How do I help my children's sadness of not being able to see their little sister?

Your ex is the one who brought her into their lives and he is the one who will need to fix this mess. He will need to take her to court. As the father he has the right to have a relationship with his child. Once he gets court ordered visitation and video calls, he can include your kids in that. All you can do is be there for them, and I suggest getting them in counseling.


Unfortunately, if she hates you, communication between the two of you is pointless. If sheā€™s telling your children the truth about their father and their personal business, sheā€™s not necessarily doing it out of spite, she may just be being honest and open with them. If she feels the best thing for her daughter is to be away from the rest of the family, that truly is her choice, even if it may hurt your children. Her daughter is her responsibility. Given that she has moved states and filed for divorce, your children & their feelings are no longer her responsibility. That may sound cold, but if she thinks sheā€™s doing what is best for her child, can you really blame her? All you can do is support your children as best you can. Maybe try to explain how complicated emotions are involved, so they may not have answers as long as John & Jane are fighting. They may even have to wait out a custody battle before they get any answers. This will be a very difficult thing for them to accept, but itā€™s realistic. Sorry your family is going through such a rough time, I wish I had happier suggestions.


Your job as a parent is to protect your children first. Keep them away from anyone toxic, even if theyā€™re liked. Get your kids to write or send letters/pictures, encourage them to talk about their sister. Make them a doll (photo of sister on material and made into a doll) so they can have that comfort if needed? Contact the sisters mother and ask for a postal address and photosā€¦.but keep them safe :flushed:

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Janeā€™s fooling herself. When they divorce, he has rights. He can get visitation. She shouldnā€™t have said that to your daughter. Really shica-ca.
Yepā€¦John will have to have visitation

Be honest with your kids. Unfortunately they will be the ONLY ones hurt by all of this. Just stay out of it but make sure that your kids know that you will do everything possible for them to see their Sister but itā€™s up to Jane. Good luck and Iā€™m praying for the babies because theyā€™re the ones hurting in all of this adult mess.

Staaaaay out of it. Its gonna be hard on the kids but the sad truth is they may never see her again.

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U probably need to be honest with your kids and tell them sheā€™s making choices that arenā€™t agreeable to their well being and beyond that, thereā€™s not a thing u can do. We canā€™t control people and their choices. Pray for her.

I just have to say you are a GREAT Mama! Awesome job looking out for your babies and putting them first! :heart:

Not your business as to their relationship woes. Your business is cutting ties between the soon to be ex-wife of your husband and your children before anymore damage is done to your childrenā€™s emotional and mental well-being. :woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4: All you should be focused on is supporting your children through this as healthy as possible. Stay out of their business! If you decide to talk to him and encourage to do this and thatā€¦and they reconcileā€¦youā€™ll be blamed for meddling and youā€™ll be the first one they place blame on.

Stay out of it Jane is a B

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Unfortunately you canā€™t do anything. You just tell Jane is mean and thatā€™s her fault not yā€™allā€™s one day youā€™ll see sister again I promise.
Tell them truth Jane is mean right now.

I believe in telling kids the truth. Depending on their maturity is how you would word it. Explain that itā€™s probably just temporarily and not to let Jane hurt them too. I cannot stand immature adults and rather classify them as full grown children. Iā€™m sorry for your children.

Jane sounds so immature compared to you, sending all by blessings