How do I deal with a crazy mother in law?

Your spouse needs to handle his/her mother and put their foot down with her.


She is used to being in control. It is your husband’s place to talk to her and set up some boundaries. She will get mad and it will likely get bumpy, but it is never too soon to speak up! Do what you want to start your own family traditions on Holidays. I have 2 grand children and 1 great grandson and trust me I have learned how to be very tight lipped with my granny wisdom. lol Time for you to lower the boom, just not too hard, or all at once. Baby steps for Mother-in-laws. :slight_smile:


Your husband has to address it. If he can’t or won’t, get a new husband. He should support you and have your back, even when you are wrong. If he can’t put his own mother in check, how is he going to effectively parent your children. Also, take a long hard look in the mirror because the old adage about men marrying their mothers rings true 75% of the time.

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My mother in law is dead, she died before I married my husband. But, he has 5 Puerto Rican sisters who all think that they are the “matriarch” of the family. There are days that I wish she was around…

Thankfully i dont have to deal with MIL since she didn’t raise my husband , her mother did and she is an angel, and hubby doesnt have much to do with his mom and would put her in her place without hesitation just for the hell of it. So speaking without expierence here, but talk to your man and if he wont deal with it then by all means make sure she knows where she stands bc it is YOUR baby.

Mine is the same way. She’s crazy af. But that’s why my son rarely sees her. I’m done tolerating her shit.


Have you seen the kitchen… it’s a good movie

Wow, reading all.of this makes me thankful that my daughter-in-love WANTS me around. Christmas is a big deal…we go later Christmas Eve in time for the kids to see us bring ALLLLL the gifts for family and they help us put under the tree and snoop for theirs. put out milk and cookies, and read a Christmas story. We help Santa with any “put togethers”, then we go to our hotel. Arrive before the kids get up Christmas morning and get to see their expressions when they see what Santa left…We were never there on Christmas Eve. until we were come. I defer to my kids, when we have the Perfects, because I am not their mom. We have boundaries and know what is accepted and what is not and we dont Cross the line on major stuff ,(minor stuff yes and my son and daughter in love laugh). I know my place, my husband knows his and we try very hard not to abuse our position. My son and I have had to have 1 talk in 9 years, over a misunderstanding. Other than that, everythingnis great. DIL would have us living in their backyard if she had her way !! Hahaha! Son…NOT so much ! Ha!


Atleast your MIL didn’t blatantly lie to her whole town and tell them you kicked her out to stay in a hotel and wouldn’t let her feed or hold the baby the entire 10 days they stayed with us. I only found out when I thanked my BIL and wife for taking us out since it was only the 2nd time since having him, the first being when MIL and FIL watched him for us. SIL let loose! She told me everything. Not only did we leave the baby with them for 6 hours but he was on a strict every 2 hour feeding schedule due to eventually diagnosed CMPA/MSPI, and they didn’t feed him a single time. When I got home, instead of enjoying the rest of our adult evening, I had to play catch up to squeeze in the 4, FOUR bottle he should have had while we were away. They just stuck a pacifier in his mouth and left him in the bouncer sleeping the whole time. They didn’t even change him. And despite her constantly leaving the backdoor open while she stood there with all her cigarette smoking, I still never kicked her out of house. My husband threatened to, but I never said anything to her other than washing hands etc.

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My mother n law comes to my house and asks oh is that new where did u get that from and how much did u pay for that I’m like lord don’t let me loose my sh** today 25 yrs later I’m still saying that prayer


Well, I had to moved 1900 miles away to get my mother in law to back the hell up. My son’s an only child and his dad died tragically while he was young. His mom has literally walked into our house after we didn’t answer the door and into our room while we were having sex (and I’m loud so she knew) and continued to try and make conversation. I have had to have police remove her from my house because she was screaming in my face that I was ruining her sons life (didn’t use the reception venue she wanted, we had over 600 people and it sat 150…?) She’s fucking insane. My husband sticks up for himself and us but this bitch doesn’t fucking care. We moved back to my hometown and it’s sooooo much better.


it’s like “Monster in Law” part 2

Why is she an issue?? When she makes a remark say uh huh. Stop listening to her. Ignore her. I know it’s hard, I know your baby-daddy needs to grow balls, but just smile and carry on​:heavy_heart_exclamation::hugs:

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My former MiL insisted on watching me breatfeed my first. I was 18… she was/is a psycho, and glad she’s an ex MiL. (Fwiw, baby is now almost 18, honor roll/AP kid. She’s amazing. Evem though she got a bad case of thrush and had to stop breast feeding a few months in.) Seriously. Do what’s best for you.


Didn’t get blessed in the mom dept., buy totally won the lotto with my MIL!


So where’s your husband in all of this? Shouldn’t he be dealing with her? You don’t HAVE to deal with her you know? You are ALLOWED to keep toxic people away. You don’t HAVE to go places you feel comfortable in. You need to block her. You need to speak to your husband and tell him that you refuse to deal with her, that he needs to deal with his mom and you’re no longer going over there for holidays.


Why are you allowing her to babysit? Someone threatning to baptize my child against my wishes is a quick way to get handed a broken nose. She does what you allow. Cut her off.


These posts always make me laugh…I WISH I had an involved mother in law…SHITTT I WISH I had a involved MOTHER…I guess u truly appreciate what u DONT have :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:

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I had an amazing mother-in-law. She passed in 2011. That said she was slow to warm up to me and acknowledge my existence the entire first year her son and I dated. Husband had just received his doctorate, met me, divorced for 10 years with an almost 12 year old daughter. I had a great job, financially stable, standing in my own two feet focused on being a great mom and living life. He came along and the ice around my heart and those fortress walls started to disappear over a few months. Anyway…after about a year she broke down one day crying and apologized to her son she was sorry she hadn’t accepted me sooner and had been so standoffish. We had a very close relationship considering she lived a few states away. Fast forward. …it’s 2008. My daughter is in 12th grade. I’ve just given birth and when we were discharged from hospital is was almost 11pm. Hubby calls her when we arrive home to say we’re we are out of the hospital. It’s almost midnight. She insists they come over the next day for lunch around 11​:grimacing: I said no. Just got home it’s midnight. We are sleeping in. Damn if the inlaws weren’t knocking on the door at 10:45 am​:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Husband is a southern momma’s boy and evidently they don’t tell their momma’s no Well you about to tell her no or I will. Look we aren’t up for company. Still tired. Baby is sound asleep. Never let them past the foyer. She’s still trying to get us to have dinner at our place… which means we will have to go to grocery and cook for them and then cleanup :open_mouth: oh hell no. We both stood firm on no and I don’t think that woman had every said no to her. She got pissed. Wouldn’t speak. Finally says to her husband we need to go. Me and hubby were like ok love you see you tomorrow. She cut her eyes at me like she could strangle me​:joy: by the time they showed up the next day she was over it and I honestly believe she had more respect for me than she did previously because I wouldn’t back down. I stood up for me and my husband and he was in it with me. United front. You could try double teaming her​:thinking: or you could establish some firm boundaries with her. If she can respect them great. If not then you got to go…there is the door…bye. if husband wants to have a relationship with her and see her fine .he can go to her house without you and visit. But you don’t have to subject yourself to it. And she best not baptize my baby be against my wishes. She might need a priest for her last rites if she did…that’s really f’,Ed up. That’s your baby not hers. You might want to point blank blatantly remind her :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: good luck . It’s all going to work out.


Tell her to stop trying to raise your family …

I feel for you! I lived that life all my
life! My mother was overly possesive. Every holiday

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Karyn, Maybe She like your breasts!!! LoL :rofl:

Stressful situation for you🤞 you find a reasonable solution soon!

Put your foot down set her stright you are the mom good luck. Maybe she will back up with the support of your hubby feelings might. Get hurt but it will blow over stick to your guns tell her in a nice way to BUTT OUT!!! good luck