How do I get a restraining order?

I need advice on restraining orders. How to get em? where’s I sign em? and who’s face do I show them to for it to matter against my ex. My exhusband agreed to move out. And i swear to lord baby jesus, hes makin it hard! I put his collection of beanie babies on the half-porch and he just sat on my porch hollerin. How do I get him to go away and just peacefully do our custody transfers at the Macdonalds and go on our seperate ways when he still loves me? Going back is OUT of the question. Any advice?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Do I have a right to be upset?r

Exchange at the police department if it makes you that uncomfortable


You can get a restraining order done at the court house or the police station. I would suggest doing exchanges at a police station if you feel like it’s that serious.

This has got to be April fools, right?


Find where your location commissioner is and file a protective order.

Court house. Just go in and tell them you want a restraining order they will send you upstairs then they will make you write down everything that happened and the reason why you need a restraining order

Unless he’s violent or threatening, I don’t think they will. I do know there’s criteria that has to be met.


If he gets mail there you can’t kick him out. The house would need to be in your name and you’d have to evict himm


Respectfully, they aren’t for women to get petty with. They’re protection orders.

But take yourself to the court house. Smh


It it’s your husband it’s usually filed domestic and can be free. If not married and no kids then it’s just harassment. Both are done at police station. Long process…

I was granted a 4 year old years ago.

Make sure all of his possession are out of your house because he can legally break in if anything that he owns is in that house. I know because it happened to me, and the next day I took his stuff (that he refused to come get) to the dump. You can get a restraining order at the courthouse.

Restraining orders are for people with risks of being harmed not a grown man crying and being annyoing. A judge doesn’t Give them for pettiness


He don’t have to move out if his name is on the place. Thai is not what restraining orders are for.


You have to prove that he has threatened and you have true reason to believe he would carry through or tried to put you or your child in imminent danger. It’s done at the magistrate and it is a criminal charge and not to be used lightly. Even if you take it out on him if you go against the restraining order and contact him you can also get in trouble.

Google it in your county

This is like the 3rd post I’ve seen that had the words half porch on it. Like is this the same person? Lol I have so many questions for your dramatic lifestyle.


Go to the police department to ask not Facebook. Every state and county is different. However the situation you described I don’t think you would qualify for a restraining order but the police can go escort him off your property.

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Go to your court house and ask questions. Hire an attorney.

Each state is different. Contact your local county magistrate. There us criteria to be met

His beanie baby collection? Dear god call the police go to the court on Monday and fike

Always report any harassment to the cops. Let them know you are going thru a speration and have a custody arrangement. But you always have to document the things he’s doing or they won’t help you. I’m going thru this right now with my husband.

Is this April fool’s joke ?!


Go to court house and file.

This hurts to read :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Has he harmed you? Physically? Has he threatened to hurt or kill you? If not then you won’t be granted a restraining order. If he won’t leave and you’re really truly done then maybe you could leave? You’ll be free of him that way


Chuck his beanie babies into the street! When he goes after them, lock the door!!

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Your local court house to file.

Beanie babies, Macdonalds? Huh?

If he acts like that he wouldn’t get any unsupervised visitation with my kids.

all his stuff gone? If he has nothing to prove he doesn’t maintain residence there, clothing, bills, mail—(and you should tell him he best forward it or you’ll write return to sender on it and put it back in the mail) have him trespassed every time he shows up. End of story. His name isn’t on it, your house? You can do that, and there’s nothing he can do about it. If he has stuff there, and has mail there, it’s his residence, regardless of who owns it or leases it, and you’ll have to file a formal eviction. Unless there’s domestic violence, you can’t get an order of protection. There has to be a reason.

This is a joke like the other Post with the half porch


If nothing has been physical and you don’t have proof of any threats you’ll have to start with a filing a harassment charges. If he text you 3 times and you tell him to leave you alone that qualifies. Literally do NOT say anything else. Just leave me alone. Record him on the property shouting and you telling him to leave you alone as well. Then eventually you’ll be granted a restraining order if he isn’t cooperating.

You guys are answering this seriously :rofl::rofl::rofl::sob::sob::sob::sob:


Tell him there’s a sale at Dairy Queen.

You had me dying at beanie babies. :joy::joy:


Skip McDonald’s and go to your local police station to explain your situation. If you cannot get a restraining order, they will direct you to the right resources and steps you need to take. Wish you best.

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You have to legally evict him before you can make him leave.

And what you have stated is not grounds for a restraining order :woman_facepalming:


Meet at Burger King lol :rofl::rofl:

Why does everyone have a half porch? I don’t even know what one us


There’s no abuse. You aren’t in danger. So there’s NO legal reason for a restraining order. If that’s his residence he doesn’t have to leave. You can leave.


Again with the half porch…Do you also have half a brain???:rofl::rofl:


Ain’t no orders for none of that sis….you gotta suffer through the bs til he mess around and do some funny shit, or let his cookoo come out the clock. :joy:

Tell him there’s a beanie baby con next town over that has ultra rares :rofl: :rofl:


This must be graveyard, trailer lady again…


You can’t without a cause, you need to have a reason…not enough info to properly advise…ask a cop.

Idk if this is serious or not…but I’m :skull:

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Beanie babies??? Wow! Happy divorce girl! :heart:

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U go to local police department and get it through them but if u can’t get one yet they can direct u to what u need to do first before getting one. If restraining order is violated u call police telling them that u have a restraining order and he is in breech of the order. Good luck!

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Get a lawyer. File for divorce.
You’re married, you can’t kick him out of marital property in most states.


You print off the paperwork online from your county court and you take them into the court but they won’t usually grant one unless he’s putting you in any kind of danger. Especially when there are kids you share custody of. Him just being annoying and immature probably won’t be enough.

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We’ll come on! One does not neglect the beanies!!! :rofl: Oyyyyyy lol


You lost me at beanie babies, half porch, and hollering. Where are you, and is this a toddler you are wanting the restraining order on ?


You’ll still have to see him at family reunions from the way it sounds🤷🏼‍♂️


And this is why you should have to have a basic IQ test proving you have more common sense than a hamster to get married and ha e kids. Jesus Christ!


This has to be an April Fools joke.


There’s no way this is real, it can’t be :woman_facepalming:t2::joy:


I feel like a dick for saying this…but i kinda feel like somebody is trollin…:joy:

Unless you’re on danger you won’t get one you can call a local domestic abuse center and they can help you fill one out and file one but unless they think you’re in actual danger you won’t get it.


Go to victim services or ask your local police department

Linz Doosman Margo Ellis

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Police department
Or Court

Tamela Ireland half porch Brenda. Read the comments

#halfporchlady #farmwitch


If he’s an EX he shouldn’t be in your house. If it’s in you name on lease or said paperwork. If he’s an ex and refuses to leave YOUR property he’s trespassing… call the police. He can say he’s visiting his kids so you need to have times and days for visits documented. And meeting at a neutral place is much better than your house. Child services might be able to help with that. If not you may need a lawyer.

Ahh damn farm witch won’t be back on your half porch any more soon!!!

If he is your ex why is he living with you may I ask?

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If his name is on the lease, you can’t legally kick him out. And they don’t give restraining orders on petty baby momma/baby daddy drama.


His beanie babies?? Is his name on the lease or does he own any part of the home? I would contact a lawyer and go through court.

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This has got to be satire…


lmfao I’m sorry this is hilarious :joy:

You’re not going to get a restraining order because you want him out of your house and don’t want him around. Restraining orders come from abuse, threats, harm. Etc. Acts of violence. They don’t give them out too easily.

Has he been physically abusive,threaten to harm you?If you can answer both of those with a yes,then go to the police and file for a RO.He is your ex.He shouldn’t be at your house.

I’m having a hard time believing this is a legitimate post. April fools

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Whether this is real or not some women need to know. When I got my restraining order I had documented with the police every time there was an altercation so there was a record. I had to take off work and go to the court house. I spent the most depressing day amongst several other battered women. They finally saw me. I filled out the paperwork and got a temporary PFA while my case was reviewed by a judge. I got the restraining order after a few days and he was served as well. Just know that it is just a piece of paper and it doesn’t always stop them but it did help put him away when he wouldn’t leave me alone. This guy was crazy enough to stalk the cop that was investigating him so that didn’t hurt either. Watch your backs ladies, watch each other’s backs. I suggest Google the steps for your state.


I did a lot of thinking, and I’m 97% sure I figured out your identity.

(and I hope I’m right. I love Vicky.)

Document (police report) any abusive behavior Go to Family Court and petition for an order of protection

Unless he is being violent, destructive, verbally and Physically Abusive towards you and Threatening to Kill or harm you… or your kids or self-harm, then they won’t likely deem a restraining order necessary if you are not in Danger. If it escalates to any of those situations listed, call the police and start by filing a report. If you press charges, a protective order can come into effect.

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This has to be a continued segment from weeks ago with the trailer park trash :wastebasket: bringing food or something to the half porch :joy::joy:

You need to talk to a lawyer :joy:

He was holler in for the lady down the way that was taking him lunch after u kicked her off ur half porch to come and help him with those beanies


What the heck is a half porch ?


Beanie babies??!! Lol

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Easy, Split what you own and give him the half porch!


We’ve been over this with you before you need grounds for a restraining order as in he needs to be evicted

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You have to legally evict him.Go to court house get the eviction paperwork and fill it out.Have him served with a 30 day notice.You can’t get a restraining order unless he was violent with you or your child something like that or unless he’s mentally abusive and you can prove it

Ok you got a lot of questions there. A PPO doesn’t prevent him from going ok your property if he can claim residency there. I learned the hard way. They tried to charge me with violating my own PPO after police refused to remove him. I had to move out.

You’ll need to evict him. Idk how to do that when you’re married.

PPO/restraining orders vary on where you are. Check with your court. You’ll have to prove abuse. Refusing to leave his home isn’t abuse.

For custody you’ll probably have to file seperation or divorce. You’re married so hell probably get 50/50.

You need to go to your court house legal assistance office & ask them what paperwork you need. Or contact a divorce lawyer. All of that should be handled in your divorce.

What happened with the farm witch and her crop top? What information did she find out about getting this man to stop coming down the block? And for the third time, what the hell is a half porch​:rofl::rofl::rofl:


Hollering how? Take pictures of any violence, bruises, videos, evict him or move.

In Texas it cost money unless issued by a judge.

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You can’t just get a restraining order bc you don’t want to deal with someone. Unless there’s been abuse of some kind its not happening


Nigcole Phillips lol wtf

Call the police and have him evicted

I definitely think yall need to meet up at the dairy queen, that way if his side chick comes you got a blizzard ready


You can’t get a restraining order over yelling and beanie babies! I don’t mean to dismiss your feelings, but restraining orders usually involve physical assault and police reports. I unfortunately had two before I finally divorced the douche. He is still getting arrested 20 years later. Thankful that I’m not her anymore.


I stopped reading after I seen Beanie Babies :baby::rofl::rofl:
WTF :thinking:


Is this the same person with the farm witch issue? O_o


Okay, you can’t get a restraining order because someone is annoying you. You must have a reason to fear for your safety to get one. And if ypu were to get one, and you contact him for any reason it voids it.


It’s official. I’ve seen it all now. Not wanting to relocate his extensive collection of Beanie Babies is not grounds for a restraining order. If you don’t like it when he leaves the toilet seat up then YOU move.


i have one on my ex, due to violence, coercion and manipulation. i’m not sure if the problems you are having would warrant a restraining order…