How did you mama's lose the belly after pregnancy?

I've tried eating healthy, starvation, nothing seems to help

After my daughter I drank green tea with honey & cinnamon in the morning and before bed, ate what I wanted but smaller portions, and I walked. I would walk about an hour a day, just listening to a podcast or music with baby then come home and do sit ups. I also did leg lifts, regular (where your feet are together) and scissor leg lifts. It always takes time to lose weight in general, but after a while youā€™ll see results! Just keep doing it. Donā€™t starve yourself though, that will not help. Youā€™re just teaching your body to hold onto foods and fat since it doesnā€™t know when itā€™s getting more again. Also, water. Cucumber water is delicious & refreshing. You can do it :heart:

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How did you mama's lose the belly after pregnancy?

It takes time and everyone is different. Iā€™ll never go back to the way I was before. eat healthy, go for walks

If you find out let me know


Weight watchers has been working for me

Listen, your body just made a whole ass human being. Your internal organs are still trying to find their way back to where they go. Your abdominal muscles were stretched to hell babe. Give yourself some time and grace. Your body is badass, and never forget that. You are a beautiful goddess, and you need to remember that, always. Eat healthy, exercise when you can, and give yourself the time and grace to acclimate. Youā€™re doing greatā¤

Low carbs and walking. Lots of water .

You arenā€™t going to want to hear this :grimacing: sometimes it doesnā€™t. Really depends on genetics and vaginal or c section. Sometimes working out helps but sometimes it doesnā€™t.


Depends on what your ā€œbellyā€ issue is. It may not be excess body fat causing your postpartum pooch. It could be poor abdominal muscle tone, excess skin, or diastasis recti. A large number of people will develop permanent separation of the abdominal muscles called a diastasis recti. This gap allows the internal organs to protrude forward against the abdominal fascia. If it is skin or diastasis recti it may only be repairable via surgical intervention. The top image is normal abdominal muscles. The bottom pictures are variations of diastasis recti.


Ok dont stave yourself that it the worst thing to došŸ˜’


I work out 5 days a week, I follow Nourish Love Move on YouTube and do her 30 minute workouts. Iā€™m losing weight & building muscle! I lost 30 pounds in 3 months with my first babe, now Iā€™m trying to lose 30 pounds again now with my 2ndšŸ˜… itā€™s hard work but eating whole foods, cutting out processed junk & sugars, and working out will help so much! Also find a little time every day to just take deep breaths. Every day life is so stressful, try to find a little bit of peace each day to help relieve a little but of the stress we hold ontošŸ’–

Give yourself time. I have 3 kids and it took about 18 months after each one to get my body back. It took 9 months to put that weight on. Itā€™s going to take time to get it back when off

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Idk this is a hard subject/matter because I always grew up with the idea that what body you get after you give birth is the body youā€™re going to keep forever. My mom gave birth and stayed with the baby fat and thatā€™s how her body stayed she never got bigger or thinner it just stayed like that no matter what she did. And for me right after I gave birth my stomach stayed completely flat if anything there was a dent where my intestines should have been and thatā€™s how Iā€™ve stayed ever since. My only advice is if you plan to diet/ workout or waist train youā€™re going to have to do it for life. Forever no quit days nothing, or what you can do is appreciate what life and experience has gave you love your body because just giving birth can be deadly, you never know if youā€™ll make it out of that hospital bed. My bff died in child birthā€¦. I tell myself everyday weā€™re lucky enough to be on this earth that we shouldnā€™t worry about our genetically made body

Iā€™ve done a 12 to 16 hr fast within a yr Iā€™ve lost 160 lbs Iā€™m now down to 150 but Iā€™m still committed to my fasting cut out any junk food cut down to fast food once or twice a month cut down any sugar drinks with cold water drink 0 calorie pop its hard try squeezing in exercise walking twice a day

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there is this thing itā€™s similar to a waist trainer but it pushes all of the stomach muscle back into place or wearing a mobi wrap will help push them back in

i donā€™t know know why no one is telling you not to starve yourself, please still give your body the nutrients you need. itā€™s not perfection, itā€™s progress. :two_hearts:


I never did! Iā€™m 38 and had my second at 28. I developed a hiatal hernia and I still look pregnant.

This sounds like you should see a therapist to work out these issues. It takes minimum 9 months for your body to be ā€œnormal againā€ and even then most donā€™t go back to normal

Pick up your childā€™s toys one at a time using deep knee bends or toe touching bending. Take things upstairs as needed and not save for 1 one trip. Do you household chores as if you are at the gym which includes making double bed from one side as much as possible for the stretching. Using dust mop with big stretches to mop under furniture. I did this with mine and lost a lot of flab quickly. Did get lazy with myb3rd but after gaining lost back to weight I weighed when he was born. Kept that weight for years now.

Intermittent fasting 16:8. Low sugar and carb food during my time of eating . water and walking I had a baby 3 months ago and am almost back to my pre pregnancy weight

Starving only makes you store more food once you do eat. Try low carb/ only good carbs, good fats, low sodium and low sugar. Switching to using Stevia and erythritol for a sweetner helped me tremendously while trying to loose weight/ gain energy and get healthy before getting pregnant again, I use erythritol in baking subbing 3/4 to 1/2 of the called for sugar and use erythritol and stevia in my coffee, I use stevia and lemon juice in flavored sparkling water instead of drinking juice or soda and sweeten my tea with erythritol and stevia.

Iā€™ve had two kids, honestly I need advice. I still have my pouch unless Iā€™m just fat from all the foodā€¦ and not working out lol

Herbalife! Lost 60lbs the healthy way in 6 months I feel amazing

Lift weights. More muscle=higher metabolism