How do I help my baby sleep more than a few mins?

I swaddled all 3 of our kids and had a fan on low just for noise. Also we had them sleep in their car seat for more comfort, not all night but until they were sound asleep then we moved them swaddled to their cribs. Oldest is 24, 16 and 11. Best wishes. It will be alright. Hang in there.

Sleeps cycles SUCKKKK

Try to keep her awake as long as you can. Extending awake time will lead to a better nap schedule. Impose a routine.
Try to keep her up for at least 2 hours between naps. And for naps, dark room, no tv or anything like that, music box or white noise is perfect.
Rock baby and lay them down.
When she wakes, lay her back down in the crib, and just pat her butt until she goes back to sleep.
Babies canā€™t regulate their sleep, mom and dad have to force in a routine or everyone will be tired and ill before long

The best piece of advice I give to new parents is whatever you start you better be willing to finish. Example. If you pat a baby on the butt until it goes to sleep, you will still be doing this for years. If you turn a radio on every time your baby goes to sleep, he will only go to sleep with a radio on. If you sleep with your baby, heā€™ll want to continue to sleep with you.We are all creatures of habit.

Grab one of moms dirty but clean shirts place it on a pillow or near by baby the baby will smell mom and usually that does the trick.

sooooo very normal , babies learn very quickly and know when your there or not , she wants to feel her mama there , my 10 month old sometimes does it to, if i take naps with him he will sleep way longer than if he was alone

Sounds like a sleep regression! Thereā€™s tons of them so buckle up and stay consistent. Thatā€™s all you can do. Have lots of coffee on hand too

If she is breastfed it will last like this for a while, especially if sheā€™s used to her moms scent. but she should sleep a little longer than that. Iā€™m not a fan of crying it out, but just donā€™t run to her when she starts crying. Give it a minute or two and slowly extend the time before u get to her. Also make sure she is gaining weight and full! Also try some gas drops - that was always the issue with my son. He wanted my comfort when he had gas.

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Hungary also get her a toy with heartbeat or wind up clock,mix baby cereal with her milk

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Super Normal donā€™t panic :joy: you ever see those videos where parents try to sneak away from their sleeping baby like a ninja in the night but the baby wakes up immediately lol I have three all of them slept with me because they were extremely alert to me in their sleep lol just gonna have to bite the bullit and sleep with the baby for a while some people have come up with some crack hacks to make fake limbs that baby responds to thinking moms still their also a shirt or something that smells like mom helps as well

She needs to hear a heart beat put a ticking clock close to her bed it will act as one

Lavender essential oil in the bath water and a drop on my daughters crib sheet helped her sleep through the night starting when she came home from the hospital. Get a good brand thatā€™s 100% essential oil & not fragrance or synthetic. Use 2-3 drops in bath & a drop on linens, blanket or sleep sack. It truly works & itā€™s a very inexpensive solution. A 1oz bottle of good lavender EO is about $10 & will last ages. You can also do a foot massage with a drop of lavender oil in a carrier like coconut oil. Works like a charm.


Its definitely normal. Google sleep regression. Google babies waking up every 20 mins for their mother. Get clothes your wife wore and put them beside the baby when sleeping because she wants her motherā€¦ the scent can help. You donā€™t need to see a doctor but this will pass eventually. Youā€™ll just lose a ton of sleep.


Try swaddling the baby with a piece of mamas clothing close by for scent !


Itā€™s normal. My 6months old is the same way. She just wants mom all the time. Sheā€™s okay with grandma, dad, brothers all for a short time but once she hears my voice or sees me she wants me again. Itā€™s because Iā€™m the primary care provider for my kids.

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Hold your baby! Rock her, swaddle her, feed her, put her in a swing or vibrating bouncy seat.
Infants need to be held & cuddled & made to feel safe & secure.

Itā€™s just a phase, completely normal. Get a sound machine, I have the fisher price one that also has star and animal projection. Just be patient and it will pass.

My daughter had an simular issue, we dealt with it until she was older and then the doctor realized that her adenoids were big and she needed them removed. It made the world of a difference!

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Swaddle tightly to give her the feeling of close protection. Infants have sensitive startle reflexes and if they move a certain way theyā€™ll wake themselves up. Thatā€™s why they like sleeping next to or on a person and also why they like to sleep on their belly (which is not good because SIDS)ā€¦. But a nice comfy swaddle will help them sleep longerā€¦.

A lot of ppl are against letting the baby cry it out. But the will learn to sooth themselves to sleep. Itā€™s heat breaking to hear them cry. But once the get it. Then itā€™s worth it. My kid are 9 and 4. We have no problems with bed times.


This is very normal lol. Sheā€™s a new baby.

Itā€™s normal. My son hardly slept I asked this question probably twice a day to myself until he turned four. Get used to it.

Mother of 5 here and my son went through it. My youngest is 2 months now and I just bought a spray for night time. I spray it in my room and in and around her crib about 10-15 mins before I lay her down so the lavender and other scents are circulating around. Honestly I wish I would have seen this before. My oldest is 11 and this stuff is amazing my baby sleeps somenights until 5am and wakes up to eat. Sometimes she wakes up once between 2-3 and goes back to sleep after eating. Zarbees makes it. Walmart target or Amazon!

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Young one - donā€™t worry this is normal. Make sure sheā€™s fed, clean and place a blanket- that Momma has slept with on - over your shoulder and just rock her softly talking to her. Let your smell mingle with Mommaā€™s- itā€™ll be okay kiddo. Just work on your bond with her- you need to have both you lie together with her in the middle and talk to her - her sense of smell and hearing will be in tune with you soon.
This is when you invest in that special soft ā€œblankyā€ blanket or even a special stuffed critter.
Itā€™ll be okay young one- just the fact you - Pops are asking for help is a great sign your gonna handle being a Daddy no problem.:heart::v:t4:


I tell Alexa to play ā€œwomb soundsā€ and put my pillow close enough she can smell me and she sleeps longer stretches at a time. Sheā€™s 1 year old now but Iā€™ve been doing it since she was about 4 months; doing it this way has helped her feel comfortable enough to sleep in her crib which is a great relief because my older two were cosleepers in my bed until around 5 years!

Get a teddy put mumā€™s shirt on it and put it next to her. These babies will make u go crazy.

Swaddle with one of moms shirts, get a white noise machine with a heartbeat setting.

Try a shirt that smells like mom close to her

She is in the four month sleep regression. Instead of the heavy new born sleeping she is starting to adjust to the sleeping of an ā€œadultā€. Itā€™s easier on some babies than others. Try a weighted sleep sack. They have some for babies. I usually put a pillow next to my five month old. Most babies get past it fairly quick but others do struggle. Itā€™s completely normal!

Keep one of mommyā€™s shirts in the crib :slight_smile: the smells of comfort for littles. My son had to have one of shirts wen he started daycare.

Reflexology massage the babies feet. Firmly not feather touch. She will push back wanting more. 5-10 min and she will start relaxing and should start sleeping better.

It seems like something must be hurting since she isnā€™t able to relax for very long,maybe her tummy has gas? , Before bed burp her every 15 minutes for like an hour while you are in a standing position, talking, singing, humming to relax her muscles so she can expel any gas in her tummyšŸ™

We use a swaddle specifically a nested bean for our 4 month old along with a sound machine she prefers thunderstorms :woman_shrugging:t3:. Get one of moms shirts and keep it in her sleeping area. Good luck

Probably teething and sleep regression. They go through spells like that. At least our daughter did. Just when you think your going to get sleep for good then pops up teething, separation anxiety, growth spurt, and or sleep regression. If your truly concerned talk to your doctor about it more. Plus are 6-8 months they are learning to use their voice even though they canā€™t make words. Please check again with your doctor and check on your wife. This can be mentally drainingā™„ļø you sound like your doing a great a job though so hang in there!


I thoughts this was a Moms page?!?!?

A merlin magic sleep suit worked wonders for us. I feel like around this age they startle themselves awake. Good luckā¤


Baths before bed can be very helpful, limited naps during the day, & sitting in a rocking chair for a bit before putting babies down to sleep.

Try to set a sleep schedule during the day and make sure to change her, and fed her right before nap. Play and interact with her to keep her stimulated longer when sleepy as long as possible to keep her wake. Maybe try a sleep sack. Make sure room is dark, have background noise like a small fan or noise machine. You can try a old fashion hot water bottle wrapped in a thin towel to replace her mom when she gets up near her side of you get desperate, I would start with just some small rolled baby blankets to replace the pressure/touch beside her.

Keep her upā€¦ play with her entertain her and exhaust her outā€¦ sheā€™ll probably sleep more then. :sleeping:

She can cry it wouldnt hurt her
Try putting her on her belly.
Some babies are belly sleepers.


I fed my good and let them cry alittle
It wonā€™t hurt her. Now I am not saying let her scream all night but she may cry herself to sleep after while. But both mine self thru the night at 6 weeks. I added the baby rice to their milk to thicken it up and keep them full. Never had any sleep issues.

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There is another group: Respectful Sleep Training/Learning. They have alot of good information on babies sleep cycles. How to help them sleep better. And best of all: parent who are going through the same thing so itā€™s so positive and supportive because having a baby that doesnā€™t sleep is exhausting and isolating. I recommend it to all my friends. If anything youā€™ll learn a bit about baby sleep cycles.

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Try laying her on one of her motherā€™s used shirts that smells like her. Also try filling a glove with rice and tying it off, then place it on her back before you move to get up. It may trick her into thinking you are still there. Do you swaddle her? That was the trick with one of my babys. Just make her into a little burrito and it is kind of like they are being held and she might sleep more soundly.


Donā€™t spoil the baby. Give her one stuffed animal.


Sounds like early teething, when babies are in pain or uncomfortable they look to mama for comfort. (Can be another close person as well) generally itā€™s their motherā€™s breathing, heartbeat and scent that is soothing for them. My youngest still takes my robe when sheā€™s sick and in need of comfort. It is most definitely normal. Tiring to say the least but completely normal. :heart:

Have mom leave her shirt that she wore with the baby. She will be able to smell mom even when she is not there next to baby. Hope you all get some rest


Shes probably gotten use to a warm body beside her or of she sleeps near her mothers chest, feeling the heart beat. I would try a swaddle that keeps her warm and/or getting something that vibrates the crib in a heartbeat pattern. If it is teething, trying taking a damp wash cloth (use baby water) and putting i. The freezer. Once it cold give to your baby to chew on.

Try wrapping her in a shirt her mom has worn

Put a worn t- shirt of your wifeā€™s under the fitted sheet and put her down to sleep on top of it. The smel may help. But put it under the sheet, not in crib with her.


Enjoy the cuddles co sleep with the child. It wonā€™t last forever!


Thatā€™s pretty much how my son was for the first year. I couldnā€™t move without him waking up. It just got better slowly over time. I think itā€™s a survival instinct they have.

Check for ear infections mine had them with each tooth coming in.

Sleep regression. Just have to get through it. Not much you can do.

Lay one of moms shirts with her. If sheā€™s teething find out from her doctor how much pain medicine to give her (or you can use teething tablets). If sheā€™s not hungry, not hurting, and is just going through an attachment phase it wonā€™t hurt her to cry for a few minutes before soothing

Have you talked to her pediatrician? Itā€™s possible she has something like an ear infection going on. If everything is ok with her medically, talk to her dr about gripe water. You could also try a white noise machine and make sure she is dressed appropriately for the temperature.

Have you tried bundling? My second born would not sleep unless he was bundled up nice an snug with a rolled up blanket behind him.

if your gut tells you its not right take her to the doctor for your peace of mind better to be safe than sorry .then if you find there is nothing wrong then and only then work on different things to try .we arent doctors and there could be an under lying condition .new borns the first one is a worrying time until you work out what the crys are for wont take long but take her to the doctor first

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Iā€™ve safely coslept for 2.5 years now. Google the safe sleep 7 and look into cosleeping. My daughter has always slept at LEAST 8 hours by my side and when she woke up for night feeds I was right there and ready (breastfed)

So, at the end of the day, you gotta do what is best for your family. That said-


To me, this sound like sleep regression. But also, babies actually have the instinct to cry when they are put downā€¦ I literally do mean instinctual programing. In nature, if a human baby was set down, they would cry because they would be completely vulnerable to predatorsā€¦ they wouldnā€™t sleep/ stay asleep because they didnā€™t feel safe. Understanding primal instinct is very beneficial.

While we donā€™t have the dangers that are in the wildā€¦ our babies canā€™t understand thatā€¦

Have you tried baby wearing? Getting a wrap to wrap baby onto your body so baby can snuggle and sleep while you get things doneā€¦ :heartpulse: best wishes!

They go threw a lot of different sleeping cycles, and honestly every babies different. So itā€™s gonna be a lot of trial and error. We gave our son a little pacifier with a tiny giraffe stuffed animal attached, so it just sat on his chest and didnā€™t lose it when he was asleep. Swaddling helped, and then sleep sacs. Heart beat sound machine worked wonders.

Sleep training therapist

Watch The Happiest Baby on the Block videos on YouTube or get the book or DVD. I teach Empowered Parenting . I always make sure we view this be baby is born. This pediatrician has found the ā€œoff switchā€. He shows you how to calm a crying baby.

Some times it the mattress if they make nose when they move.

Many years ago My pediatrician told me my 9 month old didnā€™t know who to put her self to sleep. He told me put her down to sleep ( sheā€™s going to cry) check on her every 30 minutes (donā€™t touch her) she will go to sleep.After 3 days she learned how to put herself to sleep.It was hard but it made my life with her much easier. Please donā€™t hate. I tried everything and this worked.


Try swaddling your baby with a light blanket, or a swaddle sack and lay her in her crib sometimes they just need to nestle and by swaddling her she will feel a sense of security. I would also turn on lullaby music on low in her room for her.


She may have acid reflux. My granddaughter had it and never slept more than 15 min if lying flat. Try letting her sleep in carrier with her head elevated. That helped her to sleep longer. I had never seen a baby that had that before and didnā€™t know what to do. Probably would be a good idea to see her Dr to be sure

If your wife is breast feeding it might be she isnā€™t producing enough milk . Baby maybe be hungry. Give her a bottle and see if that helps . My grandbaby did that it was because she was starving because her mom wasnā€™t producing enough milk

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Awww she has you wrapped tight around that tiny pinky finger. As sweet as she if there is nothing wrong, not wet diaper, not hungry she was is fine. I hated hearing my babies or my grandbabies crying, ever. I had a fan on or music playing so their was never totally quiet. And yes I did have their favorite blankets with them, always, for sale comforting. You might need to let her cry if all is well. Start with 10 min and then add a few minutes. Sheā€™ll figure it out.

She might be teething, her ears might hurt. If itā€™s none of those. We have always used music animals. My youngest has a glow worm and one of those bears that shines stars and plays music. I wouldnt ever let mine cry it out. Maybe for taking a nap but I stay close where they couldnt see me so I could listen to the cry they had. If it was one of those crys thats a sleepy cry then I was ok but my youngest crys sometimes so hard she looses breath where I have to blow in her faceā€¦my aunt told me a story she read along time ago when she was alive. A reporter went to a orphanage and asked the ladies working their and asked them how come its so quit with the babies. And they told him its because since their are so many, eventually they realize that even though their crying no ones going to come running so they stop crying. (Course there was more but I paraphrased). So snuggle your babies even if your tired because there are babies out there that donā€™t cry because they dont have anyone.

I had a teddy bear that had a heartbeat in it. And I would lightly mist it with my perfume. But definitely check with the doctor first to rule out any medical issues.

For me it helped all 4 of my kids if I held them until they were asleep and then after laying them down I took off the shirt I had been wearingā€¦ā€¦ even if itā€™s dirty. Itā€™s a familiar and comforting smell to the baby. Good luck and youā€™re doing a great job! :grin:

I have heard of babies that have cried till they die. They get choked up and canā€™t breath. Do like the old days. Let them fall asleep with you till about one year old. And once asleep move them to a bassinet thatā€™s next to your bed,for the night.

Try putting one of her mothers shirt next to her one that her mother has worn

I think she might be colicky My daughters was. She will grow out of it.

Put one of the moms shirt next to her while sheā€™s sleeping alone.

Put. Safe stuffed animal with the baby but take the eyes off so the baby canā€™t choke on them and maybe the baby will think someone is there

If you are in nsw ring trescillian centre for sleep for babies

Make sure she is burped really well before laying her down and use music on low to help keep her calm.

Start her on rice cereal and place one of her momā€™s shirts next to her in the crib.

Swaddle the baby with a tshirt of yours

So let her sleep with mama. Babies canā€™t be spoiled. They need human contact and they need what soothes them. They arenā€™t small childrenā€¦they are infants with developing brains. If she needs her mama give her her mama.


My some went through this, nap once a day for 20 mins :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3: pretty sure itā€™s normal, just try to hang on to your sanity momma& of she does seem gassy, gas drops are easier on little tummies & for my son worked better than gripe water

Might seem like a weird solution but it worked for meā€¦ put a shirt that mama has worn but hasnā€™t been washed into the bottom of the crib, then the baby still smells the scent of mom without her actually being thereā€¦ this worked wonders in our house!

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If itā€™s whining then leave her be see if sheā€™s goes back herself. Or go in every 5 minutes put your hand on her so she knows your there.
If itā€™s ā€˜Iā€™m not happyā€™ or full on crying she needs you. Try and stick to your routine with her. Makes sure sheā€™s napping at the right time too early or too late can cause sleep disturbances.
Check temperature in room plus what sheā€™s sleeping in can help her stay in a comfortable sleep. Or try white noise. Just be consistent whatever you choose.

Not sure. Seems odd odd to me. I have a 2.5 year old girl. Sleeps alone in her room perfectly fine. Always has. And have a 9 month old boy. He started sleeping fully thru the night in his own room at 3 months old. He sleeps a good 9-10 hours at time without waking up.

Try putting one of momā€™s shirts that sheā€™s worn next to baby after sheā€™s asleep. If she can smell mom it may keep her calm.

Gripe Water might be effective. Might be colic or gas pains. Keeping a set schedule in feeding her before putting her in bed might help.

Read about the purple period of cryingā€” it might help you learn that this can be normal :pleading_face: sending love, itā€™s tough!

Probably going to get back lash but dip pacifier in jelly, start putting a small amount of baby cereal in the bottle, maybe she wants to sleep on her side, little remedies gas drops are the best, dr.teals baby ( just a finger tip of it) lotion. All works.

Totally normal. Mom should continue to sleep with her.

Go to tge dr have her checked for an ear infection.

Record mom breathing and wrap her in a blanket that smells like mom. Should help some

My husband would have to put a shirt that has my scent on it next to my son when he napped and I was gone

Let her try and nap in a baby swing, or a bouncer that vibrates, my baby hated to be out down but the movement helps alot. Iā€™ve also tried womb sounds and heart beatsā€¦ they have a baby shusher but I donā€™t know if it works

Try getting a shirt or something from her mom thatā€™s sheā€™s worn. Put it on a teddy or something and put it in with her. Babies are comforted by the scent of their mamas.

My son did this for months and I did it all by myself then went to work. She will outgrow it eventually. A noise machine helped him. I got one with a heartbeat on it and started him in his crib for naps throughout the day and kept him in my bed at night until he got used to his crib. Babies are all different, sheā€™s fine. Let her sleep with you

My grandson is going to be 3 and he still does this. If you want him to rest peacefully you just donā€™t move. Haha

Please be patient. Believe it or notā€¦ This tiring time WILL pass.

Give her a baby hugger