???
I’m just confused on why you would want to change something thats apparently going well? And hes 1 already?
Why do you want him in your bed? He will never get out. Bad bad bad idea
Once they are use to sleeping on their own, it’s nearly impossible to get them to settle down and sleep with you. We coslept for 10 mo the and then my son started sleeping in his crib. He’s now 16 months and even on nights he’s not sleeping well, it only gets worse if I try to lay him with me. He won’t settle down and sleep.
You don’t want to start that lol I wish I could get my 9 month old in his own bed.
Don’t start it! You’ll never get alone time
Don’t fix it if it’s not broken.
Once you get them in bed with you it’s hard to break them to sleep bye there self
Why would you want that? It’s awful trying to break that habit. You should thank your lucky stars that he doesn’t want to co-sleep.
Do not cosleep if he willing to sleep in his own bed.
Umm no! Do you want to create a monster?
A) why? And B ) adult beds aren’t safe until 2 years old
Wow, Why would you want to start cosleeping with your child?
Keep the child in his own bed where he belongs. If you do end up transferring him to your bed, you’ll regret it down the road when you have 6 year old who will no longer sleep alone.
Huh? You have one of the biggest hurdles tackled and you want to change it??? My advice is if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
Why would you do that?
If he is already sleeping on his own why change that? If he thinks it’s a party that is your sign not to change whats happening.
Sometimes they just want their own space. My daughter was like this. She co slept for about 10 months and was simply more comfortable and settled in her own bed. Even now, at nearly 6, she will try and start in bed with us, sometimes. But she will eventually leave and go to her own. Often times we have to let them lead
Some of us enjoy cosleeping
Maybe try to start a routine of “quiet” time before bed to start the relaxation process. My son and I co-sleep at times and he is the same way with not wanting to settle down. I often wake up and find that he is still up moving around. Try your best not to interact with them or try playing soothing music. Maybe that will help.
Co sleeping is the best. Join this group for support.
The Beyond Sleep Training Project
Let the child sleep in peace in his OWN space.
Marital beds are for couples.
There is no reason on why a child whose parents can afford 2 beds have to share a bed with 2 grown ups
Omg please don’t!! I am co-sleeping with my now 7 year old daughter. I wish I would have NEVER started this. I can not get her out of my bed for nothing and it’s terrible. I need my bed back
Don’t, leave him be, he’s sleeping fine now, once you start it will create all issues, and lack of sleep will start.
Enjoy the time with your partner… Kids don’t belong in the bed with yas
A Child belongs in his Own bed!! Where he is safe.
Oh boy the monster y’all will unleash by breaking a perfectly good schedule he already has … i suggest y’all take the hint … and don’t fix something that isn’t broken.
I’m a cosleeper so obviously no judgement but very curious why start now? Especially if they are used to sleeping alone?
If people want to co sleep with their child , let them be , hate comments are so un called for , negative comments as well…
You don’t. Thats how you do it. Why would you want to reverse that . Thats like taking a step back…
Why? Sleeping in his own bed is safer and better for you too
You want to co sleep cause YOU want to.
Your baby is happy in his crib. Leave him be
Why? Dont fix it if it ain’t broke and it ain’t broke!
Leave him in his crib. He doesn’t want to cosleep with you guys he likes his own space n his own bed… if u wanted to co sleep you should’ve started when he was an infant but there are dangers associated with cosleeping so
why would u want to change tbat he independent already thats a good thing
These comments they are asking for advice not judgement…y’all are rude
I would maybe try a nap first and see how he does.
I wouldn’t switch to co sleeping full time though if he is sleeping comfortably on his own in his own crib.
Why the switch all of sudden? This could potentially be a set back
A child belongs in their own bed from day 1.
So he sleeps well in his bed but not in yours and you want to move him to your bed why??? Leave him where he’s comfortable and with what he knows…in his own bed.
Don’t do itttt lol!!!
When my son was about that age we would get into the habit of hard core playing every night, tickling him light roughhousing and just wearing him out! He is also a HUGE cuddle bug and loved snuggling up with me and usually is asleep within 30 minutes. Mine is 4 now. And I started co sleeping when he was about a week old. I’m super excited for you guys to start! And it’s something to be proud of that you guys waiting till he was older!
Don’t! You’ll regret it down the road when they are hogging the whole bed or digging their feet under you all night and you can’t sleep
If he doesn’t settle, it’s not for him x
All 4 of Mine co slept from the beginning and only stopped when they were ready. ( it does seem strange to start now, but your kid your choice obviously) start with quiet time in your bed, stories, soft nursery rhymes, snuggles, and just a nice quiet relaxed atmosphere.
I hope it works for you. Xx
I loved co sleeping
Hey I’m all for doing whatever you want with your child. Just know that it’s only cute now as he’s little when he’s a bed hog and does karate in his sleep. Imagine how difficult it gets when you have a 7, 8, 9 or 10 year old taking up all of your bed and you can’t get him out because you’ve spoiled him with the whole co sleeping routine. Just think this through before you decide to break his routine.
I love my babies but I also love not waking up looking like a battered woman lol
To be honest I think your mad, but each to there own. You have won one of biggest battles most parents have with bed time. Mine are all good sleepers. All slept in own bed. Eldest did get in with me early morning occasionally. But prefered his own bef
Personally if he’s sleeping well in his crib I wouldn’t mess with that. Only because it will become a hard habit to break later on. Since he’s getting good rest it may be difficult to try and transition him.
Sounds like he wants to sleep in his crib. TBH that isn’t a bad thing
You’ll regret it. My kiddo is almost 4 (January) and still won’t go to bed unless his aunt or I sit with him. I’m due Sept 8th with my second, and its gonna be hellish. I’m not cosleeping with this one. Hard lesson learned
Why would you want to start co sleeping when he is already settled into a routine and a good one. Once they start sleeping in your bed it will be hard to stop the habit, plus your alone time will come to an end…
I want my kid out of my bed not in it. But once the habit has been established it is so hard to break.
Some of these comments are really unkind. Co sleeping is normal in many parts of the world. Maybe OP has her reasons for wanting to have her child in the same room.
OP, please don’t take these comments to heart. Please join a group more aligned with your type of parenting. There are people out there who will support you!
The Beyond Sleep Training Project
Biologically Normal Infant & Toddler Sleep
Take off the side of the crib and have it against the wall. Then push your bed to it. Wam bam you got yourself a big bed.
Lay with him in his own bed that way you can go to your own bed when he is asleep. Sometimes I lay in my kids beds at night if I cant get to sleep myself it is just a comfort thing for me but that way he is not getting used to being in your bed every night because he will never leave
I would say dont start that habit but my daughter slept withbus from birth till she was 5 and my son has slept with us from birth and he just turned 7. We had just enough time without a child in our bed to make another lol. So basically for the last 13 years we’ve had a child in our bed
To each their own. Maybe when he’s old enough and more ready you can get him a bed big enough that is his that you can lay in with him if he just doesn’t want to settle with you? I’m fighting to get my 3 yr old to sleep through the night in her own bed but we have 5 other kids as well and I’m just exhausted and she just doesn’t fit well in our small bed. I lay in her twin bed with her until she falls asleep
Well this is unusual lol
Can you teach my 1 year old how to sleep in her crib & not in bed with her father & i!?
Why on earth would you want to disrupt his sleep?
I can’t even imagine why, when he’s sleeping on his own just fine, you would want to change his routine.
What’s your motivation?
Each to their own but if he’s one and happily sleeping alone in his crib there’s no need to disrupt that. Don’t break his routine if he’s happy in his crib leave him be. It’s not just up to you he’s clearly happy where he is
My advice is dont i want my 2 year old out of bed i wouldnt even consider allowing her 11 month old sister into my bed ever
Oh honey don’t do it, it’s a trap!!! Co sleeping is a personal choice just not my choice lol. If you really want to ruin your independent sleeper you are going to have to be patient. It is a party to him! Imagine going from sleeping alone to having 2 extra people in bed with you lol. That’s a pillow party. Make everything a routine at night. He will get use to his new situation. Just give him time.
Qhat in the world lol? I wish for anything for my almosy 1 year old to sleep in her own bed🙃 i balrey get sleep, by her beating me up in her sleep or waking up and crying for no reason lol.
It took me husband and I almost a full year you break our daughter of co sleeping with us. Tbh you may regret it later on life, lol.
Lolololol this can’t be real. Y’all wild.
Why would you now start doing that, why break him of sleeping in his crib peacefully. I’m sorry but this makes no sense.
His bed is best! Everybody dreams of that!
Let him sleep in his own bed. Co sleeping is so hard to break. Plus they like to hog thr bed so day goodbye to sleep if you are going to co sleep. But if you really want to co sleep just take one railing off the side of the crib and push it against your bed.
I’m not judging by any means, but I’m honest to God baffled as to why you would want to start it. I just can’t for the life of me get my head wrapped around the idea, of fixing what’s not brook.
We got 3 and they all at one point would crawl into bed with us during the night from a bad dream, and my husband and I would sleep horribly the rest of the night
Leave him in the crib. Don’t try and fix what is not broken.
It’s hard to not get hate comments on something that could put your child in danger with a group full of mothers
I would first advise against this because I’m still trying to get my 5 year old out of my bed, but its your life and your child, so you can try having him lay down and pull up the back of his shirt and you can pet his back with your fingernails. Calms my daughter every time and she LOVES it!
No stop now. Says the mom of a 4 year old who refuses her own room. Only if we get bunk beds with a trundle so we can all stay in her room
I wouldn’t listen to the people who are telling you not to co-sleep. It’s your child and your choice. My kids co-sleep and I don’t mind it one bit! And Jesus, the kids aren’t gonna be small forever, I’d make the most of it! Some people act like it’s the worst thing you can do, to cuddle your kids at night Some people enjoy it, and if it makes you happy, go for it.
The post said no hate… yet yous are all judgemental as hell! Every parent has a different way of doing things, so give the advice on what was asked instead of asking if it’s real
What am I reading?
I personally think if hes settled in his crib leave him there he will get a proper night sleep alone as will you both I could never sleep comfortably with a child in the bed. Mine do cuddles in the morning but always slept alone unfortunately most parents that co sleep do it out of desperation for any sleep.
This just sounds weird…lol.
Why would you do that. Get him a full sized bed and join him sometimes when you want a cuddle.
My baby sleeps with us, but will also go down by herself in her bed.
It’s possible to do both.
It’s just a routine. When the baby learns the routine it’s cake. Make each routine it’s own and don’t deviate.
WHY would you want to start to cosleep after a year? Like this has to be a fake question…
My one year old has been crib sleeping since day one. As much as I would like to cuddle with her and sleep, everyone gets better sleep when we sleep in our own beds
Join Biologically Normal Infant & Toddler Sleep ! It’s a group full of co-sleepers and bed sharers including myself and everyone is very informative!
Fake sleep. They give up eventually!!! Haha
Can’t say I’ve ever seen this before. Most people are trying to get their kids OUT of their bed But I understand the question. I have 3 kids. 2 I co-slept with and they were so snuggly. My third I had instincts not to co-sleep. Something deep down told me not to with this one, and he’s not snuggly I desperately want to be able to snuggle him to sleep when we travel since he has a harder time sleeping away from home, or just sit and snuggle at all and he’s just not into it. It’s sad.
Why would you do that? He is happy in his crib so leave him be. Yes he will think its play time because your bed isn’t his bed. You will most likely regret it later when you want your bed/bedroom back for yourselves.
Keep him in his bed. You already have him in there. You’re going to try and put him in your bed and then turn around and try to get him out in a few years. My kids always came yo my bed in the middle of the night after they went into a toddler bed.
Sounds like your son is happy in his crib. He probably sleeps best with his space and not cuddled between two adults, especially if he’s not used to it. Put him in a toddler bed and crawl in with him. The end of the day it’s about what is best for your son and not what you want.
Leave the kid in its own bed wtf
I wish my eldest took to sleeping by herself when she was a baby, cause my god I got no sleep haha. But second time round I haven’t had to co-sleep. I find it much better having my bed to myself. But each to their own I guess?
Dont do it! They never leave!
I’m still cosleeping. Daughter is 9 months ptob will continue after 1.
Huh, yall must not want to have sex in your bed ever again…crazy
Don’t he will never leave, plus adult mattresses arnt safe until 2
Why? He doesn’t seem to be bothered sleeping alone. Don’t create a problem
It’s a little weird you want to force him into co sleeping when he’s completely content sleeping on his own.
Are you kidding me right now I have a four-year-old that still in my bed and I’m trying to get him out of my bed I think you guys should rethink what you’re doing
I think its safe after a year old. I co sleep with my 4 year old. There’s nothing wrong with it. But we may regret it later
Sounds kind of creepy.
I would say since you’ve made it this far I wouldn’t start co-sleeping. But if you’re determined to do so, invest in a Dock-A-Tot Grand. It’s well worth the money and he can sleep in it for a couple of years. Then he’ll have his own “bed” in your bed to help him understand it is sleep time and not play time.
Why in the world would you want to do that? I’m stunned. He won’t settle down because he’s used to his bed. When he’s old enough he will want to sleep with you trust me. My 5 year old always slept in his own bed but is now trying to pull sleeping with us every night all of a sudden.