For those who do feeding therapy for your kiddos how did you know they needed it and how did you get it started? My baby is 16 months and not the greatest eater and it’s stressing me out. Last dr appointment he was 58th percentile for weight but I just worry he’s not eating enough. He’s tall and skinny and even some pants that are 12 month are too big in the waist for him.
My son was always 95th height and 5th weight. Never much of an eater.
He’s now 6’1 and 140. He’s just built that way. And he’s 18, and healthy and active. Try not to worry.
Unless your dr recommends it I think you’re ok. All kids are built/shaped differently. My 3 year old is bigger waist wise than my 6 year old.
And 58th percentile is normal.
It’s not a worry unless ur child is loosing weight. Remember kids are tiny they have very small stomachs they are not supposed to eat like us. Untill the age of 3 just snacking all day is more than suffice for them!
We started after 2 years of weight checks and being in the 12% that whole time
My 3 year old just started feeding therapy 2 months ago. She’s 3’11" and 53lbs, so it’s not always about weight loss or being underweight. Mine has major food aversions and has about 10 safe foods.
My child would pocket food in cheeks and not chew or swallow it but just let that same bite of food be in the mouth for over an hour.
I always worry about this with my newest. She is a tiny baby. I have a son who is 12 now was in the 90th percentile across the board. The doctor says she looks perfect. Try high protein foods if you are worried about it. Like cottage cheese is my go to.
When my kid was around that age we got sent to feeding therapy. I discussed my concerns with his doctor who referred us. I will say it wasn’t a magic fix for his picky barely eating. There were some helpful tips I learned but we stopped after awhile and two years later he is still just as picky. I am considering taking him back. We also had his stomach checked to make sure there wasn’t any issues there. If you’re concerned and think it will help then get the referrals from your doctor. Hearing they will grow out of it or they will eat when they’re hungry does not help so I know how you feel! Hopefully this helps some
My almost 5yr old can still wear
12-18 month shorts that’s what fits at the waist length wise she’s in a 5 we buy jeans with adjustable waists she’s only 31 pounds she’s tall and skinny and full of energy her pediatrician isn’t concerned so I’ve learned to stop worrying about it
Is your kiddo growing? Getting taller? Gaining weight? If they’re growing, they’re ok. My doctor never worries about percentiles, just whether or not they’re following their own curve.
What would you do without the internet people? Use your brains!
Please ask your pediatrician. Every child is different. Some have robust appetites while others eat like birds. If you have concerns then you should address with your pediatrician. Nobody knows our children like we do.