How do I go about contacting my sons school?


I’D BE LIVID !!! :rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Get hold of the school & Rip sh√t on that teacher !!! Ask for a meeting with the principal & insist that the A$$hole teacher in there - RIP ON HIM !!! While you’re in there demand a different teacher !!! Stick your finger in his face & tell him exactly what you think of him but **DON’T CUSS or THREATEN him … Inform him that if he calls the school he attended before (like he threatened your son) that would get EXCELLENT reports & that he’d better figure that out & in a real fast wAy or you’re going straight to the local paper & there will be a nice write up in the paper about his disgusting behavior !!! Inform him that you will be expecting him to apologise to your son & that he will be treating your Son with utmost respect from here on out !!

Don’t back down !!! Go git him Mama Bear !!! If his Dad is available & willing to attend the meeting even better - go together !!

Much luck to you & love to your little man !!

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I know damn straight what I would do.
Teacher gone.

Get involved with your child. Teachers can be a real sore in a childs life. Sit in with the class and watch the kids and teachers. get involved. thanks.

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F calling the school March your a$$ up there and stand up for your child. Why are you even on here.

Talk about trying to make him feel settled an fit in , my boy neally 9 an I know he would be so scared ! At this age they think teachers are scary !! He’s moved house an school an now has to go through this straight away ,talk to some mum’s about how he is if they have any problems with him x

Absolutely wrong teacher and totally wrong attitude. Change teachers or change school. If necessary out it was n writing. That makes it an official complaint. It’s hard enough changing schools. Even for teachers. Been there many times. Give son a hug from an ex teacher

Go up to that school an go off I don’t play when it comes to my kids


dude needs a different profession. id have been there IMMEDIATELY.


uh. not over reactong. id be driving my kid to school next day and going in person and raisong all kinda hell

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I’d be asking the teacher first

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Oh hell no, go up to that school, have a conference with the principal and the teacher, and request a new teacher! These are your rights!


Go to office … time for a sit down with principal and teacher.

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I’d also keep a diary with dates ,just incase another problem comes up least u can remember then x


I would definitely contact the principal. Demand a meeting with the teacher, principal, your son & you

I would skip calling and be in the office at start of school to report said teacher.


I would be standing at the door when they got to school and have a major come apart. This is not ok.

Kick some butt and take names. She has absolutely no business acting like that!

You calling is way tamer than anything I could manage😂 let me find out someone is bullying my child, a TEACHER of all things! Oh my god Mr Smith would be Mr Nonexistent let me tell you what


I would have my butt in the principal’s office first thing in the morning.

I would not call. I’d go up to the school in person to handle this.

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Call the school .Teacher is a bully

I would sit down with this teacher and his supervisor, with out my son at first.
I would explain that your son had a good relationship with his old school staff and you both had great expectations of this new school. I would then tell them the experience your son did have instead and ask if that’s how they think a child’s first week at a new school should go . I would then based on what they said , move forward to what you as a parent expect from here forward. I would ask what the new schools expectations are of your son and of you . I would then set terms and guidelines and then bring your son into the meeting and talk abt it all with him . Give him and the teacher a chance to start over and move forward.

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Take him out of that school. No matter what, the teachers will say things to other teachers about him.

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You are not over reacting at all if my child’s teacher ask if they was in special Ed classes or said the things to them as they did your child ice probley go to jail cause I would go straight to that school and would ask to speak directly to that teacher a d ask what his or her problem was and get it cleared up real quick . That teacher is wrong in so many ways

I had a teacher like this in 7th grade. Made a huge deal & me in tears because I didn’t do the “get to know me” handout he gave the first day. Never trusted him since then. I should have said something so I didn’t have to deal with him. Please let everyone know about this. That is no acceptable way to welcome a child into a classroom.

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My daughter had a problem teacher in 4th grade. He was disorganized and not following her IEP… which the school can get into to big trouble for! I expressed my concerns to the teacher in an email and he was full of excuses. I responded, copying the principal, and started that on no uncertain terms was a teacher to modify a student’s IEP. I also made sure to note that his disorganization was not the fault of my child. I was polite but very to the point.
I got an email, almost immediately, from the principal asking when a good time would be for him to call me. Within minutes I was on the phone with the principal. Not only did he assure me that the IEP would be followed to the letter, the teacher would be expected to correct all of the issues I had noted in my email.
I have many friends and family that are teachers. I believe it is the most thankless job. I also believe that there are always, just like other professions, individuals that will to to skirt on by with a little effort as possible.
We had a few more issues that year and each time I sent the teacher an email. Not only because it’s have record of the communication, but it’s be certain I covered each topic.
The principal is the teacher’s boss. In your son’s situation, I suggest contacting the principal immediately. If you cannot get the principal on the phone upon immediate request, send an email. Get that ball rolling.
I would not hesitate to REQUIRE that your son be moved to another classroom.


Definitely not overreacting at all!!! I would be up at that school and demand a different teacher…teacher’s are supposed to make kids feel welcome, especially a new kid wow shame on you Mr. Dick Wad!!!

You are NOT overreacting! WTH?? I think you have gotten good advice thus far. I just wanted to let you know I moved states recently and know how hard it can be. I’m having the problem with my 10 yr old son and other boys that seem jealous of him or something and it sux to see your kid hurting. But that teacher should actually be fired!! No one should be saying that to a child even if he was “special” like what the h3ll is wrong with people!! Keep your head up Mama and I hope and :pray: that this isn’t a lifelong trauma for him. When I was in 4th grade I asked a question and under the teacher’s breath I heard him say “stupid question” and STILL TO THIS DAY I always think over and over in my head because I don’t want to sound"stupid". Sending positive energy for you and your family!! :blue_heart:

That’s out right bullying and you should definitely contact the school. If a child doesn’t understand something it’s the teachers job to help them not criticize them. It’s his first week at a new school so of course he’s going to have an adjustment period. Not only that but there’s going to be a difference in the curriculum and it’s the teachers responsibility to get him up to speed, not bully him and call him stupid.


I’d be seeing that teacher face to face :woozy_face: dude wouldn’t be alive anymore.

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I would write a complaint and give it directly to the principal I would also give a copy to the schools board as they’re incharge of hiring teachers and if it is not taken seriously and continues file a written formal complaint to the teaching council. Also make sure to read up on the schools complaint policies

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I would go to extreme measures on this. This is so horrible on so many levels, he shouldn’t be teaching anymore


Call and ask for a private appt with the principal and superintendent. Take a recording device and record the conversation. Tell the everything. Make it plain you need a new teacher and this one needs investigated. immediately


I personally would be at the school to talk to the principal and teacher immediately! You don’t bully kids and that’s EXACTLY what this teacher is doing!


Had the Supervisor position at the District Office looked after a lot of the same thing. What the teacher did here was wrong. If a parent called me I would always ask if the parent had talked to the teacher first. I always asked that the first meeting be with the teacher and if the parent was not happy then the next step would be the Principal and after that I would get involved.

I had a teacher like this in 8th grade …some of the parents got together and had us record his class and all the terrible things he said. He was truly awful. Spread the word…don’t ever let anyone especially a teacher bully your child.

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Just contact them. Email teacher and include assistant principal and principal. Also include the superintendent. I have gone through the same thing with my son. Same age and everything. If he’s doing it to your son, he’s doing it to alot more as well speak up and put an end to it!! I have 4 kids and I won’t put up with it. Be his voice momma


Ahhh hell no! I homeschool my now 9 year old due to the mental abuse he dealt with back in 1st grade! It’s our job to protect our babies!

I go straight the Principal! I do not have time for a teacher to lie about what was said or how they handled it! I take it to the Principal right away so that it’s on their radar as well and also let all involved know if it doesn’t stop or there is retaliation I’ll take it further for sure! My boys schools are amazing and I’ve had very little issues but they also know I’m not the Momma to mess with!


Get him out of that class asap…pulling him out of class to ask if he is a good kid or a bad kid…major red flag


I would definitely be going and finding that teacher and asking him wtf happened. This mama doesn’t play about her baby. I would be all in that teachers ass and let them know not to mess with my baby…cuz mama is CRAZY. Sorry, that’s just what I would do…good luck mama

I would be storming that school, and demanding a long conversation with the teacher and the principal! If I don’t feel like it’s been dealt with appropriately, then I’m going to the superintendent next!
This teacher should not be allowed around precious little innocent souls!!!
I’m so sorry you are dealing with this and my heart breaks for your son! No child should ever be spoke to like that!!!


Im fuming for you mama. Not ok

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Go to the school and get involved now. It’s your child getting done like this.Stand up for and protect him.


Definitely report teacher’s behaviour!! He should be building your boy up not ripping him apart!!


Omg. I’d take my butt into that school asap and have some words with the principle. And they would be moving my child to another class effective immediately. I’m so mad right now and he’s not even my kid!

Honestly I would not have was bothered posting here I would have been at the school in person letting them know that this was unacceptable and I would not stand for it. That teacher crossed a line. I have been in principal’s offices for less than that, where my kids are involved other people are not going to mistreat them. If they get away with it once they will continue too.


It takes one teacher, just one… To change a child’s life for the better…It also takes one asshole teacher, just one… to ruin learning for a child. Go all in.

I had the same problem when my kids were in school, not with my oldest but when her younger sister got that same teacher he asked her if she could read and yes she read very well she was in 6th grade reading 10th grade book’s of her sisters my daughter said what would you like me to read he handed her a Bible said read this the she opened the Bible and started reading not missing a word he then said well can’t you understand algebra she said I don’t get it he then said well maybe you aren’t as smart as you think you are she said well I’M here to learn it from you teacher, next morning I was at the school and talk to the principal told her what happened the day before she then had her assistant go get the math teacher and brought him in her office and told him to go to the gum and do 50 push ups and wait 1 minute then do 50 sit ups, he told the principal that wasn’t what he was at school to teach she said that’s correct you were hired to teach math principal said the why would you ask ask her to read the Bible he said her sister didn’t have problem with algebra principal said well lets hear you read the Bible math teacher struggled with a page miss pronounced half the words, my little daughter said here let me help you with the word’s he told he didn’t need her help then closed the Bible and said I quit and walked out slammed the door my daughter said I’M sorry Miss Brown I didn’t mean to piss in his cherrios, Miss Brown said no sweetheart I pissed in them then next day new algebra teacher was in class she made straight A’s in algebra with the new teacher was a true algebra teacher a blessing needless say the other algebra teacher couldn’t find another class to teach in DISD schools. Word around Dallas he moved to mexico. I’ve often wondered how my oldest picked up on algebra so I asked her she said because my cousin when you thought we were playing she was helping me understand it it all clicked but when he was trying to explain it I just blocked what he was saying out of my ears because momma you know my cousin wasn’t taught by him she was taught by Mr Hilton the last year he taught before he retired. So definitely get straight to the principal and have the meeting and get answers. Hope this helped.

Get the whole story in context not just your son’s side before doing anything rash. Follow the chain of command before you get labeled “ that parent.” That means start with teacher with principal present.


Marching my ass down there

I would be waiting at school

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My year 5 teacher use to kick the back of the “special Ed” kids that was his way of telling us we were in the wrong. One parent called the superintendent and omg the investigation was fucking deep, they ended up firing him for sexually assaulting a student at camp, to find out he had been head camp teacher for 20 years. If he’s crossing the line with one there is more, there is always more, and the school seriously needs to look into it.

Call for sure, that’s straight up uncalled for and not right

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You have to be an advocate for your child! Go into the school and get to the root of the problem!

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No you are not over reacting. Definitely make an appointment to talk to the principal. If that doesn’t work go over his head. Many years ago l had a teacher tell my daughter she was possessed by the devil. You bet l went to that school and I didn’t make an appointment. I walked in and demanded to talk to the principal. Told him what was said to my daughter and also told him if he didn’t take care of it that I was going to show him who was possessed by the devil. Years later this same teacher was last seen coming out of a gay bar. The next morning they found him murdered with his pants down. He was coming out of the bar with two men.

Be at the school First thing in the Morning

O heck no… I wouldn’t be calling I would be giving them a visit. Not only confronting the teacher but also the principal.

I would be there when they open the door.

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I would go to the school unannounced and ask to speak to the teacher in front of the principal. And I wouldn’t leave until they heard me. I also wouldn’t send my child to any school without introducing myself to the teacher. I’m not leaving my child all day with someone who I never met before. And I definitely wouldn’t send my child back to an uncomfortable environment without having the meeting with the teacher and principal. And I would ask for a different teacher. And if that teacher is intimidating and borderline bullying you child…what has his behavior been toward other kids. He would have to go.


New school…take him out.

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I hope he gets fired

Not gonna lie, I’d blow their shit up. Teachers actions were likely EXTREMELY detrimental to your child’s learning/integration into a new setting for learning. I absolutely wouldn’t have my child stay in his room, and I’d hope your school system makes an example out of the teacher (using that term loosely.) This scenario would prob cause me to be arrested lol

I’d done been at the school and looking for mr. Smith!!! What it would have been was me showing mr. Smith what it’s like to be bullied, and that’s exactly what he had done to this child!! His bullying has changed this child!! Bulling any child is inexcusable!!


Fuck calling. I’d be pulling tf up!!

I would go to the school instead of calling. This needs to be stoped befor it gets any further


Get a teacher change immediately not ok we just moved as well and my 3rd grader is also having issues with the change

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Go to the school, I damn sure would. I’d be nice but very firm with the situation, I don’t play when it comes to my kids.

I would go to the school and see what’s going on nobody has the right to question your child like that get to the bottom of it


I wouldn’t call the school, I would go down there and demand to speek to the principal and Mr. Smith in person !!! And i would take my sons previous report cards and anything else that had any praises on them with me. To show Mr. Smith that maybe he has the problem and not my son.


Principal right away if that doesn’t work put a camera on him


Ask for a new teacher immediately

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I would be Livid! And I hold back a lot! That’s totally unacceptable! I am so sorry for your boy :disappointed: !


I wouldn’t be calling I would be marching my behind down there and demanding to speak to the principal or I will go to the school board. There is no way in hell my kid would be treated this way. Shame on this teacher maybe it’s time to retire. :woman_facepalming:


Nope, go to that school and throw a fit momma…


Call the school ask to have your kid moved to a different class

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Talk to the teacher and find out why he asked if your child was in special ed. Could have been a genuine concern especially if he felt your child should have been able to so the work. As far as bad kid or good kid not sure about that one.


Call your school, try to get him into a new class. If they dont do anything, call the district and report it.


I would have already been at the school talking the the Principal AND "Mr. Smith.


You are not overacting. Call the school. Bullying goes on all the time. But NOT by a teacher!

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I think you need to
Nip this in the butt because it’s not getting better

I would go to the school in person amd talk to the principle and then chew out the teacher for disrespecting and humiliating my child. Then demand that my child be put in another class and have no contact (if possible of course) with that particular teacher ever again.


Don’t call… need to go down there.

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Don’t wait! Go to the school and talk to the PRINCIPAL not the secretary etc. If you don’t get immediate results go to the board of education & talk to the superintendent! The school will try to protect the teacher & keep it internal! Not all teachers become teachers for the right reasons & not all are good teachers ! This will affect his entire outlook on school. Remember you r in charge! Poor baby! Good luck!


You have gotten good advise from the responses I’ve read. The teachers insults are against FEDERAL LAW…… Am. With Disabilities Act. This man should NEVER teach another day. It will take a long time to undo what he has done


I would talk to the teacher first. Sometimes certain things get misconstrued somewhere along the way. Having said that, there is definitely a problem if your child has always liked school and has never had an issue before. You can also ask the principal if he could change classes.

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Ask for a new teacher or change schools

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Grateful your son knows he can talk to you and I hope you talk to the principal of the school.


Go to the school pull the teacher outside and ask him if HE is a good teacher or a bad teacher and then proceed to beat him. AHOLE


Call the school. Your child should not be bullied by a teacher.

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i belive i would tell the principal and change teachers

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I wouldnt be calling i would bring him to school and demand that you and your son talk to the principal and the teacher and have your son explain whats been said to him and then you and the principal can hear the teachers “explanation”. Then i would demand that your son be put in a different class and if you dont immediate action from the principal then go to the superintendent, if then still nothing is done then i would switch schools and immediately find out who the superintendents higher up is and contact them as well.


Heck no you ain’t over reacting, that teacher is a damn bully. And needs to be put in his place. He has no right to question a child like that.

I would show up in-person and make sure it’s that teachers LAST DAY ever working there. He absolutely went too far and your son did not deserve any of that. I would also call the school-district and request to speak with the Superintendent/Administrator for the Elementary School immediately and make sure the Principal is looped in on this bull-shit. That Teacher will be crapping his pants tomorrow.

Don’t call, have in person, maskless meeting with everyone involved in addition to higher ups as well.


Assuming you’re in a US public school the correct process is to talk to the teacher first. If no resolution go to the principal. If no resolution there you call the superintendent and file a complaint.


Call the school the teacher is clearly a miserable people and has traumatized your child that is not okay teachers are supposed to be a very safe, encouraging, uplifting understanding adult what a shame sorry your child is going through this


I would confront the teacher in front of the principal.


Abuse of power. Your a new parent and a new child, easy target. Just know if you open that door and contact the school it won’t be an easy battle. Good luck

He’s in third grade, These are the times that will make it break some kids. Dont wait, go to that school tomorrow, or ask for a meeting with the teacher & Principal together, We send our kids to school to learn not be afraid or be put down.