How do I break this pattern?!

As they say low prices attract many customers :roll_eyes:


Explore tantric sex with your husband. Find excitement in what your husband does for you and how well he treats you. It is a mindset. Build your excitement on what you will lovingly do for your husband. Get creative with some dates!

To the streets you go.


Whoa did I read this correctly ? I’m either really confused or your husband deserves someone better if your out sleeping around. I’m completely in love with my fiancé even the thought of being with another man makes me sick to my stomach. If you don’t feel like that toward the man you married, leave him.


Let your husband go & go do whatever you want! Well, you clearly are anyway :woman_shrugging:. People like you don’t deserve people like your husband.


Well I had one word for you but Zukerburg won’t let me post it :joy::joy::joy: starts with a W


Sorry but…it’s not your feelings I’m judging it’s your actions. Fix it.

You need to tell your husband and let him decide for himself of he even wants to stay with you anymore think about this situation reversed how would you feel?

I’m a little confused as to why you married your hubby in the first place if there was no sexual chemistry there? :woman_shrugging:t2:…
Ok, so, Firstly, please get a divorce from your long suffering husband.
If you do actually love him and want to be with him, you are going to have to sit down together and you will need to be VERY honest & open with him about everything that has happed with these men. What is it you feel you need from your husband? You’ve already said you know he thinks you are the most amazing and gorgeous person. What is it you are looking for? If it is just casual flings and “attention” that you crave then it’s best you just divorce your husband and you will be free to pursue all the male attention you crave until your hearts content. You do still need to have a long, deep and honest talk with your husband though. Whatever happens. He deserves some respect from you, start by being honest with with him. And then look at why you crave all this make attention? It would be beneficial for you to book into a therapist who can help you delve into why you are behaving the way you are? Why you are knowingly disrespecting your husband and destroying your marriage.
Honesty is key!
• Be honest with your husband.
• Get the help you need from a good therapist.
• Stop cheating on and disrespecting your husband.
• Break the cycle you are in
• Start to forgive yourself, draw a line under it all, move on and don’t ever look backwards.
• Move forwards
• Start living in the real world

:star2:Good Luck​:star2: you are going to need it…


You need therapy. You obviously need attention & crave it enough to be cheating on your husband. Why would you even marry him if you weren’t attracted. So many questions. You have to work through that with a therapist for sure


Do your husband a favour and leave him.


You’re a homewrecker. I feel bad for the man you married. Shame on you for cheating and not just being honest with him and moving on.


Wow. I feel sorry for your husband.

I’m sorry but you don’t deserve him. Let him find someone who will appreciate him


Poor poor husband… leave him…and get some self respect too

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Even if you magically fix your patter, as you seem to enjoy it for too long, your husband is entitled to know about all this and have his opinion and choice 1000%. I don know what makes you think that its ok to live your life the way you want, without him having a clue.

Now lets say a say on your side and for you.
It is normal for every human being to have a desire to be sexually satisfied. But there are principles and boundaries that we have to stay within in order to keep the balance within us and our loved ones. Some do, and who dont, they bring pain to themselves and others, or some times only others because they dont care about them.
It seems to worry you, hence your question here…
I do not think you dont care about your husbands feelings, although youre slowly killing him without him knowing it.

You could be doing it because of underline mental, emotional and physical reasons, that you might not be aware of at this point.

I respect your stand and courage, that you have decided to seek for answers and ways to fix things. Thats a big step one!

I think the best thing you could and should do, is to seek professional help. Even only few visits will give you better picture of your mental health, because thats where the problem comes from.

Good luck


Leave your husband. He deserves better.


you been watching to much netflix lol :joy: go see a therapist and stop being so vain , what a joke


This woman has asked for non judgemental help and you’re all screaming ooor husband poor husband. If she has some issues they could stem from anything that has happened in her life. She hasn’t said she has acted on these impulses and clealry wants them to go away. So instead of shaming her how about actually be helpful and understand where she’s coming from before calling her a horrible wife . And this is coming from someone who hasn’t cheated I am not like her in anyway and in fact i have been cheated on. But I don’t think you don’t love someone if you have these impulses / cheat on them IN CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES. Everyone’s psychology is different and some people just need some work / help with themselves which is what she is trying to do. So stop with the negative comments. Anyway. Yes perhaps a therapist or a couples therapist


You need to ask yourself whether you can see yourself with your husband in years to come and will you be miserable for the rest of your life? Plus he might not forgive you for what you done either maybe it’s time you split up and move on with your life

From what I read, YOU ARE FOR THE STREETS. Leave that poor man! Feel sorry for him.


Ang haba ng hair mo ha…

Hard not to judge someone who cheats. Like Leah-Anne Carriere says…do your husband a favor and leave him. You obviously don’t deserve him.


Leave the marriage, if you don’t feel the connection with your partner, then you weren’t ready for marriage :kissing_heart:


Look I really don’t want to judge but if you have chosen to cheat you need to walk away. You are saying you love the thrill of the chase and if that’s the case you should never have gotten married in the first place.
Leave your husband, he deserves better than someone always looking for something more.


I am genuinely curious how old you are??
Catching feels?? Are you for real?
If this is really how you behave, you need to tell your husband and get counselling… BIG TIME !


And u need to be honest cause if it was a guy CHEATING they be all the scum in the world ur no different NO ONE DESERVES TO WONNDER WHY THEY WEREN’T ENOUGH

How would you feel if your hubby slept with other ppl?! Have an open marriage see other ppl. Or seek a therapist for yourself. Never give the goods up right away. Good luck :four_leaf_clover:

Idk why you would expect anyone to be nice on this post​:woman_shrugging:t2: apparently you don’t have “everything you could ever want in a husband” if your trying to get attention from other men, do him a favor and file for divorce :face_vomiting:


Honey, this is too much. Just leave him. And get therapy.


It could be possible you’re a freysexual.

Also, it’s sad to see so many people on this thread who are so ignorant to different sexualities, and believe monogamy is the only healthy way to have a relationship or marriage.


Get divorced , imagine if it was your husband acting that way … we’d all be on his back telling you to leave him … !!

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Stop seeking validation in other people and learn to validate yourself. :woman_facepalming:t3:


Are you serious right now? I can’t believe what I just read… :woman_facepalming::roll_eyes: Let that poor man that you call your husband go and find a real woman who will love him back the way he deserves.
You are so selfish. This poor man my heart is broken for what you are doing to him…


I do not agree with cheating on your partner. If you really love him you need to tell him what you’ve been doing. He’s going to find out or figure it out sooner or later. I agree that I’m pretty sure if he was cheating on you you would be livid. Let him find someone who deserves him.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do I break this pattern?!

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I would be open an honest with your husband about the things you like and don’t like… and if he is the type that don’t understand throw hints at him

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You need to go talk to a therapist to sort your feelings out.
You want the attention, seek it, enjoy it - then say the guys ghost you when get exactly what you went out looking to give???
That doesn’t make any sense.

So talk to a therapist and truly find out what is going on.
Then be honest with your husband about what’s been happening and why.
What happens from there is up to him.


You don’t deserve to be married to him honestly. Hes being loyal to you, treats you well, and you’re out doing him dirty. Sorry not sorry. Cheating isn’t ever ok. Leaving is ALWAYS the better option. I hope you can figure it out and do better but I’m curious as to why you’d marry someone your not attracted to knowing what marriage is about.
You need to see a therapist and be honest with him after all the truth always comes out and when it does its up to him where to go from there.


Maybe you should think about how you would feel if the situation was reversed and it was your husband doing this. Get some therapy to help you with this.


You have 2 moral options. Be honest with your husband or divorce him. Better if it’s both. If you truly loved him you’d never allow someone else close enough to you to even have the opportunity for sex.


… What did I just read?


That feeling is lust. Its what keeps the earth populated. It doesnt have anything to do with love. Lust always fades away and either turns into something more lasting, or you just move on… Just remember you don’t want to ruin a good thing over something so temporary.


divorce him — some woman will TRULY LOVE HIM & FIND HIM ATTRACTIVE & APPRECIATE HIM! He DESERVES BETTER THAN YOU CAN GIVE HIM. And you deserve to find someone who you love AND are attracted to also!


Are yous in an open relationship cause it sounds a little like that unless your cheating? Like if it’s an open relationship ok but if not I think you and ya hubby should get divorced


The guys who “ghost” you are seeing and using you for what you are - you give what you get :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2: leave your poor husband for someone who can treat him right :cry::cry:


In my opinion if your husband doesnt know then he should cus thats just wrong tbh & cheating :woman_shrugging:t3::roll_eyes:
But if yall have an open relationship then i guess its ok??? But really tho, ur too in deep id say divorce and be single cus it sounds like ur not ready to settle down.


I think you should file for divorce if all u can do is cheat because he deserves better and he will eventually find out. You say be nice how can we be nice when you do him wrong and dirty. You are being treated the way you deserve to be treated them ghosting you and you disrespect not only your husband but yourself


Sounds to me use already ruined ur relationship and u better let that man go so he can find his true love he deserves better he deserves someone that feels they way u feel about others about him 100% of the time! Someone is out there being actually used because their soul mate is married to you and being used by you! So not cool!


“I have everything I could ever want in a husband …” yeah, apparently not.


It’s called Divorce!


Think of a relationship like a car. If you are even looking at another person in a lustful way when you’re supposed to be in a marriage relationship, that is a warning light. You need to take a really good look “under the hood,” meaning get some counseling and talk to somebody, and see what the issue is here. Cheating is never the answer. And if you happen to leave your husband, do yourself a favor and don’t just jump into another relationship. There is something going on inside you that makes you think you need to get lustful attention to be fulfilled. You need counseling to get that taken care of before you even think of stepping into another serious relationship or continuing this serious relationship with your husband. Also, sometimes in a marriage, all of those lustful feelings you had in the beginning of the relationship quiets into something more steady and long-lasting. The lust is what draws you into a relationship, and what comes after a while of building a relationship is something steady and beautiful and peaceful all at once. It’s not supposed to be this lustful crazy passion all the time. Maybe you are getting confused between lust and a true relationship that stands the test of time with someone you have true intimacy and deep soul caring love.


Why did you marry a guy you aren’t attracted to?


Wooooow. Basically you’re saying “I’m a cheating bitch and my husband deserves better. But, be nice.” :roll_eyes: leave him and let him find true happiness with a woman that will actually love him, cause you’re not worth his time.


I’m having the exact same problem and don’t know why


Well you didn’t actually admit to loving your husband. You said he’s amazing but you’re lacking attraction and chemistry and always have been. Why did you marry him? Chemistry and attraction turn into relationships, love, and marriage.


No offence lady, but pull your head in! Women like you are the reason good guys get fucked up & makes it impossible for anyone else who wants to love him… fuckyou


You’re “genuinely a lovely person,” eh? According to who? Yourself? Get over yourself, be honest and let him go find someone who appreciates all he has to offer.


Uh leave your husband… if you even think about looking at another man sexually let alone physically being with them you need to leave. If you truly loved him it wouldn’t be a thought. Women like you are the reason good men turn into cold hearted assholes.


Ick. Please let that man go. He deserves more.


I would seek out a psychiatrist and have them rule out narcissistic personality disorder… and I’m honestly not saying that to be smart or funny.


Wow :flushed: I feel bad for your husband. I hope he finds someone who genuinely loves him.


I am lost for words… no, you are not genuinely lovely… and you may be attractive on the outside, but certainly not on the inside. Remember, as you age, looks will leave you then you’ll be left with nothing but a horrible soul. Divorce him he deserves better


How’s that “don’t judge me” thing going for you?.. lol :pig2: :pig: :pig_nose:


Get a divorce set your husband free to live his life and possibly find happiness else where without being cheated on by a wife who doesn’t get her kicks from the man she should and is clearly up her own ass!!


I would leave … you will never find happiness with him and you are only leading him on and clearly let’s be honest…he deserves better then how you are treating him. Go find your happiness.


I’m glad this is anonymous bc I want to say that I think you are a really horrid person. Leave your husband who sounds like a fantastic man and let him find a good woman.


Whaaaaaat the fuck.

You’re absolutely wrong.


Love is a choice, girl. And you’re choosing not to love him.


love isn’t enough for you so leave instead of cheating!


I am genuinely praying for you! You will get lots of personal opinions here but there really isn’t anyone who can help you but Jesus! You need a heart change! That’s what Jesus can give you! I don’t believe Divorce will help you! The Lord can change your heart and help you to be attracted to your husband but opening your heart and eyes to what you have right in front of you! You can get divorced but you will only trade one problem for a different problem! Adultery never is the answer! And as long as you have in your mind that you can have your an adulterous relationship to get your need met you will never actively pursue a wonderful relationship with your husband that does really love you! There is a reason you married him. No one marries a person they are not at least somewhat attracted to. The more you invest in the marriage and commit to be faithful I believe you will find all you need where you are! Please don’t keep living the life your living! I have had that done to me and it’s terribly painful! Go by the book Who Stole Cinderella by Denise Renner! She has a 16 part YouTube series! Invest in your marriage! I pray you can do what’s right! You have become addicted to a feeling that doesn’t last! It will always be fleeting! There is something greater that you really want deep down! Ask God to forgive you and help you turn this around! He will guide you, if you ask him! :pray:t3::100:


I know there are a few men in this group, so let me give you a man’s perspective. I lived in your husband’s shoes. I was married for 12 years to a woman who constantly cheated on me. If you are the " lovely" person you claim to be, let him go live a life with a woman who will love him because obviously you don’t. I made it to a breaking point where I literally had to pack my bag and walk out of the door. Nobody deserves that feeling.


Your husband doesn’t deserve this


you shouldn’t have made this post honey…
they (the internet people) bout to get you and hurt your feelings…
with that being said, personally…
I hope he divorces you…


She’s asking for help on how to fix it and y’all bashing her in the comments. :clap:


Get help if that doesn’t help divorce him & let him find the love of his life


I think you need to be honest an tell
Your husband the truth, then see where he stands. Maybe do a little soul searching an decide what kinda person you want to be, Clearly your not happy with what is happening so change it :four_leaf_clover:


Sounds like you already have your karma for Fuxking over a good decent man!
“ don’t judge me” that’s a joke!
You’re looking for someone ANYONE to make you feel better because you want to justify what you’re doing and label it as ok.
It’s NOT ok. And anyone that tells you it is os even worse!
Shame on you ! You have your karma. Let that poor man go!


Wow …what a piece of work!!
“Don’t judge me”…yess yup now hold on a damn minute… let that man go and find someone who truly can love him unconditionally!!! You really think that this is what love is…shake your head something is loose​:pig::pig:


This literally drives me insane!! Not only are you cheating on a man who would do anything for you but more than likely most of the men who keep ghosting you probably have a wife at home trying to fight for their relationship while their men are out fucking people like you who are selfish and clearly only cares about themselves. I dont care how beautiful or lovely you are. You lack the more important qualities one being self respect. Its disgusting what you are doing not only to your husband but yourself. I would kill for my husband to be half as good as yours is. Hes stuck in this fantasy world you created that everything is fine and dandy but is being decieved over and over again and you clearly have no remorse because youre to worried about why youre being ghosted by these men when you have someone at home who im sure would kiss the ground you walk on.


Marriage counseling?

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Definitely not fair to him.


No judging? Seriously, you freely admit that you mess around even though you’re married for the thrill of it. Claim you are attractive and lovely but want no judgement? A truly lovely person has a good heart and wouldn’t think to do something like this to their loving partner and husband. What the hell? Grow up and leave him because clearly you do not love him or you wouldn’t do this to him. Wtf. I’m sure most of these posts are trolls honestly I can’t fathom someone claiming they’re lovely and attractive when your actions prove you are not attractive at all on the inside. Even if you were attractive physically your heart is not. A good heart is what makes someone attractive


Whoa. How do you sleep at night man! The truth will set you free- own up and make it right. You will feel so much better getting this off your chest and telling your husband the truth. I am not going to bash you, I am not going to tell you that you are a horrible person- maybe you are just not meant to be in a relationship period (or at least not at this time) if the chase/thrill is all you are after, let your husband go and you can be free to fulfill that fantasy without guilt.:v:


So wait, you’re a serial cheater? And you’re asking how to break that cycle? Get counseling. Yesterday.


LOL the audacity in this post :woman_facepalming:t4: this is your karma for f’ing over a decent man ! Sis this ain’t it !!

Leave him bro , what an asshole


It’s the “odd occasion” for me.

Nah, sis. :raised_hand:t3:


Go home and shower your husband with all the attention you were getting from others. Flirt with him and make him feel he’s the most sexy, attractive man you’ve ever met. You may be surprised to find yourself feeling something for him when you go through the motions. Make him your focus rather than yourself and you may be surprised.


I would let your husband go and thats being honest. I am going to be honest about my life. I have been with my husband for 10 yrs just got married this past November and to be honest he tried to get me to leave him 5 yrs ago but I couldn’t. I honestly loved him to much even though he became disabled, he wasn’t when we got together. When we got together he made a great living and so did I. Together we made over 5 grand a month. 2 yrs after we got together he woke up and couldn’t feel his right side thats when our life took a different direction. He got put in the hospital and they filed for him to be put on full disability, he looked at me and said it’s ok if you want to leave me I understand. I looked at him and said that’s not what you do to someone that you love. I have stuck by his side through everything and even married him. I don’t look at other men. We have lost everything including our home, I still never looked at another man and he hasn’t looked at another woman. It’s been 8 yrs of hell since that day but we stuck it out and my love for him grows everyday. Moral of this story is when you love someone then you don’t hurt them or cheat on them. Please sit your husband down and tell him the truth so he can find a woman that will be faithful to him.


Yeah the men are going to get those “egos” stroked then ghost because you are being easy. And I’m sorry obviously your husband deserves better. If you don’t find him attractive why the hell did you marry him? Is this where we find out he is loaded and you are a good digger? Be nice please what you are doing is straight up cheating. Leave him so he has a chance for real happiness.


Does Ur hubby no about this?


No morals and your as vain as f….


You need to divorce him and let him be with someone who will respect and cherish the love he has to offer. There’s nothing wrong with not having the attraction but you cross the line when you play with other people’s lives. Move on and find someone you’re attracted to and let your husband find the same.


Is this a joke ?!? :eyes: :woman_facepalming:t4:


That’s sad not true love then


Your behavior is unacceptable and sinful.


Not gonna sugar coat it for you, why the fuck did you marry him, he deserves better than you!!! And you deserve what you get, Karma will give you your just deserts!!!


Yikes…wildly not ok to do this. You are lying to your husband.


Yeah, sounds like you’re a sack of shit with no morals and your husband deserves better.


You really thought you could come on the internet and say you openly cheat on your husband who’s a great guy and folks wouldn’t drag you? Sis :woozy_face: