Curious. How many of you had 4th degree tears during labour and how did you heal afterwards? Did you have kids after that and was it okay?
I had 3rd degree tears with my first born 10 years ago it was horrendous and ended up with a bug in my bowel from all the antibiotics I was put on, now have a 10month old and had an elective cesarean due to my first birth, take it easy and don’t over do anything
1st I tore… 3 others I was fine… he was my smallest too
I had 4th degree tear when I had my daughter 18yrs ago, I’m still in pain now very sore
Haven’t had any yet thankfully but only have 1 child so far…
I did with my 1st she was born at 41+3 and 8lbs 14oz and i had 42 stitches and my epidural wore off so I felt everything including them stitching me up . My 2nd was born at 40+2 induced and was 7lbs 10oz had w stitches anger very small tear. My 3rd I was induced at 37 weeks and zero tears
Omilord,I read ‘tears’ as in crying,and was wondering what on earth was 4th degree tears,I’m sorry I’m old lol
Lots of ice bags and cold sits bath. It took me about two years to feel normal again. Because I felt like my whole inside was falling out. It’s probably not that bad for everyone but I had a 9 pound 141/2 pounds baby. I think I should have had a c/ s. Just make sure you don’t get constipated Exercise. Do Kegel exercises.
I had 3rd degree tears with my first. The recovery was much more painful than my unmedicated delivery. It also took me close to 4 months to heal and even then intercourse was painful. I have had 3 babies since then and have not torn in any of those.
I tore with both of my babies but everything healed and is back to normal. Just make sure you keep the area clean and keep ice on it as much as you can for swelling.
My doctor’s did not tell me what degree I tore just that it was from hole to hole, very jagged, and part of my labia tore completely off as well. It took months to heal and it was very painful
Had one with my first kiddo she was 9.1 and two weeks late. She’s now almost 8.
Just had another baby almost 2 years ago now and everything went fine he was a couple pounds smaller
I got over 40 stitches with my first she was born at 41 weeks 2 days. I healed pretty quick and normal. I got 6 stitches with my second born at 40 weeks 3 days. At my 6 week check up there was a stitche that hadnt completely closed to they cauterized it i was sore for a few daya but am fine now