How did you know when you wanted to have another child?

My husband and I have a 3-year-old son and are financially, physically, and emotionally stable. We have always talked about having two biological kids, but now I’m not so sure. Pregnancy was hard, and having a baby is super exhausting. Between the lack of sleep and breastfeeding, it’s a lot. Our son would be four by the time I gave birth if we got pregnant right now and I feel like that’s a big age gap. We plan on fostering to adopt in the future when our son is older because we want to foster older kids. But I still want to have a baby at the same time. Siblings are super cool and can have a lot of fun! Did anybody have a similar experience? What did you decide?

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Honestly I think it’s super cool having kids close in age! They have lots of fun and in my experience my sister is twice my age and we are super close to this day:)

I would have another biological! It’s only hard for a little while and then those hard times pass & you miss it! I have four and my youngest is about to be 8. I miss the hard days sometimes!

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