How did you feel before you went into labor?

I had no idea I was in labor. Felt off but zero pain. Contractions that were painless. Called my Dr she said come down ill check you. I was 8 centimeters and had my daughter 4 hours later lol

I found I was in labor when I could no longer sit up had to be on all 4s called ambulance had her in 10 minutes and I was 31 weeks 4 days

I walked around 3cm for about 3 weeks. When I went in labor, it felt like really bad poopoo pains… but my water broke too, so it may be different.

My labor was all pretty much back pain when I had my girls. The first girl I kept saying I’m not in labor, my back just hurts. My boy, the pain was all in my belly.

With all 3 of my kids I just felt real off and quiet. I just kinda laid around with not a whole bunch of emotion. My first one (born at 36 weeks) I loss my mucus plug and felt like I had to pee every ten minutes. You can lose your mucus plug weeks before labor so doesn’t mean much, however I went to the hospital and during the observation period (1-2 hours) I dilated from a 1 to a 3 so that was enough. I had gone to the doctor that morning as well. My second one (born at 38wks 6days) was kind of the same scenario except I didn’t lose my plug completely and my 3rd one (born at 37wks 4 days) well I did most of my labor at home to the point of the contractions were consistently 1 to 2 minutes apart. I got to the hospital only dilated to a 1 and inconsistent contractions (according to machine and nurse) after the hour of observation they were going to send me home since nothing showed consistent on the monitors but they checked me and I went from a 1 to well it’s time to push. The nurse was surprised cause she had my discharge papers ready. No matter how many times you make the trip to the ER or maternity hospital trust yourself and your body. If things feel off it’s better to go and be sent home. The feeling of just having an off day and completely no emotion or just off in my own world is how I knew especially with my 2nd and 3rd. Good Luck and Congratulations on the soon to be bundle of joy!!

I was in labor for 24hrs before I figured it out. Good luck

Labor pains are like clockwork. If they start out 30 minutes apart, they will come exactly 30 minutes apart. Then 20 and so on. Perfect timing

My doctor’s had to tell me for 5 of my pregnancies… the 7th one of they schedule me a week before to go in at 6am… I had her that afternoon. I will say that on number 4 I walked up the four flights of stairs because I thought I was… only to be told if I didn’t have pain I wasn’t in labor… they never checked me, so I left, only to get to the bottom of the stairs and have my water break… waddle back up and my daughter was born 15 minutes later


My son was the only one I didn’t know. It was in my back. It hurt so bad and I couldn’t get comfortable.

My daughter went to the hospital cuz she was having contractions they checked her and said she was 4 dialated. Excuse the gore but when the nurse got done examining her the glove was covered in blood. They sent her home. She kept having contractions and i was rubbing her back. She didn’t want to keep going back either just to have them tell her to go home again. She told me she had to urinate so she went in the bathroom and i went with her just in case. I heard a thunk she had the baby in the toilet. If you feel you need to go back please go. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

If the pain increases over a few contractions then its the real thing. The hospital in my area admits you if you are 3cm

Having data to back it up is best. Time your pains to determine if they are in fact contractions. If the pains come regularly every few minutes consistently for an hour, then it’s likely labor.

My doctors always told me to wait until the contractions were consistently 5 minutes apart.

Calm. Was getting ready to start my day. Ate breakfast. Went to put my 1 1/2 yr old in the shower and as soon as I stepped in the shower my water broke :joy:

Ive had the same pains and my Dr said it was dialating contractions but not full blown labor i was at a 3 before they induced me but the way i always checked to be sure was to lay down and take a nap if the pain wakes you up its the real deal. Timing them will tell as well they need to be close together and consistent. Time for at least an hour maybe 2 if its pretty regular then you’ll know too

The contractions and pain level went higher and higher. And closer together.

If you can nap and it slow down. Not time. If you can take a bath and it eases up it’s not time. The rest is your body getting ready. When you walk it will seem like baby is almost to your knees

With my last baby my contractions nearly hurt at all right up to giving birth. My first two baby’s they really hurt but the last time I was out and about doing normal stuff

I had contractions every 5mins for two minutes. My L&D dep blew me off and told me to take Tylenol and go to bed, my water broke as soon as I tried to lay down

I knew for 100% bc my water broke after having contraction for days

You will lose your plug & contractions get regular to about 3 minutes apart or your water breaks

When u can’t bear the pain anymore…go to the hospital

I didn’t even know I was in labor with my first. I was 37 weeks went in for a normal appt and was already contracting and dilated to a 6 so I’m not much help but you know your body better than anyone it’s better to be safe than sorry so if you feel the need to go in then do iy

When water breaks its coming

If you’re dilated your in active labor. You will need to be very careful so you aren’t driving now. You could give birth at any moment.

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My first my water broke, my second I was induced, my third I was having lots of cramping in my lower back, it would go away for a few mins then come back stronger than the last one, I couldn’t sit down I had to be standing and swaying back and forth leaned over the back of a kitchen chair. I waited 3 hours before I went in because I wanted to make sure it was the real thing too by the time I got checked into the hospital I was 5cm dilated and 100% thinned.

You WILL NOT go into labor just4 day s pregnant.

With my first my water broke. With my second I had no idea. My ex made me go to the hospital because I was having random non painful contractions. Ended up dilating from a 0 to a 4 in 45 minutes and had her two hours later. Wouldn’t have known otherwise until like an hour before I had her.

Listen :ear: to your beautiful body it will help you get through when your not sure go to the hospital :hospital:

Huh? U are 37 (age) and 4 days pregnant?

With my son it felt like my uterus was being shredded into a meat grinder while getting my ass whopped by 2 people. With my daughter I had mild cramps like I needed to fart or go :poop:. It varies. You just gotta go with the flow.

Pain is constant doesn’t go away

I was induced twice so I didnt feel anything until they broke my water

i was 37 weeks & 4 days when i had my son. i never noticed braxton hicks or contractions. i was sitting in bed and my water broke, still no contractions. they had to “induce” me into real labor. but my son was healthy as a horse at 7lb exactly! so it could be anytime mama :grin:

I’d say time for L&D!

@ 4 days pregnant… You’ve got plenty of time

I have had period pains worse then my contractions

I was in Argos and a man a bloody man serving me said I looked like I was in labour I was like alright mate I’m heavily pregnant I’m not going to look a million dollars, 3 hours later my mum come over and insisted I went to hospital I was like wow what’s everyone’s problem today got there the midwifes said I must be in slow labour got me a room to check was writing my name down and out he came :joy: honestly have had period pains worse then any part of giving birth

With my second daughter, I was six centimeters dilated and in full blown labor by the time I got checked. And I only got checked because the nurse insisted she had to check before she could tell me what else I could take for discomfort besides Tylenol. I couldn’t sit still. I had irregular bad lower back pain.

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For my first one my water broke at 35 weeks. I had literally just been sent home from the hospital after my little one had quit moving and responding. They attached me at that time to the monitor and I had zero signs of contractions. 2 hours later I was back and 100% effaced and dilated 5 centimeters! For my second one I decided to labor at home as long as possible. I had contractions on and off never hitting any normal pattern or length to go in. When a contraction happened that caused me to hit the floor and was so long it could not be timed, we knew it was time to go in. He was born 2 hours later!

My first pregnancy (never went to the hospital over anything bc I figured if it was time I’d definitely know): dec 23 went to walmart to grab the last stuff for food bc a snowstorm was on the way and I felt great. Woke up during the night on Dec 24 and felt like I had to pee (turns out my water broke) & I barely made it to the hospital. Christmas Eve baby. With my daughter I worked the entire time. Went in for a checkup before I went into work and they said I was 7 cm dialated. Decided to work my shift bc I didn’t feel a thing. Went back in to check on things 3 days later still felt great, told me to go next door to the hospital bc they were gonna induce me and I’d have a baby (she was born 2 hours later)

Both of boys I had them at 37 weeks and my water. Broke at home for both I didn’t get any contractions until they induced labor

This worried me so much! With my first, I had a bloody show at 3:30am. Got up to pee for the millionth time, saw it & woke up mt husband and off we went. Babycenter had said this is one of the signs you should go to the hospital ASAP.

With my second my contractions were 5 minutes apart. I wasn’t sure if they were real contractions, but timed it out anyhow. After 4 times that they were consistently 5 minutes apart, I called my husband to take me to the hospital. I didn’t trust myself to drive… that’s how debilitating they were. And I had to finish packing my hospital bag, and caring for my then-2 year old. Good luck momma!

You basically just have to time those contractions. The day beforr i went into labor , i had pain like that and i ate chicken nuggets and it stopped. But the next day at 5am, they were constant and once they were 5 minutes apart… i knew

I have given birth 4 times. Dialated 0 to complete in less than 20 minutes with all. Back pain and the feeling of a need to have a bowel movement were only early signs.

Growing up has never come the easier way. It comes with lots of challenges like lost marriages, lost love, financial and job problems and so many more, but still there has always been a solution to every challenges that we face in life. Life has been so difficult for me these past few months and I had given up on myself knowing that I will not find love or true happiness again. Two months ago I found out I was pregnant and I was so happy and excited to have my own baby and I didn’t even call my boyfriend. I just wanted to take the results to him and show him face to face and share the good news together. But when I reached his flat I saw his car parked outside and knew he was home so I went straight to his room. When I knocked, he allowed me to enter because he wasn’t expecting me at the time, but when i opened the door I nearly fainted because I caught him ready handed with another woman in his house. I looked at them and closed the door and ran away, he followed me saying his sorry and the woman is just a friend and nothing else but I knew he was lying and I walked away. I reached home and cried a lot until i told my best friend everything and she told me to fight for my man and not loose him to another woman. She gave me Sir Marere contact +2348109805184 email is: marerespells@gmail. com and told me Sir Marere will bring back my boyfriend to me and love only me. So i contacted Sir Marere and told her everything, he made a love and binding prayers for me and in 1 day of the prayers my boyfriend came to me with that woman I saw him with and knelt down and begged for my forgiveness and told the woman that am the love of his life and he doesn’t ever want to see her again. The woman walked away and that evening my man came back with a baked cake and gifts and flowers and asked for my forgiveness again and promised never to hurt me again and I told him that we are having a baby, he cried and smiled with joy and happiness. We are back together and so much in love and waiting for our baby to arrive. Thanks so much Sir Marere your prayers indeed work. You can call or whats-app Sir marere on +2348109805184 Email: marerespells@gmail. com incase you are passing through the same situation. Don’t be discouraged by what people may tell you that even don’t know the situation you are going through, all that matters are the results so feel free to contact him.

Hmm - careful, get a second opinion! some “hospitals” are rushing us in n out! n don’t care!

A lot of pressure trust me you can tell the difference good luck mama

My baby tossed and turned all night i didn’t get a wink of sleep felt light contractions all night but thought it was Braxton hicks. Went to my already scheduled Dr visit next morning I was 6 centimeters and she was breech. Had emergency c section that day at 36 weeks. Go bk to hospital to be safe

Well if you haven’t lost your mucus plug or your water hasn’t broken you should be fine. The end of pregnancy is never predictable especially during a pandemic! Trust me I know I gave birth on the 4th of July. You are only almost 3cm so the hospital will continue sending you home until you are at least 5cm dilated that is considered active labor.

For me I woke up from a nap at around 7pm because of contraction pain. At that time they were far apart in time. So I just relaxed on the couch and watched tv shows until they were close together and it was getting uncomfortable to sit down. At about 1am I went to the hospital and was dialated 5cm by then. At first they just feel like mild period cramps and then after 5-6cm they will start getting pretty intense.

My first I didn’t go into labor naturally, with my second it was right after sex. I kept getting muscle spasms every 3-5 minutes in my back and sides of my stomach. I figured this has got to be labor, drove an hour to a hospital and they admitted me.

I didnt know until it was time to push with all my kids. All I can suggest is to time them and to do squats. If it’s real labor you wont be able to talk thro the pain or walk thro it.

I had so much energy from the second trimester onwards, even had a really easy third trimester. I woke up and felt off. Just didn’t feel myself. Had some food and a shower and I felt fine. I was starving all that day, just ate and ate and ate which I hadn’t done during the pregnancy at all. I probably ate less than what I did before I was pregnant.
Then I had my usual sore back, just felt like fatigued muscles at the end of the day and stretching ligaments. The my water broke and I was like oh wow, I’m in labour and she arrived very very shortly after that.
I was able to talk through all of my contractions. Even had to convince the midwife to check me because I was sure she was crowning. And she was. Was such an easy labour which was great.

Well when my waters broke as I got up thinking I needed a pee. And started crying to my partner that I’d lost bladder control :joy: so I didn’t even think of Labour because it was 2 weeks earlier than my due date

I felt like I was laboring for a day or two before my waters broke at home and baby delivered many hours of hard labor at the hospital after that. I for sure felt things happening a long time before baby was actually born so you’re on you’re way to meeting baby soon mama

If ur only 4 DAYS pregnant (which I have no idea how u know ur pg at 4 DAYS) ur already “that lady” whose going to the hospital with false alarms… just saying

I was tired, irritable and uncomfortable. Every time I just knew