Hey mamas. I just started a higher paying job with more hours. The only downside is that my son and I have to go to bed sooner and wake up sooner. My son was on the old schedule and routine for several months. I had to start the new schedule overnight. He is still wide awake at night when I’m mentally and physically exhausted, and he is sleepy and still tired when I try to wake him. My question is how can we get through this? Tonight I feel like I’m having a breakdown with exhaustion.
This too shall
Pass ! Hang in there !
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Limit his naps immediately. So, if bed time is now 7, not 830, his nap should end by 2, 2:30 at the latest. It’ll take time for him to adjust but set a routine & stick to it for it least 30 days. Even on weekends.
Wear him out before bath time. Low lights at bed time, calm & quiet. No jumping around or giggle fests. Rub his back for a few mins, read a quiet story & cuddle. Whatever calms him.
I stopped all play time is we got ready for the bath. I think it worked too well bc my 14yr still has the routine. She says it’s comforting.
It’ll take some time, but you’ll both be adjusted before you know it. Keep it up on any days off until everyone’s adjusted. Good luck, you can both do this.