She sleeps ok if her mother is sleeping beside her. BUT somehow she wakes up in 5-7 mins if her mother is not there. And whenever that happens she wakes up crying. Everytime, all the time.
This ‘phenomenon’ is new. Never happened before, started fairly recently.
Earlier, her sleep cycle was OK. She used to sleep fine, didn’t cry even if those were short naps. But I don’t understand what to do, do we go see a doctor or do we do something than can stop her from crying and help her sleep more even if her mother isn’t sleeping beside her bed. And yes, this is our first baby. I am a happy dad and feel quite lucky to have such an adorable little daughter but these recent events have worried me a lot. And not just me but my wife(her mother) too.
We don’t know what we must do to overcome this and if it all this is normal in babies who are that small.
Please share your experiences and any suggestions you may have.
Maybe put a shirt mom was wearing recently next to her. Babies know what their mom smells like & maybe it’s just comforting for the baby to smell it.
Sleep cycles and growth spurts happen/change frequently in the first year, I wouldn’t worry about it. You can try to put clothes of yours and your wife’s around her bed so she can still smell you but don’t put all your hopes into that working, it didn’t work with my son. You may want to google or speak to a midwife or doula (whoever does that kind of thing where you are) and ask them for tips. There are lactation consultants etc where I’m from so you may want to find someone maybe a group on fb or in your community that may be able to help.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do I help my baby sleep more than a few mins?
Try swaddling her up tight like a baby burrito. And put two small longer pillows next to her so she feels like it’s a person.
Sounds like possible sleep regression, is Mom nursing or are you guys formula feeding? If nursing, maybe try safely cosleeping until sleep regression is over? Sleep is rough with babies, I’m sorry
Have a tshirt she wore or sweater… something that smellls like mom… maybe ? Sometimes seperation anxiety starts really young…
See a Dr my granddaughter was the same found out she was allergic to milk protein. Constant tummy ache.
Feed and burp her more.Gas wakes babies up.
Welcome to the 4 month sleep regression. Read up on leaps. Way harder than growth spurts in my opinion.
She’s only 5 months old. They may sleep fine and then not, or not sleep fine and then they do. Unfortunately you just have to go with the flow. It may get exhausting a lot of the time but this is parenthood. Nothing is perfect or going to be what you want all the time
If she is used to sleeping worth her mom holding her have mom sleep with the the baby’s blankets a few nights so they smell like mommy. That does help a lot I had to do that for my kids all three of them.
No swaddles if she can roll already!! I saw a few comments reccomending that but its a suffocation risk if she’s rolling on her own. But sleep regression around that age is totally normal. If mom is what comforts her then I reccomend having a shirt your wife has worn recently to lay next to baby so she still has that scent reminder of mommy. Sleep cycles change pretty often until your kiddo is around 1 or 2. It gets better. Promise.
Normal sleep regression
White noise machine.
This is normal, but it won’t last for long
Now is a good time to put the baby in her own bed. I co slept with my youngest until he was 4 1/2 ms but we would wake each other up all night. As soon as I started putting him in the pack n play, we both finally got some sleep. He is 13 ms now and is still sleeping in his pack and play and still wakes up at 6 am for a bottle and diaper change.
Put moms t-shirt over a pillow and a hot water bottle in pillow case she will think mom is laying there I too had a "bra strap baby " my child had radar lol
When in doubt. See a doctor!! Just to rule out anything and maybe get some advice! Every baby is differeng
Go crash in a dark room with them…
Absolutely see a doctor if this is a severe problem. However, when I switched from breast milk to formula my child’s sleep pattern change. So my doctor suggested that I do breast milk during the day and formula at night (because that’s when I worked) when I did breast milk my child woke up every 2 hours, and when I did formula they woke up every 4 hours. I would definitely consult a doctor because they can help you get accustomed to the schedule and give you different tips and all that good stuff but that’s the tip my doctor gave me and my husband.
Our second daughter is now 8 months old and she did this right about the same age. Sleep regression. She also had a really hard time with teething which she started early and she was fussy for months. Some things you should know… Y’all are both doing an AMAZING job and remember this is TEMPORARY! It gets much easier with time.
Welcome to parenting. Its life now.
My lil man was like this…snuggles for sleep time…i used to try and run around doing dishes, washing etc but then my mum said to slow it down Sarah, they say “you sleep when they sleep” they’re not little long so lap up the love mumma xxx
Put an article of clothing near her that smells like her mom and possibly get a sound machine or a box fan for white noise.
Mom if 5 here. They get used to the body earth up against them. Then when they don’t feel that warmth, they wake up. I got a mattress pad warmer. Just like a electric heat blanket, but it covers your mattress. I put it on 3-4 and that did the trick.
A t-shirt with her sent should help
Yes I’d get a Dr check in the first instance, ask for a urine check also just to rule out things like kidney reflux. My daughter cried incessantly and if she’d had a quick test at the time we’d have saved a lot of angst.
5 month sleep regression.
I had to hold my son and sleep sitting upright with pillows under him in my arms for any of us to get sleep. Maybe not the best thing but I did what I had to do
Calming music
Night time lotion
Nows a good time to move her into her crib. Jus watch over her an check frequently if not in same room. Nothing in her bed. Use Mom’s t-shirt or something with her scent
Room must be dark
I used to leave the vacuum cleaner going in the same room. They reckon it mimicks the sound in the womb worked a treat for my girl
Have you used the wonder years app absolutely fantastic for keeping up to date with development leaps mental leaps sleep regression (which sounds like your little one is going through) sleep regression is tough and can last for a few days to a few weeks it does pass though
Possibly a manifestation of anxiety. Have you starting putting her in daycare or similar recently?
Try getting a stuffed animal and using a perfume that the mother often wears and give that to the baby to sleep with at night. It will make them feel more comfortable
My son does this now. Hes 8 months. He will sleep for 15-20 minutes then wake up and make sure someone is around him. He doesn’t take his formula good anymore. He is starting to push his bottle away during feedings. But, he drinks his water and water mixed with small amount of apple juice just fine. He would prefer those over his formula any day. He sleeps good throughout the night, but his naps throughout the day are super short and I always have to be right by him or he’ll start crying.
Go get your baby tested for sleep apnea, this is not normal behavior
Try playing White Noise sounds or Thunderstorm/Rain sounds. This helped my daughter alot.
First time my son did this, I tried to power through it. On top of the waking up, he couldn’t sleep with me, because if he was touching another person he would get sweaty and wake up anyways.
A week, of barely any sleep for me or him was as long as I made it, I called the doctor. We got in there and doctor is like “oh, he has reflux” and prescribed Zantac. He went back to sleeping just fine!
Couple months later he started doing it again, I only waited a day or two that time, turns out he’s out grew his dosage and it needed to be upped. We upped it, and he went back to sleeping just fine!
Don’t try to power through it, go to the doctor.
Maybe try a top/t-shirt that you or your wife have been wearing. So she can smell you?
Try putting a piece of clothing Aka T-Shirt that momma wore so her smell would be on it in bed next to her old grandma here worked for my grands
I’m guessing it’s a leap (development). I agree with an above comment and would look into the wonder years app. I’m on my third baby and feel it’s pretty accurate. Unfortunately these babies regress in sleep when they “learn/develop”. I would make sure she’d fed, clean diaper, and snuggle her the best you can. She will overcome it and eventually start sleeping again even though it feels like an eternity.
Can you put a Teddy or a rolled up blanket cuddled between baby and mum so she feels like mum is still there. You sound like doting parents and baby may well simply miss mum.
Could she be having a growth spurt and be waking up hungry
If its not a short lived thing I’d speak to the Dr incase there’s something wrong but around 6 months babies learn crying controls parents so I wouldnt worry too much .
Try getting her a toy with a heart beat in it that may help her think that mum is still sleeping next to her
A t shirt that smells like mama may help. But this is also a common phase and hopefully will not last long!
Might be a sleep regression but just offer baby reassurance each and every time they wake up a quick gentle rock and put them back down sleepy not asleep… if baby wakes up you do it again until baby realizes your gonna still be there each time and feels comfortable enough to stay asleep . It will take patience but it’s worth it. Remember this too shall pass
Noise machines help as mentioned above alot of moms love the hatch …but any one with white noise will do
We have a bassinet that vibrates and plays music. All my kids need music to sleep.
Sleep training is a difficult part of parenting. The main thing is do not puck her up every time she cries. As long as she is fed she is dry you know she is okay you do not have to pick her up every time she cries. I promise it wont scar her. If she is asleep and mom gets up and she wakes up mom needs to go in let her see her but dont pick her up just stand by her and soothe her. It might take a bit but i promise babies are learning and she knows if she cries yall will come running and she will get picked up. And i promise if yall keep picking her up every time she cries she wont be able to soothe herself and yall will get to the point one of yall will always have to be with her. I isnt going to hurt her to cry a little as long as she is physically okay. We did the cry it out method with mine she is 13 now perfectly fine she isnt scarred nor traumatized. Anyone who tells you their kid was traumatized by cry it out is lying or didnt do it right. Mine was breastfed and used me for comfort. I could not even take a shower without her in her bouncy seat right by the shower with the curtain open so she could see me or she would scream like she was being stabbed or something it got so stressful.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do I help my baby sleep more than a few mins?
Try to wear a big over sized shirt. And after a few hours place the shirt around the matrass. That way the baby will be able to smell you.
It’s normal! try a shirt or something in her bed 2 comfort her or some white noise. soft Music and maybe some warm milk. It’s ur 1st so alot of things will worry u but it’s totally normal. Try not 2 worry so much It’s OK. Yall will get there. Stay strong!
There is a sleep regression around this age so it’s not unusual for the sleep pattern to change and get kind of rough Every now and then. A mom smelling t shirt can be left around where baby sleeps. Consider using a sleep sack if you don’t already, that could help bring comfort.
My daughter starting doing this around the same age… put an old tshirt near her that mom has worn that could help… good luck
Jacob C Sicc good advice
I’ve heard that if you put the mom’s shirt by the baby or something that smells like mom the baby would be fine bc the baby loves the mom’s scent. But that might be a medical issue as well I’m just sharing my thoughts
Let her cry. It’s okay for
Babies to cry. A baby has never cried itself to death only to sleep
Who is her mother if you are not her mother?
She could be going through a growth spurt babies change there sleeping patterns too
She could be teething also. Try some baby Tylenol before bed time!
To help my children sleep without me, I used a lavender sleep spray. I would start by having it sprayed on me and then would spray it in my child’s crib prior to putting them down. This not only helped them sleep but also let them feel like momma was there with there. Keep up the good work. This will pass. You and momma are doing great.
They could be teething, having constant gas try using white noise for babies or lullabies on YouTube
The shirt idea is great. I’d suggest having your pillow next to baby and a cooking mit on baby’s back to mimic your hand.
Get a mommy bear. She can hear a sound that sounds like your heartbeat. My husband got me one for my first mother’s day! They work great. Also try a baby swing.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do I help my baby sleep more than a few mins?
My son does the same thing sometimes. Get a little music box or something that way there is noise. Also try to keep her up a little longer. I know it’s hard sometimes with babies. But I struggled too until I stated keeping my son awake for longer periods of time. Then he started sleeping longer. You can also try some of the lavender nighttime lotion. It calms them down.
She could be going through the 4 month sleep regression stage. Some babies go through it and some don’t. She could be starting to teeth as well and just need that comfort. If she’s not rolling yet you could try a sleep sack or a swaddle on her. It may help or a white noise or sound machine.
Don’t run pick her up let her cry for a while i know this is hard to do
My grandson could never ride in carseat without someone touching him. Day one home from hospital,so he wasnt spoiled, screaming, until someone layed their hand on him. Lasted until he was over a year old. He was diagnosed autistic later in life.
She probably feels safer with mom close by. It’s your first baby, enjoy this time when she is little cuz it goes too fast.
A few of my kids were this way. I tried many things, but mostly they just wanted to feel close to me. The only think I can say is, it will pass. It may take a few months, but she won’t be this way forever. My personal opinion is it may be teething at that age and she just wants comfort.
Awwww. Maybe try to keep baby awake a little longer. Keep one of mom’s used shirt near her at all times? Burp her and maybe feed her more. She might just be hungry and needs burping? Maybe belly discomforts. Good luck momma and daddy. Your baby just needs extra comfort? Love on your baby while she’s still small. Pretty soon she won’t want to be cuddled and loved on anymore.
Baby’s of that age also start to understand, I cry they come running… I get attention… white noise item and let her cry a while. And after a while… don’t pick up but talk and rub back comforting. Then out again. Only way to teach separating and independence
She’s hungry…you don’t have to see a doctor.Feed her wash her face with a warm rag and rock her to sleep.She will grow out of it.
Get a weighted sleep sak. It might help her with the feeling that mommy is with her. She might be gassy as well try some gripe water before she falls asleep
so…so many things to try but my advice is to try more solid food, rice and what not she may have gerd so when she lays down stomach acid will bother her, or could need a formula change or so many other things, you could try putting one of moms shirts, one that has your smell on it next to her when she is asleep but Im betting heart burn is probably the issue talk to your pediatrician first before you get or take advice from us peeps out here, always talk to baby’s doc first before trying any home remedy to rule out a more serious issue but hang in there you will figure it out
My baby is a few weeks old. Advice I seen online and in books that have been helping.
Baby’s cry to communicate discomfort.
First thing I check is Is the babys diaper dirty? Sometimes a baby will pull their knees to their belly to tell you that they need to change or they are constipated.
I change my baby before I feed him, and after I burp him after I feed him if he’s dirtied his diaper again.
Is the baby hungry? Time to feed. I had to set alarms every 2 1/2 hours so I can be pumped and ready to be fed by the 3rd hr. I just read that it’s better to feed the baby every 2 hrs through the day so he/she can sleep longer during the night, so I might try that. Sometimes the baby will show cues of hunger before they start crying. Mouth open, head moving to side, stirring with fist closed means she’s hungry. Hand on mouth, stretching, fussing means really hungry. Crying, turning red, agitated body movements means really really hungry. Cuddle, coo, and comfort inn her before you need her. Make sure your baby burps after each feeding because that causes a crying baby too.
Is the baby tired? Babies usually cry and rub their eyes if they are tired. Swaddling the baby comfortably, we had to learn how to do it right helped him stay calm. Look up White noise!!!, this works most of the time especially at night. Look up how much sleep your baby needs for her age and try to schedule your day accordingly.
Is you baby sick? If your baby is crying for too long more than 10 minutes, check if she has a fever. If she has an ear infection she will cry and rub her ears. If she has stomach pain she will cry and pull her hands and feet towards her belly.
We are still learning too I’m sure there are things I missed or forgot. But I hope this helps. Try and stay calm and make sure y’al are getting rest when the baby is getting rest. As new parents we all need it.
Have you tried a heart beat bear? I know that helped my daughters…
I use YouTube on my tv and search sleep music. It plays the whole night.
Keep something (blanket/stuff animal) that has mom’s scent on it near the baby
Have y’all tried swaddling or sleep sacks? They make them where their arms are free in case she’s rolling
Have you ever tried baby massage I found that very helpful
No advice. I popped my first baby girl out and from that moment had to be held and with mom. I slept she slept. “Moms up? Me too!” She just turned 2 on Friday this is our current status. We tried EVERYTHING. Closest I ever got was a glove filled with rice. But even that didnt work longer than a few minutes. Good luck!
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do I help my baby sleep more than a few mins?
Completely normal. They go through a sleep regressions at 4 months could be the tail end of that could be she is starting to teeth, becoming more active more alert . Lots of things disturb sleep and it will be Up and down and all over the place for at least the next few months. It may be exhausting but it is nothing to worry about. I have a 5 month old and a 3 year old my 5 month old has never slept for more than around 7 minutes during the day but has been ok In the night. The last few days has come down with a bit of a cold and cough and have recently put him in the cot and he is now restless and not sleeping so well at night and waking every half hour not fully but wingy and needs a pat or to feel my touch know we are near before he settles again.
Babies are not designed to be left alone, they need their mothers close by to feed safe and secure. Babies are born with strong survival instincts, they do not know they are ‘safe’ being left all alone in a cot, their instincts tell them alone = danger and a predator could come eat them at any moment. They don’t know it’s 2021 and they aren’t living in the days of caves etc. The best thing I ever did was research what normal infant sleep behaviour is according to biology. Once I had a better understanding I totally changed my expectations of my baby and learned how to support them instead of thinking there is something wrong with them. For example ‘sleeping through the night’ alone doesn’t naturally occur until age 2/3/4 in most children. Co-sleeping is the best way to support child’s emotional and brain development (there is a reason why cry it out methods are ‘hard’ for
Both parents and child, fundamentally you are causing cortisol spikes in the brain which is terrible for everyone and stunts development big time. It is so hard but it goes so fast. Jsut cuddle that baby.
My son was up every 2 hours, every night until he was a year old. Early on when we switched from breast milk to formula he was having some stomach issues. We used gripe water. But honestly it is a season and kids go through “phases” so it can be totally normal. We used a sleep training program when my son turned 1 and it was amazing, I wish I had done it sooner.
Have you checked to see if her tummy is hard or maybe try giving her gripe water sounds like the beginning of colic. It can start anytime between birth and about 6 months of age if so it will pass just find what works for your lil one
Is the milk enough to satisfy her? A friend’s baby wouldn’t sleep long and wake screaming he was only a month old and had 3 ahernias has yr baby been checked thoroughly might need a specialist
Could be gas as she gets older she’s drinking more. It could also be another medical condition or maybe her sleep cycle is just changing and will change back. My LO started doing this we had to switch his formula but gripe water saved my life. It literally works in minutes. You could feel her tummy if it’s tights then she has gas. She could have an ear infection if your not proping her up during feeding. You should be able to tell the difference in a pain cry.
My 1st is 3 now and he still wakes up if I’m not beside him but not as often hopefully she will grow out of it just try to comfort as best you can could be gas or she may just need to feel the human touch from someone she knows cares about and loves her
I wasn’t sure what country you’re in but in the UK we have health visitors that can be contacted? My little boy went through this and we discovered it was colic, his sleeping was all over the place but settled down once he had help.
Good luck and hope it gets better for you all x
Sounds like Colic. Most babies go through this phase and it can last for months!
Also Gas, Acid Reflux or not feeding enough.
When feeding, take a 5 min break half way through the bottle and pat your babies back until she burps and then go back to feeding. once the bottle is finished burp again for 15 mins or until she burps really good! Gotta make sure all the air is out of her tiny tummy.
Then sit her up for 30 minutes!
(Do that after EVERY Feeding for 30mins-Especially at night time)
Also go on Amazon or any store in the baby section and look for gas drops “Gripe water” or “baby gas drops”, buy a windii, which is a tube you stick in a babies butt -hole that allows ALL gas and air to come out!!
Caution-(it will get messy most babies will poop with it haha )
Works like a charm tho! It was a life saver in my home!
Also try the “bicycle” lay her on her back and lift her legs up and move them as if she’s riding a bike, while also rubbing her tummy softly in a circular motion!
Or lay her on her tummy across your lap and rub her back also in a circular motion!
And lastly use a warm washcloth by getting it damp and heat for 10/15secs where it’s warm but won’t bother her by being too hot and lay the cloth across her belly!
Edit to add: also Teething can be a factor as well.
And yes even newborns can teeth!
If shes drooling or touching her face and/or ears which is a sign of teething then I’d look into getting infant gum soothing gel and teething toys for her to chew on! Also get frozen teethers you can put into the fridge to help soothe their gums. Also freeze breast milk or formula whatever you guys feed her with. But freeze little popsicle shapes of the milk with a silicon handle for her to hold onto and she can suck on the milk to eat and help her gums!
Also they have teething tablets that melt made for babies you can also buy on Amazon.
5 months old is a bit old for colic to suddenly come up.
Sounds more like a sleep regression. If it is, the best thing to do is to be consistent. Don’t change bedtime routine.
I would discuss with her doctor and if she says there’s nothing wrong then try a weighted sleep sack or something of that nature.
It could also be teething
Check out Taking Cara Babies on Instagram. It’s a game changer
My sister did co-sleeping and she is in a pickle with her first. Her first daughter (5 now) wakes up in the middle of the night and magically ends up in bed with mommy and daddy. Once my son hit a year old I stopped the co-sleeping. He falls asleep in my arms and then I transfer him into his crib. He sleeps wonderfully. Then again he sleeps with me in my room but in his own crib. As someone who firmly believes that mommy and daddy’s room is off limits I don’t think co-sleeping is the bed but this particular baby sounds like she has colic. Try gripe water or if she’s on formula try a sensitive formula maybe her little tummy can’t handle the regular formula. My son couldn’t and he was switched to sensitive and his colic cleared up right away.
Both my babes have only slept in my arms/carrier or in my bed. Waking if I leave. I think it’s normal
There are a number of things it could be, I would just call the pediatrician’s office and explain what’s going on then they can let you know whether or not you need to bring baby in for a check up or give some suggestions to try to help.
So just sleep with her then ?
6 months sleep regression,
Her cycles are defining and she now has light sleep, it takes time to adjust for some to be able to stay asleep when in light sleep,
My 6 month old did that for 2-3 weeks and then just recently started staying asleep longer! Ive tried everything nothing worked just time and patience for her to work it out
Maybe some white noise or some type of soothing sound machine would help her sleep. Maybe one of moms T-shirts on a pillow tucked up next to her.
Mom has to be exhausted. I hope you can figure it out.
Give it time. They normally do stop needing you right there. My 11 month old does sleep better with me. Specailly when he’s sick.
Honestly the baby will probably grow out of it. They just trying to figure out what they like and how they wanna sleep.
But its exhausting to not have any alone time or sleep