How common are missed miscarriages?

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I had a “missed miscarriage” my first pregnancy. I went in for my first prenatal visit at 10 weeks but the baby had stopped growing somewhere between 4-6 weeks. I never had any miscarriage symptoms. I was feeling good. Had no clue :broken_heart:


I had one. Found out at 10 weeks the baby stopped growing at 7 weeks. No signs what so ever. Thought everything was perfectly fine.

I had one. Carried to 10 weeks but really baby stopped growing at 6 weeks :confused:

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I had 3 miscarriages, 15 weeks 17 weeks and one 32 weeks.


More common than some people think

I had a missed miscarriage no signs at all until my first scan.

Miscarriages are very tough. We would have four children. The loss to my Lori was bad. Me even worse.

1 in 4 so pretty common. :pensive:

If that’s the case it’s NOT “thing “ is it :roll_eyes:

I miscarried at 17 weeks extremely hard experience


I really wish we could talk more about this to be honest. I absolutely shattered into pieces and it destroyed my marriage. Once I opened up about it I found out I wasn’t alone and it was way more common than we expect.


I had one at 8 weeks . And my dr said they are more common then Talked about . Sorry if that is somthin you are going through , it’s not easy :heart:

13 week ultrasound, no baby, just a growing home for a baby that didn’t continue. Doctor said it stopped growing very early, and it just kinda disintegrated. Had a D and C a few weeks later. At the ultrasound my partner said “I can see it, do you see the arm?” Before we knew it wasn’t there, I said “Where is it? There’s nothing there” Then the tech used the internal wand to try find it. He didn’t say anything, then said he was going to get the Dr. I knew then there was no baby. Having to walk around with a growing empty uterus was so sad. Nine months later we were pregnant again, and my rainbow baby is now 18 months. :heart::rainbow:


I had no clue I had misscarried until I went for my schedualed 16 week appointment. They tried the Doppler 3 times for about 5 minutes each and couldn’t find a heartbeat, sent me straight to the hospital without a word. I sat in silence for 15 minutes while the tech did the internal wand, still no information. I was sent back to my dr office where my dr told me my baby had only reached 15 weeks. I felt great until then, no miscarriage symptoms at all. I swear to this day as they were trying the doppler the first time I felt movement but it wasn’t real…it was just in my head…

Missed carried at least a week before my appointment and had no symptoms. I decided to pass it naturally and that didn’t happen for another week out

I had a missed miscarriage with my twin girls. Went in at 13 weeks to find out they had stopped growing around 11 weeks.

I had 3 before my 17 yr old… 1 between him and my 13… pregnancies 2 children

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I found out at my 12 week scan that the baby’s heart stopped beating around 9 weeks. Pregnancy symptoms were still there and no indicator of miscarriage. My heart goes out to anyone experiencing this kind of loss.

I had a mmc in November. I had a scan at 10 weeks to find out the heart had stopped beating between 6-7 weeks. I lost the pregnancy naturally at 11 weeks. I’d had no reason to believe I’d had a mmc :disappointed_relieved: x

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1 in 4 women will have a miscarriage in her lifetime. Pretty common

I just had one a couple months ago :pensive:

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I had one at 11 weeks and one at 3 or 4 weeks before my rainbow boy who’s almost 15 months.

I had 2 both at 12 weeks :disappointed_relieved: heartbreaking :broken_heart: xx

I’ve has 4. All were early. But I’ve had 2 pregnancies to term.