How do I get a restraining order?

Maybe finish building your half porch so it’s a full porch for once and for all

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Don’t abuse the system. This odd not cause for a RO. Just because he agreed to move it doesn’t mean he legally has to. You cannot legally remove his items. Getting a false RO do he will be forced to move will only result in you getting into trouble. People need to stop taking resources from those that truly need it

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Hell I was in a abusive relationship and it was hard for me to get a protection order on my ex. When they asked why I wanted it, I told them I was scared for my life and he was going to k!|| me… The judge told me STRAIGHT TO MY FACE, you need a better excuse then that! I said well next time you see me, I’ll be on the obituaries! She told me I suppose I’ll grant you 1 year for a protection order. Like wtf! He hurt my daughter and he hurt me a bunch of times! He hit me so hard my lung collapsed! I had to have lung surgery but she didn’t find him as a threat!

You have to have a physical threat from him in order to get a restraining order. You’ll probably have to do is get sole custody of your children and permission to move elsewhere where he can’t afford to follow you. Then when visitation time comes, meet halfway between your residences at a McDonald’s and transfer the children back and forth. Make sure you have a job lined up at the new place so the judge won’t decide you are moving just to be a pain and say no. That’s the only thing I can think of.

He doesn’t love you. He’s just saying that. Contact your local Sheriff … they will give you the info you need. You HAVE changed the locks??

Beanie babies & McDonalds lmfao! Is this a joke?? Let me guess u live in Kentucky ?


Restraining orders are for abuse…not to put your ex out wtf🙄


Is he physically or verbally assaulting you? Google it and it’ll tell you a court near by

When my ex husband gf hit me when they came to get his car, the judge put restraining order on her and him. Day I went to court to drop it on her, the ex threatened me and the judge kept the restraining order longer on him. Assault and abuse is not hard to get restraining order just got to the court house and ask for a petition to get one.


Well sweetie- as long as he has residence there it’s kind of tricky - depending on your state. But if he puts hands and/ or abuses you call the law. Take pictures, video and or recording of the events.

if he is disturbing peace in your neighborhood, call the police

I’m lost in this whole thread, What is even going on

I don’t know but ima start a gofundme for you to finish that porch because I’m tired of reading about it