How clean should our house be?

I would make sure dishes are done and put away. Most of laundry done and put away. Fridge and stove is clean. A place for toys. Beds have sheets on and made. All cleaning supplies put in a secure place. Make sure children are clean and fed. Make sure floors are swept and moped.

I would make sure it’s tidy. I had a GAL appointment. She focused more on how I interacted with my kids rather than what my place looked like. I made sure dishes were clean and put away, that we had toys out, and that the kids had cleaned up rooms and were presentable (brushed hair even tho they came from school). I made sure to have activities lined up to do with my kids. They showed the GAL their rooms and my son had a melt down (due to missing his sister so much and she had just gotten back from her dads). So she was able to see how I handled both my kids as a single parent.


I mean is there dishes in the sink, clothes or garbage on the floor? Is there room to walk? I would definitely try to make impression if it’s concerning a GAL. Everyone’s definition of lived in differs. Do you really want to play Russian roulette with that?


Clean, and everything in working order. That means smoke detectors, lights, hot running water. Stove works. And make sure there is food in your fridge.


GAL are basically a court appointed lawyer for a child, we had one when we went through our custody battle

As a GAL for over 20 years I look at clean clothes clean dishes clean bathrooms food stocked and loved kids. I expect a some what messy house if you have kids but there is a difference in messy and dirty. And I definitely don’t want a sterile house. Kids can’t live in a sterile house where they are afraid to move.


I see more than $ 110 an hour working from home. I never thought I could do that, but my best friend made over $ 15801 a month and convinced me to give it a try. The possibilities are endless.

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I’m thinking it’s important to have a safe environment, spotless is unrealistic. They shouldn’t have any reason to inspect for a coffee ring on the counter or a disorganized bin of DVDs. They are going to consider safety and watch for any signs that a home is “unkept” Things like clothes piled up in closets, dirty dishes, full garbage bins, light fixtures that are not functioning, broken furniture etc. Safety measures especially no medication out or anywhere accessible. Fridge should be well stocked, alcohol presence should be limited, better if not present and at least kept separate. Bathroom or closet should have clean towels and stocked supply of bath towels, toilet paper, paper towels and other daily use items.

There is no such thing as a spotless house when you have a husband and kids as long as there is not a sink full of dishes piles of laundry ,gross bathroom and a filthy floor I wouldn’t worry about it


It needs to look lived in thats all! Dont stress you got this! Make sure there is food in the house and love in the air


I keep a pretty tidy house most of the time. But, I had them pop up on a Monday one time after an incident at my sons school , I clean on Sunday’s. She met me at the door from work so I had not been in the house yet. She told me my house was too clean and she felt like I was hiding something… so weird. Made me super uncomfortable… Any other time they’ve came, I’ve left it a bit lived in. A few clothes on the bathroom floor, maybe a few dishes in the sink couch pillows in disarray. Spotless is honestly the most natural look of my house but I tend to try and slack my morning pickup if we have someone like that coming.


The Earth is dirt., we’ll never be able to keep the home spotless…unless you drive yourself and everyone around you crazy to keep it that way…

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Everyone here saying - Spotless - keep this in mind. I have had a home visit from CPS because I didn’t attend a school meeting and the teacher abused her power of authority and called CPS on us. CPS came and liked what they saw - a lived in house. The case worker told me that it’s a huge red flag for them if your home is so clean that it looks like children do not live there when they do. Yes, clean. Yes, lived in. But like a museum, no - do not do this.


Spotless is ridiculous. There’s no way a home could always be spotless. Show them it’s clean, but that you also allow your children to be children. They’re probably looking for the main things


I would concentrate on making sure the kitchen, refrigerator, and stove were very clean, as well as the bathroom. The rest of the house should be tidy. If you have a pet that sheds a lot, I’d make sure the pet hair was swept up (I have a German Shepherd that sheds A LOT, and one day’s worth of hair can make it look like you haven’t swept in a month!). I hope it all goes well for you!

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I see more than $ 110 an hour working from home. I never thought I could do that, but my best friend made over $ 18201 a month and convinced me to give it a try. The possibilities are endless.

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A bit of lived in is fine. Make sure everything’s functioning. Everyone has clean clothes, clean beds, bathrooms should be neat. Food in the fridge and cabinets. Some toys on the floor shouldn’t be a big deal. Most importantly, happy loved kids

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Your house does not have to be perfect it just needs to be clean and safe. There is a difference between dirty and a little messy because the house is lived in.


They don’t need spotless, they need to see clean but lived in. No beer cans around, no food stuck to places, no dirty diapers everywhere, no leftovers on the stove etc…. That’ll get your kid taken!

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I see more than $ 110 an hour working from home. I never thought I could do that, but my best friend made over $ 17909 a month and convinced me to give it a try. The possibilities are endless.

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honestly they prefer to see how you would have it normally. not dirty, but lived in and messy like a few toys out would be a good sign that the kids are allowed to play.

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If it is show home perfect you are liable to have more visits then a lived in home just because they wanna see your normal

They will check sleeping areas, that there’s adequate food in cupboards ect, that you have towels and other essentials. That the house is lived and played in, but kept to a good standard of cleanliness. a family home shouldn’t look like a professional showhome because that’s not realistic. Xx


I see more than $ 110 an hour working from home. I never thought I could do that, but my best friend made over $ 18333 a month and convinced me to give it a try. The possibilities are endless.

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I would assume it would depend on where you’re at and who your worker is… but from my experience I just made sure things were picked up and clean but our house is the same way we have animals, kids, and lives and its not dirty but it is lived in… and I’ve never had any complaints… and I have social workers, Gal, cbrs and case Management workers in and out as well as my fd17 probation officer that pops in

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Lived in is fine as long as it’s not dirty. They need to know that people actually live there.

I see more than $ 110 an hour working from home. I never thought I could do that, but my best friend made over $ 17258 a month and convinced me to give it a try. The possibilities are endless.

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I’m not sure what gal is. But if it’s like child services I wouldn’t worry too much about it being spotless. Just cleaned up, make sure cleaners are locked up and medications are put out of reach for children. As long as it doesn’t look filthy and unlivable you’ll be fine

Well if it was me in that situation id deep clean everything and make it spotless.

They can tell if a house has been “cleaned to perfection”. Girl let them come in and see how daily life is. That’s more like a cover up for whatever they may be searching or looking for. I had em called on me for my kid eloping from my house…invited them as is, they saw the struggle and knew I was doing my best and what was done to prevent her elopement stunts. The case was dropped because im not sugar coating nothing for nobody. :woman_shrugging:


They basically check for power water and food. They expect a home to be lived in. A few dishes in the sink or toys on the floor is not going to hurt you show them lived in keep it honest with them

I do not want spotless–I’d hire my daughter to do that. I like my lived in feeling.

I see more than $ 110 an hour working from home. I never thought I could do that, but my best friend made over $ 20633 a month and convinced me to give it a try. The possibilities are endless.

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Don’t worry about being spotless. They make sure everything is working, also check your smoke detectors, my batteries was dead made me have a extra visit.

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If it is court appointed I would want it spotless

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I’d just clean like normal. As someone who keeps a spotless house, when we had GAL coming often for foster care purposes, I got questioned about my spotless house.(Apparently this is a no no when you have multiple children, who knew :roll_eyes:) It wasn’t cleaned that way just for them. I legit keep it that way, and they were iffy about it. They prefer a lived-in house. :woman_shrugging:t4:

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Lived in and tidy up to clean makes you look like you have something that hide

They’ll know if you’ve done a massive clean to impress them. Just make sure the home is tidy, clean and safe.

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l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $21365 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

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Lived in is fine. They want to see the child’s sleeping area, food available and that the environment is safe. :slight_smile: It’s just like caseworker or VASA visit. :slight_smile:

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l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16315 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

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It needs to be lived in.

l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $12883 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

Clean it up but it doesn’t need to be spotless by any means.

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It depends on the worker. If you get a SW that doesn’t have kids & only knows about child development/parenting from books they may throw a fit over small things. I’d think most would get it though.

In my opinion, your house should appear as if the judge himself is coming to your home to meet with you.

Mine never cared. They liked seeing the kids could play and have fun. Mine was usually picked up but far from spotless. To be honest they feel like if it’s to clean kids can’t be kids…


We always have our house spotless when anyone from the county comes.

Mine checked for clothes and toys and food in the fridge, sanitary bathroom. Didn’t care about my room and didn’t ask to go in. She asked why I chose the area I lived in because it was in a bad area and I told her honestly that it’s what I could afford while simultaneously paying for my lawyer and she accepted that.


They check for food, running water, clothing, their room etc. Things a child needs. However, I would make sure things are clean. Spotless isn’t possible with children but clean is.


I have no idea what GAL is?


There is a difference between clean and tidy …. It can be untidy but has to be clean … no food on the ground and stuff like that no holes in walls carpet missing on the floor … it’s to gauge if the home is safe and happy They don’t care about toys lying on the floor

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I’d say probably no dirty dishes or trash out in sight but toys out or laundry in baskets isn’t going to be the end of the world

Spotless yes omg a GAL why?

Like not even clean dishes in dish drain

I’d clean it the best you could because if they don’t feel that its clean enough in there judgement you could cost yourself your kid or kids and you don’t want to do that now do you

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Clean means no rodents, pests, mold any harmful substances or neglectful environment. Tidy means you can move freely through the house. If you have a bunch of laundry piled a mile high or piles of toys or clutter everywhere then clean up but they understand kids make a mess especially young kids. So just tidy up no need to wash the walls and stuff unless they are nasty then please do.

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I think the idea is hygenically clean.
Shower/bath clean no mold.
Toilet clean
Kitchen clean and food in the cupboards!
Fridge should be clean
Children’s rooms should be clean with the obvious exceptions of toys and what not out for play.
Floor should be vacuumed and mopped.
The idea is to check the house is deemed hygienic. Toys and items out arnt a huge deal but like some people have said the person coming could be an ass and expect to have the house completely immaculate.

They make sure the place is reasonably tidy. That there is food in a clean fridge, that the kids have clean beds to sleep in, no dirty dishes piled high, no piles of dirty clothes piled high, trash taken out, floors swept, that sort of thing. They can accept toys on the floor and stuff like that, as long as they aren’t on stairs and a safety hazard. The kids should be reasonably clean too. Just stuff you should do anyway. The bathroom should be clean also. Just common sense stuff.

If you want to make a good impression then just clean? Not rocket science, what’s staying up late 1 night to clean your house especially if you have someone coming to see if you should have your children :woman_facepalming:t3: I have a 2 & 4 year old, work full time and still clean my house everyday


As a previous business owner for a residential cleaning company for 16 years I hated it when people cleaned up before I came. Everybody who does a job tries to do their best if you’re going to a house that’s already spotless it’s hard to do that

little kids and animals will not let you be spotless ,but if you are friendly who cares .?

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They understand you live there, the understand you have children there. They do not understand dirty laundry everywhere, dirty dishes, old food sitting around, dog poo in the floor, overflowing trash cans, unsafe environment, etc.
Children should live in a clean (not spotless) environment, there should be food available, there should be working water, toilets, shower or bathtub. There should be a fridge and a way to cook food.
If your home looks like a place people would be uncomfortable leaving their child, then you need to do more work.
When he/she gets there, do not slander the other parent, that’s not the way to impress, they are there to make sure your home is a safe and healthy place for a child to live.

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if its spottless it showing u trying way to hard. im sorry but no one with kids has a spotless house…ive always cleaned up but it still looks lived in. they dont like it oh well.

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There’s a difference between messy and filthy. I wouldn’t stress yourself to the point of scrubbing the walls but I’d make sure my bathroom is clean, dishes were done, trash taken out etc.

Messy is ok you live there. Dirty is not.

Clean but also lived in they know with littles your house isnt spotless

Please I’m a house keeper. I have been doing this for years. Make sure you toilet is clean. Close your bedroom doors. Pick up. They are coming to see you. If they don’t like the way you live and they judge you. They are not a friend. A friend is person who loves you for you . Not how your house looks. Please