I’m trying not to judge you but you’re really making terrible decision s… if not being sexually attracted to your husband is an issue then just leave… I can promise you it will hurt him alot less than it would if he found out you were having affairs… Also…the men you’re sleeping with are ghosting you after because they’re using you for sex… they want to get a married woman in bed and once you let them … The game is over and it’s no longer any fun… they don’t like you,hell they may not even find you attractive… Your just a good time and once they’ve had it you are useless to them… Is that what you want for your life? What about your husband? You claim you love him but if that were true in the least you wouldn’t risk hurting him the way you are! You really need to get a divorce so you can sleep around and not risk hurting your husband or giving your husband some disease you pick up… just awful
I would look into polyamory if I were you.
It’s okay to feel like you can’t get everything you want/need from one person. I don’t condone cheating, though. Maybe a conversation needs to had with your partner. Good luck
You clearly don’t respect your partner or you wouldn’t cheat. If you’re not happy, leave. Stop fucking cheating on someone who loved and respected you. They didn’t deserve it. I’ve been the one cheated on and to this day I wonder why I wasn’t good enough.
You may be attractive but you’re definitely not lovely
Wowww. If you feel unattractive and not good enough, just imagine how your poor husband would feel to know he married complete scum! There’s no reason you should be married if you’re not attracted to your own spouse, and cheating on them with no remorse. Your husband deserves way better.
So you’re cheating on your husband, think you’re attractive (sorry love beauty comes from the inside). I don’t even have to see you to know otherwise. Give your husband some respect and leave him so he can find better. Perhaps instead of looking for sympathy you should give your narcissist self a pep talk in the mirror.
Girl you ain’t a genuinely lovely attractive married woman you a HO*! Your husband needs to divorce your a** seriously. You must of married a man with money if that wasn’t any major chemistry or sexual attraction before y’all got married. You don’t get male attention you seek it out and these men you seek it from know it too so once they’re able to get in your pants of course they’re going to ghost you cause that’s all they wanted it’s not cause there was feelings from these men they just know you a HO* and sleep with u cause of that cause they know you’re an easy piece of a** and know you’ll fall for their words aka beautiful or attractive n bam you’re attracted to them. You ain’t amazing neither trust me you’re never gonna b good enough for these men when you spreading your legs honey. You can’t turn a ho* into a housewife .
You need to leave. Your husband doesn’t deserve to be treated like this. He deserves someone who will make him happy and be faithful to him. As you are leaving tell him to get checked out for sti’s.
Garbage can of a human being
Do you even want to be married at all? Does he feel the same? If your husband is as nice as you say he is, and if he loves you, he doesn’t deserve to get hurt.
Your actions and feelings narrated here are focused on yourself, how you want to feel, how it makes you feel. Not judging but it can be described as a selfish behavior.
What pattern needs to be broken? Wanting to flirt with others while married? Wanting the attention and not want to feel discarded after it gets physical? Not wanting to feel the guilt of cheating on your husband?
You’ll have to identify what you really want. But there’s a limit as to what you want for yourself, what others want with you or for themselves. And there will be conflicts of personal interests. And you’ll have to learn to compromise. Let go of something if you want something else. You can’t eat your cake and have it too. In your case, you can’t be married if you want to act single. Marriage is a commitment to another person.
SMH why stay married if your going to give other men attention and flirt with them. I’ve never understood why some do this get married then get bored. This is sad as hell. Just leave him so he can be with another women. But there’s another problem your going to bat shit crazy if you found out he was doing what your doing. You know it’s wrong, and you need to stop it. What are you 5??? Asking Facebook for advice knowing you just stop!!!
There is nothing genuine or lovely about this. You shouldn’t be married and leading your husband to believe you are dedicated to him. You need a drink of water because you are THIrSTy!
Tell him the truth and Set your husband free. That man deserves better. My heart breaks for him. . .
As for you. You need professional help. There is obviously a reason why you have created this,… this “personality trait”, this mindset of yours. You seriously need to work on your loyalties. Marriage isn’t always gunna be roses and rainbows. You should have spoken to your husband and let him know you need the chase, that build up. Shit y’all could have role played, pretended u didn’t know each other at the bar and what not. Anyway You need help but you obviously realize that now and that’s a start. To keep myself PG-13 ima stop myself here.
Maybe you shouldn’t marry someone you were never sexually attracted to. It’s not fair to the man you call your husband. He could find a wife that actually treats him like a loyal spouse
Ummm divorce. He deserves better. You don’t even like your husband, just what he gives you
Wow first of all you need to get over your self,cuz baby your not all that and the men leave because your so shallow, and your husband deserves better,let him go and become a prostitute so that way everyone is happy
Some of these storys can NOT be real . i mean come on lady smfh !!!
There is never a reason to cheat. Come clean to your husband and leave your marriage.
Please tell your husband or just leave him-either way, relieve him. He deserves to be married to someone who loves and appreciates him.
You began your entry with how attractive you are because this is an essential piece of information necessary to advise you accurately. Yup…Definitely a narcissist.
You’re probably not attracted to your husband because you’re always flirting and cheating with other men. I’m sure you’re not the most attractive person he’s ever laid his eyes on, but that’s where loyalty comes in, something you clearly know nothing about.
The problem is definitely you.
I think you should leave the man so he can find someone that deserves him. And you can feel free to be a wh*re. It’s a win win.
What in theeeee world
Genuine and lovely? And you’re cheating on your husband? Wow. No. Just no
Leave him. You don’t deserve him.
This sounds about like the main story line to every episode of Deadly Women about cheating.
You dont deserve your husband
If your husband doesn’t know that you are sleeping with other people, then you need to tell him and leave because he deserves better than what you are giving him. You also deserve your happiness but not at the cost of someone else’s feelings.
Typical narcissist all about me post! get real lady you not attractive your a full blown hoe! Leave your husband he deserves better than trash…
Are you fuckin kidding!?!? You’re actively cheating on your husband and your biggest concern is yourself! what the heck is wrong with you! How do you not feel any guilt or remorse!? Like your worried about other men and there feelings etc! You need to be honest with your husband for one and set that poor man free!! He does not deserve to be cheated on and not loved or properly appreciated!!! Get some therapy foreal because you’re sick!
No, I won’t be nice.
You don’t deserve nice.
Get a therapist and grow the fuck up!
Your husband deserves better than you.
Um your an asshole. Leave your husband so he can find someone who loves him for him. Your an attention seeking w@#%€
You should not be in a relationship let alone married to someone if this is what you do to them. What this described is not okay to do to someone behind their back your husband deserves to hear this. You need to tell him how you feel period. You need to talk to your husband. You need to tell him everything, you need to tell him the truth. Write it in a letter if you have to. This is major and needs to be addressed. Clearly you are not happy with him or you would not need anything from anyone else be the bigger person.
I feel sorry for your husband. If it were him sleeping around hed be absolutly slated but because you think your lovely we should be kind? Your not, and all those men eyeing you up and sleeping with you are just out for one thing little wonder they ghost you next day. Let your husband go so he can find someone who will treat him right he deserves better
He deserves someone so much better then you, you are a real asshat, why marry someone who you aren’t attracted to? Please do the right thing & leave him, the bloke deserves someone who loves him for who he is, PS you are clearly a attention seeker & a cheater
It’s impossible not judge you. Your a whole peice of work. A confused and immature and naive, trashy piece of work that is. My advice is tell your husband, let him read this, and let him decide what’s best for your marriage(that you say has everything you could ever want). Gtfoh
Your excuses does not excuse your behavior. Your husband deserves someone much better than you as you don’t deserve him. Cheating is never the answer and I hope your husband finds out. There is a difference between being confident and conceded. You should be single.
First how do you feel discarded by someone other than your husband. Do you think a man is going to want more from a married woman than sex. Do you think he’s going to wait around for you to leave your husband. You actually sound like a slut who lucked up and married a man who’s genuine and has no idea he married a hoe. Why commit the rest of your life to someone your not sexually attracted to. Did you think his physique was going to change over time. You sound really stupid. Do both of y’all a favor and let him know he married a freak and deserves someone who will actually love and dedicate their life to him because you don’t🙄
Grow Up, me me me, what a load of rubbish. !!
Your husband deserves better. I’ve been in his shoes. It’s not fair. It’s not fun. And it hurts. You should of left if you wasn’t happy not cheat.
girl you’re literally asking for advice on how to basically keep cheating on your husband
I would recommend therapy to figure out why you’re stuck in this pattern. And to get help without the judgmental comments you’re getting here. You deserve happiness and to break free of your cycles causing you suffering. You aren’t the only one who deals with this and honestly kudos for being aware of your flaws and willing to open up about them. That takes courage.
Your husband doesn’t ever a cheater like you. Sugarcoat it anyway you want, but you know exactly what you are.
You don’t deserve that man! He is too good for a cheater. You should feel ashamed
You need to leave your husband and let him find someone that actually does care about him.
Get divorced. He deserves better.
Yeah, leave your husband. Let him find someone that deserves him. You obviously need to sort your shit out! Get some counselling, you have a lot of figuring out to do! I do hope you don’t have children so you can truly focus on yourself .
Your poor husband is all I can say.I find it really hard to be nice sorry
Your definitely not a genuinely lovely lady.
Go to therapy, find why this behavior stated then take it from there… Find a way to talk to your husband about this and work on yourself.
Kayla wtf is wrong with this bihhh that’s sad af she’s asking now how to keep cheating on her husband after she gets ghosted by all those dudes lol I think she’s getting what she deserves lol
I can’t be nice about this. Pls ask for a divorce so your husband can find someone that actually loves him enough to be faithful. You don’t deserve him.
And you say you’re a…Genuinely, lovely, attractive MARRIED woman??
Has everything you want in a husband but seeks other men’s attention and sex?!
Then wonder why they “ghost” you??
You have got to be kidding us with this post
You’re worried about every other man but your husband.
He definitely deserves a TRUE genuinely, lovely, attractive woman because obviously he don’t know you at all!
He deserves better. Divorce him and find someone who you love and are attracted to or just stay single and hook up like you’ve been doing. What you are doing to him is horrible.
“Please be nice”
No, you are a w h o r e
Gross. I’m judging. Wtf is wrong with you. Stop being a shit human. You’re an adult. Cut the shit
1.Get over yourself
2. You’re disgusting
3. He deserves so much better than you sorry not sorry
Go to a thereapist
.you have a problem
Get a divorce and let that poor man move on to someone who deserves him. Girl you ain’t genuine or lovely to be this way. Get help.
Based on what you wrote it doesn’t seem like he knows about this, unless y’all are poly. Either way though don’t drag someone along if they aren’t for you, seriously let him go. The people you’re messing around with are probably ghosting you because you’re married, not because you’re not attractive. You can’t expect people to be committing to you when you’re not even available. You should also go to therapy before you jump into another relationship because those toxic traits will still be there regardless of who your partner is.
Your poor husband. You are trash. Period.
I don’t think asking for advise here is what you need. You need a therapist and to work on whatever issues you have… come clean to your husband.
LISTEN. I AM YOU. I HAVE BEEN WHERE YOU ARE. My husband was basically my best friend, friends since high school, began dating in senior year. Still love him, still my best friend- I felt there was NO passion, and was attracted to others. This is the WORST mistake you could ever make. The grass is NOT greener. I wanted more,and wound up with soooo much less. I guarantee you, what you THINK you need in a moment of a passing moment or days of attraction cannot compare to a life time of someone who truly knows and understands you. Please take the time to really think about this. I didn’t, and made a horrible mistake. If you need someone to talk to or just vent to please DM me - seriously. I had no one and I wish someone had just ONCE told me to reconsider or have a REAL conversation with my husband. It’s hard when you do love the person you’re with, but don’t feel any passion, and feel you are stuck. Maybe you can salvage what you had - if you loved this person enough to marry him,is there NOTHING left to grasp onto that is better than these fleeting attractions to random people? I’m out there now, and it SUCKS. I’m just saying really take the time to think before you act, and do it because you don’t want to be with HIM, not because you think k you want someone else. There is a difference. Good luck.
You honestly should divorce your husband because doing that type of s**t is wrong on so many levels.
Therapy. You need to get to the bottom of your underlying insecurity that’s causing you to seek validation from these random sources.
Also, tell your husband what’s going on. He deserves to know what’s going on and decide for himself what to do from here.
Broooooo talk to your HUSBAND instead of jumping on any dic* that shows you attraction sheeessssh what even is communication these days
Therapy for you then your marriage…the past will come but it won’t stay…baby steps
I divorced mine for that lol tell him all about it im sure his lawyer could come up with a plan for you lol mabe alot of easy monthly child support payments .post his contact number here im sure proabbly got few women on here will take him off your hands lol
This is definitely a you problem and I would say Seek some professional help and I mean that in the most respectful way you’re never satisfied that comes from within
Sounds like the Netflix show sex life
What’s everything you could ask in a husband?? Because LOVE is supposed to be number one… n not just from him. Lol you’re gross. No nice about it.
oh no no.no no.no…your poor husband.Have some decency lady and atleast tell your husband the truth so he can detach himself from you and find himself a real woman.
Genuinely and lovely??? please… your husband deserves that, but you aren’t any of that… so let him go and let him be with someone that deserves him , cause you clearly dont… disgusting behavior and very unattractive
You like the attention at your husbands expense. Go get a woman’s version of the blue pill and have sex with your husband.
Those men you speak of ONLY want to sleep with you. They see that you give it up easily…it’s just a piece of ass to them. You will realize what you have when it is gone.
What makes you think that someone is going to stay with you if they are knowing you by being deliberately flirtatious while cheating on someone else, love is not achieved through sex, understand that they are using you, give your partner the opportunity to be with Someone better and go to therapy.
You may think you are attractive, but you are so ugly on the inside. You in reality have low self esteem, and NO morals. A cheater is the worst human being alive. Shame on you, you narcissistic tw$#!
You say “Be nice.” How about being faithful?! That poor guy at home. You are sitting there committing ADULTERY on your husband. YOU ARE MARRIED. How about putting all that effort you do on other men into rekindling your marriage? Why marry someone if there was no attraction? These flings may make you feel good at the time but none stay because you are taken.
Does your husband even know how you feel about it ? Or are you to busy trying to entertain other men ? Your husband deserves better idc how genuine and attractive you think you are.
So you have cheated on your husband and are still with him? You need to move on if you aren’t happy. You can’t have both your husband and affairs with multiple men. You need to choose one.
Stay home. Thats how you break the pattern
And this is how great men turn into complete jerks!
You should be single. Let your husband go so he can find someone who does actually love him
This reminds me of the movie plot from Addicted
So you basically having an affair??
You’re fucking disgusting
Plain and simple
And no I’m not going to take an adulturer’s request not to judge them because they don’t want their feelings hurt by hearing the truth while the are even human enough to care about what they’re doing to their husband
IF you care at all about your poor husband you would leave him
Sounds like you need to talk to your husband about a poly relationship. Or even something open. Lay down guidelines with him if he is open to it. That way you can flirt and not feel guilty. It’s okay to try something new but communication is key with your husband. Look at it like a game or toy. Its fun and exciting to feel others wanting you and going home and seeing the man you love, knowing that other men lust after you but there is a deeper love with him. I may get hate for this. But attention from strangers is new and exciting and it’s better to be open and honest in your true love relationship
“Seem to be into me until the get what they want.”
I’m not entirely sure what you’re expecting. You’re married. I won’t even address the obvious.
Aren’t you worried about diseases
You should let your husband find a woman who’s going to love him the way he deserves.
Wow… Plz do your husband a favor and leave him.
He deserves so much better than you.
Sorry (not really!), but even if you’re physically attractive that isn’t going to last forever. You will age just like all the rest of us and so will the men you’re whoring around with…then what? You need to grow up and stop thinking physical beauty is everything. You’re too shallow minded to be in a relationship or marriage.
The issue here is that you are not compatible with your husband period! So why you marry him? I know the feeling because I was married to one but I end up for other reasons. But once the chemistry is not there, you start feeling disconnected, disgusting about yourself in bed and more so, miserable. So why keep living a lie?
You need a psychologist.
Dang you have issues…yikes!
WOW I cannot even believe I just read that! Poor man smfh you want someone to tell you how to make cheating last longer. That’s really messed up. Did you read that out loud before posting that??? Wtf has this world come to?? I hope he finds out and leaves your ass for someone that deserves him! Get real lady
I feel like your husband deserves more respect than you give him. You don’t deserve him.
I’m sorry I know we aren’t supposed to judge but MULIPLE MEN?? Your poor husband, honestly please leave him and let him be happy with someone who actually loves him. This is just sad
I only have one question- why did you marry your husband - you need to stop this now while he is still young enough to find someone who truly loves him and wants children. Possibly you are not ready to be married - hopefully you are using protection.
You’re asking others to be nice but you have no loyalty and have completely broken every vow you took in marriage. Your husband at home deserves better than you can give. Not for nothing but you need help. Let your husband find a true companion and let him go. You are selfish and completely inconsiderate bc of “sexual tension and chemistry”. Grow up
So why did you get married if the sexual attraction or attention you want isn’t there? How unfair to your husband. And now you’re having sex with other men? I have no advice other than I feel for this poor man you call your husband, thats not how a wife treats a husband in my eyes.
You really do owe it to yourself to see a psychologist.