How clean should our house be?

So we have GAL coming to our house sometime and I was wondering how clean the house should be? Everyone I’ve talked to said it needs to be absolutely spotless, (ours is not messy, but definitely lived in) and I feel like that’s too much like to be spotless. I’d rather them see it how we live in it vs seeing a fake clean house. But if it needs to be spotless then we can try our best.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How clean should our house be?

Clean as normal!! No need for fake living!!


Just clean like you normally would.
Btw, what’s GAL?.


We have three dogs and two cats so our house was clean but not spotless when the GAL came to our home. She mainly wanted to check out our child’s bedroom and talk to her/us.

Idk what GAL look for but lived in is the best because it shows you’re not faking it. Or that’s just my opinion

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First impressions are everything… but…

They’re interested in the kids, not if your baseboards are clean.


Really just depends on the person you get. I wouldn’t go to far bc then it can seem like you are trying to hide something. Just clean normal. You obviously don’t want visibly dirty floors , laundry thrown all over, or old food sitting around. Toys or things you use being scattered about shouldn’t be a big deal. They understand lived in just not dirty.


A Gardian Ad lietm I think it how you spell it but that’s what it stands for

Clean like normal. Make sure the toys are put away, dishes and garbage done and pick up laundry. You’ll be fine. :yellow_heart:


Idk what GAL is but I assume people are coming to judge and check? these people are trained and can tell . Just be normal. Kids are kids and of course some toys will be out! Good food In the pantry. Be good.

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Am I the only person that doesnt know what GAL means?

Lived in clean. Dishes done, floors clean, furniture clean, laundry kept up so there aren’t piles, trash picked up. Filth and lived in are 2 different things.

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I would clean and make it look nice , have the kids bedrooms cleaned , new sheets , smell good , light candles , no dishes in the sink … look organized and nice but also look like it’s a home and the kids have toys in living room organized nicely and live in it

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So your hoarders and don’t clean on the regular. Yes your house should be cleaned and always cleaned. Excuses of people who live dirty


A GAL or guardian ad litem is a lawyer appointed to your case during custody disputes, adoptions or during divorce proceedings to offer a third party opinion on custody arrangements for all asking.


I want spotless but I have a husband, a teen, a renter, 2 dogs and a cat. So clean-ish is what I get. I do clean daily, I work full time and rotate through the house. This am before work I did master bathroom and mopped laundry room.

Mine was spotless besides toys. I let the toys be everywhere bc that’s what a normal day truly looks like :sweat_smile: she checked their bedrooms and their closets and it went beautifully.


However you clean normally. Our guardian ad litem would call us out if our house was overly fake clean. They just want to make sure you have food in your fridge, toys in their rooms and clothes on their backs. And nothing dangerous.

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Make sure there is nothing on the floors in the kids room. I had a cpl pillows and stuffed animals and it was a trip hazard. Make sure you have groceries also. I cleaned and I thought I wanted them to see my lived in house but in reality they wanted to see fake living. Good luck to you!

they mainly look to see if kids has a room beds dresser for their clothes ect. to make sure u have food and as for being clean when we had 1 come to our house my house wasnt spotless it had the lived in look but u dont want over flowing trash cans and trash every where u dont wanna have dirty dishes piled in kitchen or dirty clothes ever where

As previously gal- we understand daily living- we mostly look at interactions and children thriving—

Kitchen clean, not a crazy amount of dishes in sink, clean floors as the kids walk on it, clean living room. If you have a toy room make sure it’s as “clean” as a kid would keep it. Also rooms and bathrooms need to be clean

Clean like you’re having company over for example everything put away dirty dishes put in dishwasher or washed by hand etc…

Have a clean, kitchen bathrooms, clean surfaces and clean floors. Organize clutter. Make sure there’s no fire traps. Clean as much as you can. My daughter has a case worker, maybe different than GAL, but She has yearly visits. She told me it doesn’t need to be spotless just sanitary.

I clean homes and I honestly don’t care how you leave your house as long as the kitchen isnt full of dishes and it’s not cluttered. It should be clean enough for her to do what she came to do without having to pick up in every room to start what she normally does on each room.

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No one’s house should always be spotless, my house is very clean but there’s toys out in the day, always bottles that need to be washed a house is lived in I’d be more worried if it was spotless, what are you kids doing just sitting? They just make sure you haven’t got dishes in the sink, food left out plates around the house, no clean clothes if there’s dirty clothes laying around every where etc x

Just be yourself and that includes how you live and clean. They dont care if you have a few dirty dishes in the sink. They want to see happy and lived in conditions for a child.


There’s a huge difference between your house being a mess and your house being lived in.
That being said, have your house tidy.
Dishes done, counters cleaned, laundry folded and beds made. Vacuum. Mop. And make sure your house is presentable.
They won’t be judging for toys being out or even little things. But treat it like a typical cleaning Day and keep the house straightened till then.
The more your stress about your house looking like it’s NOT lived in, the harder it’ll be on you.


Not everyone’s “clean” is the same. But my house has 5 kids and it’s damn near spotless unless we just ate or kids just had a play session. But if your expecting someone that’s important you should have the house very clean and smell good. You should want your guest comfortable not brushing snacks off the couch or have let hair on furniture if you have pets. You guest shouldn’t have to step over things to get to a seat. They shouldn’t want to shower when they leave your house.

How do you end up with one that actually cares? Makes trips?
Hired one & completely unhappy with their report & how they proceeded to interview the kids in IL

We had CPS come to our house because my 6 year old told another 6 year old if he pushed him again he would shoot him. When the principal asked him where he might get a gun he told her “my mommy has a gun she uses every day and I know where she keeps it.”

(I keep it in a safe AT WORK!)

I did clean the house before they came and then my kids told them “mommy cleaned the whole house before you came, even the refrigerator!”


When ours came to see our house it was definitely not spotless. They don’t want to see spotless they want to see y’all. Ours wasn’t trying to be empressed our was just asking lots of questions and wanted to see the kids rooms and where they would play

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I would like it spotless, but we live here. I clean everyday to maintain a standard, but spotless is shortlived.

It should be clean. So wipe down surfaces, vacuum and mop your floors, make sure the beds are clean and made and there isn’t stuff all over the floors. I’d definitely try and make it look like you clean regularly, if of course you don’t already. If you do, then I think you should be good. They just want to make sure the kids are healthy and clean and well taken care of! Food in the fridge and cupboards, that’s kind of stuff!

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When I had a gal come over, I cleaned but not over clean. She even said she loved that my house was cleaned but looked lived in. She told me she can always tells when someone made it look spotless cause she said it made her think they had something to hide.


Idk what a GAL is but personally if it’s clean but lived in I feel like that’s okay. If someone’s house is absolutely spotless and have kids Im either feeling sorry for them or know they just panic cleaned before I arrived.


We’ve had a few visits. Just have it clean, they’re just looking to make sure each child has their own space/bed, has their own clothes and other necessities, and there’s no dangers. Clean your floors/bathrooms, no dirty dishes or laundry hanging out, but they aren’t expecting spotless, no one’s house with kids is spotless, they want to see real life.

For others asking, a GAL is Guardian ad Litem, this is a lawyer assigned to the kids involved in a custody case between parents.


Dishes clean and clean spaces to walk play sit eat sleep clean fridge stove microwave clean bathroom and you should be good and it your dressers and stuff are cluttered just make sure no trash in it and they can see if they want it cleaner you can do it in a day you should be good

If it’s a matter involving my kids and I really care I’m going above and beyond. Nobody should need to tell you to clean. TF.


Anything involving a GAL should be taken VERY seriously. They literally have the say in your child’s future. Definitely make sure it’s clean and safe. Other than that I wouldn’t worry. It’s not like a white glove inspection but definitely want to be sure it’s super child friendly

This is what I was always told, “my house is clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be happy” I still live by that saying.


Make sure everything is clean. Fridge is full, cabinets stocked they will check those in my case they did. Basically clean like the queen of England is coming to your house.

It does not have to be spotless. I had one come when I was moving. So, my apartment was a WRECK. I had furniture everywhere, boxes, definitely not “kid friendly”. But, my kids room & their playroom was clean & had gates up so that’s where they played/slept. Everything was fine for me because I had designated areas for my kids to be safe & they understood the fact I was in the middle of moving & couldn’t really do much about that. Even after I had majority of things put away, my apartment is always a mess. Because I have 3 kids. As long as you can see the floor, kids can’t hurt themselves on things left out & there’s no trash, food or whatever thrown around, you’ll be fine. They don’t expect a magazine home. They expect a lived in home where kids are happy, healthy & safe in.

We had a GAL, I made sure the house was clean, but I also left out everyday things like the toys, the blankets we use in the evening on the couch. My daughters room still had some toys out and clothes still hanging on the dresser. It needs to be clean but they also don’t want to see a house that doesn’t look like a child lives in it 24/7, if that makes since. The visit isn’t necessarily about how clean the home is, it’s about how comfortable the child is in the home and how the child interacts in the home. Like my daughter was so excited to show off her playroom, bedroom, and bathroom bc she designed it. But she didn’t even have a bed at her dad’s house, so she had nothing to show off there.

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Whatever works for you… people don’tike it then they don’t need to visit.

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You can look on line for a check list. Try “home study” search. That will give you an idea as to what needs to be done. Relax, be yourself. They don’t expect spotless. They expect clean. Good luck.

A GAL is just a third party family attorney. They have the best interest of the kids in mind. Id say clean like your having people over but it doesn’t need to be dcfs spotless. They are trying to put the kids best interests first, not judge you on how spotless your house is. A lived in look may look better, just pick up clutter, and make sure you have working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.


As a former child protective services worker I can tell you that nobody expects a house with kids to be spotless. They’re just making sure it’s safe and the child’s basic needs are being met.


It depends on the GAL. I’ve had some who showed up unexpectedly and our house was a mess and they didn’t care. I’ve had one where I was just home from grocery with bags everywhere and came unexpectedly and turned me in. House was clean just groceries. Turned me in. He didn’t like me. So depends on who it is and how they are in my opinion.

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There should be no problem if uts just lived in everyone’s home is lived in people shouldn’t be coming round to judge your yard. But if it’s dirty cus I’ve lived with guys before and the bathroom was horrendous and it was me thay did all the cleaning in the end cus they just wouldn’t… of your having company have the decency to just tidy up abit. More then you usually would

Seriously? If it was involving my kids best believe I’d be scrubbing every inch of my house with a toothbrush to get in every nook and cranny. My house would be more absolutely spotless, like you could eat off the floors spotless.


Lived in. But not hoarders lived in lol you will be fine. Clean the dishes and you should be alright

I think it should be just as it is. That way when she comes over again and again y’all don’t have to do so much work to impress her. If she is a good girl she won’t judge you or your house because it’s lived in :wink: if she does judge the house and you based on cleanliness maybe she should’ve come back over

Seriously? If it was involving my kids best believe I’d be scrubbing every inch of my house with a toothbrush to get in every nook and cranny. My house would be more absolutely spotless, like you could eat off the floors spotless.


When i was getting Custody of my grandkids , i was told by gal that they look for space for the kids( beds, clothes , toys…) make sure you have a well stocked kitchen , house dont have to be spotless but cleaned , make sure you have smoke alarms, running water , they will talk to the kids and make sure they feel comfortable, dont stress just be you.


If you have kids it will never be spotless and they know that do dishes and garbage and just tidy

Everything cleaned but lived in and fridge ect full. Kids stuff stoked, safety proof.

As long as it’s not trashed you are fine. Most of the time the one I had met us elsewhere

I keep ours as best as I can if people don’t like they can go home it is not mess here just lived in

We’ve had one at our home a couple of times now. We aren’t slobs or anything but I clean up a little bit (make sure the dishes are done, vacuum, normal stuff I guess). Our home is lived in with 2 children, 2 adults and a dog, it’ll never be spotless :tipping_hand_woman:

Food in pantry and fridge clean clothes in closets and drawers bathrooms clean kitchen clean . Everything else can look lived in


Your house should be up to standard. It doesn’t need to be spotless tho. Don’t be having dirty dishes everywhere or trash everywhere. Make sure hot/cold water works. There’s food in fridge and cupboards etc. clean clothes. Bathroom clean kitchen clean. Make sure your kids have toys beds clothes that fit them etc.

They care more about what’s in your cabinets and refrigerator. Make sure there’s food for your children and family. Clean medicine cabinet, bathrooms, and clean dishes. Make sure child’s room is not full of dirty clothes. They care little about a dusty table or shelf but the welfare of the child or children. Normal everyday life is expected not a fake showplace.

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Don’t get so caught up in having a super clean house that you forget to do things like make sure the fridge is full of healthy food, make sure that they can see signs that the kids are well looked after and loved… In other words don’t put everything away.

Leave it how you live they dont need spotless

A long time ago I met a woman who was much older than I was and a widow. She was a corporate wife. She said that meant she kept a spotless house, hosted parties, volunteered. Every day her husband came home and shed clothing. Started at the front door with his briefcase, then his jacket, then his tie, and finally he would dump his shoes, roll his socks and toss them on the living room floor. They fought endlessly about it. After he died, she was cleaning and found a pair of socks that rolled under the couch. Said she regretted all the time they wasted fighting over his socks on the floor. Said she would take it all back for another minute in his company. Yes, houses are lived in. There is forgotten coffee cup on the end table. Socks under the couch. Abandoned toys on the rug. So what. Who is harmed by it?


I’ve always said to show your normal. Spotless just shows to me like you usually have a trashed out house and hiding something. It can be clean but I wouldn’t do perfect.

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i used to keep my place pretty good, but been sick for awhile. Now its so bad, its hard for me to begin. just doin a little each day. But its not putting a dent in it

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I didn’t know what GAL was but after reading comments I figured it was Child Protective Services. I took in two of my grandkids and when they came all they were looking at was beds for them, food and electric ,water ect. My home was clean but not spotless. That’s not what their looking at. And the social workers were as sweet as could be.

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Where I live they only care about food beds and safety any questions that usually don’t care if you ask I have had them at my house in the middle of us cleaning after moving in and you could barely walk through no problems as long as we had food beds and running water

NOT SPOTLESS!!! That looks like people are trying to hide something. Clean but lived in.


A GAL/CASA (each state is different, my state uses CASA) is someone appointed by a judge to advocate for the child’s best interest at court.

I’m a CASA and when I do a home visit, I am mostly interested in speaking with the child(ren) and caretakers. However, I do always make sure that the fridge/pantry has food and that the children have appropriate sleeping arrangements. I’m not looking for a perfectly clean house.


Also… a GAL/CASA does not work for DHS/ DCFS.


If it where me. I’d be scrubbing every centimeter of the house. After everything is done, I’d leave a a bowl and spoon in the sink. I’d have a couple outfits in the laundry basket. A few articles of trash in the trash bin. 3 or 4 toys out of place. Proper shoes, coats etc out, neatly hanging. Make sure the fridge is stocked and organized along with cabinet/pantries. Fresh fruit out, sweets put away. Why? So they see you are normal but you are clean. To see you have proper clothing for your kids, proper food. Dcf has been known to take kids when they shouldn’t. But they also leave kids when they shouldn’t.

I was a GAL for 16+ years. It needs to be safe and sanitary, not spotless.


I would just pick up stuff and put them where they belong

Be you Momma, a lived in house is a happy house

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Clean enough to make you n your family happy

Just basic clean. Lived in. No need to go crazy about it.

I would make it look nice and homey

Spotless looks and feels staged. Natural/ normal is better.

What’s GAL? Assuming its like child protective services/cps… they don’t care I’d its lived it. They are truthfully just going to walk around make sure kids have beds, dresser/closet whatever to hold clean clothes (their own. They didn’t care they were plastic at the time I had mine) and or that I had toys on the floor from my toddler… she looked in my cupboards and fridge and that was that. (Everytime. Long story. I share custody with my ex husband of my oldest two and his current has called on him and that means they come to mine. My last visit had to deal with his girlfriend who tested positive for legal Marijuana in our state when she had the baby last October) she didn’t care that I had clean laundry baskets ready to be folded amd such… and I’ll tell you what our case worker didn’t care that I lived in a one bed room apartment with my three kids.(girls) at the time. I made made living room the oldest two kids room so I called it a two bedroom with no living room. (And yes landlord knew also)

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I don’t believe everyone you ask said that. I believe that’s what you believe and you need validation that it’s ok to have a lived in home. And if people say that then tell them to leave. Dirty is different than messy


Working in cps… I have to admit that a home with children… especially young children… that is TOO spotless seems suspicious to me lol


Spotless except for kids toys. Seriously!!

Lived in is fine. Nothing dangerous within reach of kids. Safety is first concern.

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Is it for sale? I’m not exactly sure about your question or is the gal that’s coming to your house a housekeeper??

Don’t waste your time trying to make someone else happy!

Definitely make sure it’s clean and not trashed but by no means does it need to be spotless

Clean enough to be healthy. Messy enough to be happy. They want to see your kids are well looked after not that youre ready to perform surgery


No food laying out, clean up clutter, always clean off table surfaces and vacuum. No one is perfect, as long as you aren’t inviting bugs and disease you are good.

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Your version of ‘lived in’ could be much different then the GAL’s ‘lived in’. My boyfriend’s version of lived in is not cleaning at all. Mine is much different obviously. So your ’lived in’ could be categorized as neglect. Do you really want to chance losing your kids forever? I would clean it spotless but you do you if you are willing to lose your kids.

Beds made, dishes done, no clothes laying around and floor swept. That should do it.


Nothing dirty. No dirty dishes, no dirty laundry, no dirty floors. No excessive amounts of clutter either

Agreed …too spotless can raise red flags. Provide a safe home.

So if you have unsafe items that are in children’s reach, probably not a good thing. ( medication, alcohol, guns, home repair tools, knives, cleaners, are your children young enough for outlet covers or cabinet safety locks etc? ) so safety is key and lived in is expected.

But unsafe living conditions probably not great. Do you have food in the fridge? Is the fridge at a safe temp? What about the home? Are the weather conditions being protected from your home? ( too hot? Do you have AC? Too cold do you have heat? Etc) are you living in a home with mice? Mice poop? Roaches? Etc) do you have a landlord? Do the kids have a few outfits that are weather appropriate? Shoes that are weather appropriate? Jacket if needed? Etc.

Spotless is a matter of opinion tbh. What I consider spotless people with like real OCD and have cleaning as one of their things won’t like my definition of spotless. Just make it clean and welcoming. That’s it!

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Clean as possible the cleaner the better no clutter and or minimal make sure your house and baby proof and I mean every single spot !!

Nothing extra basic cleaning, they want to make sure you don’t live in filth they make sure you have food running water and electricity. . I was just moving into my house when ours stopped by so my sons room was a disaster. They just come to visit speak with you separately from your child and see how you live. It doesn’t need to be spotless it looking lived in bc you have kids is perfectly fine !

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It’s allowed to look lived in.