My marriage was rocky and I knew I wouldn’t be able to afford more kids on my own. He thought we were going to keep having kids till we had a boy. I was having my second and I told him it didn’t matter this was my last girl or boy. I had my son. Then had my tubes tied.
If you don’t know that you want more children, maybe you shouldn’t have more. People should consider whether they can provide for children with their time and money.
I wanted more but it wasn’t in my cards when my second son was 8 months I found a lump in my right breast. Plus my last pregnancy really took a toll on my health and my body. So I was only able to have 2 sons. Because of health reasons. Pray about it our Lord will answer you.
My thought is that I don’t think youd would ever regret having a baby. But you may wake up older regretting that you can’t have anymore. That’s how I decided.
If you need to ask this question on social media, then you definitely do not need to have more kids at this time
Mama you will know when the time is right. If your having doubts don’t do it. Only you as a mom know what is best for you and your family.
As a parent watching her only child almost grow up alone . I think it’s fair to give them a sibling .
I had 2 kids. I decided to stop when I was pregnant with my second one because I found out that she was sick. The doctor told me if I had anymore they all would be sick. My daughter has 13q deletion syndrome and alot of other problems.
I’m an only child and my fiancé has 2 younger brothers and a sister and seeing how they are and how it was growing up compared to me it was super lonely and it’s super lonely now at 24 years old not having that someone to call and talk to… we have a 15 month old son and we are currently pregnant with another boy We are both done after this I’m just glad to have two because Atleast they will have each other
U should have ur child a sibling. I have two girls if I could have more without it killing me I would in a heart beat
If have ask maybe stick to one.
I wanted six - I had 3 late term miscarriage. TWO early birth 32 & 34 weekers - one full term rainbow baby !
Foster - plus extra children short term ’ when adulting too much for their bio -
Can afford them ?
Can mental - emotional take care of the needs -'?
Nothing wrong with homeschool mom of six -
Nothing wrong with one and done either !
I had 5 .
They’ll always have someone if we as their parents died.
Single child always miss out playmates.
I had my kids 5-7 years apart and worse age Gap.
Have one more if you only have 1 I know a lot of ppl that never had siblings and wished they did
I would talk it over with your significant other to decide.
I had 2 children and decided that I was done. 14 years later, I had my 3rd child.
The best thing I did for my son was give him a sister!
Right now I wouldn’t with all that’s going around. To much worrying
If my second had been my first, she’d’ve been my only!!! She cured me of wanting anymore
If you can’t make your own decision, don’t have another unless and/or until you want one bad enough to not need to ask
How many can YOU afford
How many does your spouse wants
How many do you have time for
I have 3. and i will never ever carry another child. pregnancy literally breaks me down. Even my doctor told me i shouldn’t have more.
Can you afford them is the question??
We have 3 and i can’t handle anymore with my mental health
I have 3, that’s enough
If you are asking here. You should not.
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I have two. I wish I had had 1-2 more. Love love my babies.
go sit at the kiddie table
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do I know if I should have more kids or not?
My first and only is 19 months now. He is so high needs since the beginning, i always say he is equal to 3 kids. My birthing experience was traumatic and i had postpartum depression that turned into rage. I want to be all the way there for him. If i have another PTSD-inducing birth, that’s not fair to him, because who knows how long i won’t be myself?
I think i might go the adoption or foster route when he’s older.
So my reason for not having more of my own is my mental health.
We have 4. its an easy decision now, no more!
If you have 1, you already have all the reasons not to have another!
I have one i knew i only wanted one and i dont plan to have anymore…no reason in particular…i just feel like the emotional and financial responsibility plays a big part in having children and am comfortable with stopping at 1 child for myself…i think it depends on who u and ur partner r as a person and what u feel is best for urselves
Have this conversation with you other half.
For me I didn’t want my child to grow up without siblings so I made sure I had at least one more.
I was am only child growing up and still feel that loneliness at 40.
Then I went on to have 3 more and love our big family, wouldn’t trade it for the world, love watching the siblings play and look out for eachother.
We had pretty Decent gaps though so I feel having them spread out - it wasn’t as stressful.
They are now, 3,7,14,18 & 21
Finances. Waking up every hour. Potty training. Diapers. When i look at this stuff, and how much I like money and sleep more, I realize I have enough kids and don’t wanna do everything all over again lol
We wanted 2 but I had a very difficult pregnancy and my son ended up coming 2 months early. All of that combined with the NICU and everything was difficult and traumatic, especially during Covid. We have decided we now only want the 1 but it’s also because our hearts and lives feel so full. We don’t feel like we’re missing anything. We’re so happy and content and love our life with our family of 3
This is something I have struggled with ever since I had my son, and he will be six soon. We finally made the solid decision that we will not be having any more children. The only good reason I have for wanting more children is so that my son has a sibling and isn’t alone later in life when his father and I pass. But he has a ton of family and cousins that he is extremely close with. (I know this isn’t the same as an actual sibling, but it’s as close as he is going to get)
I have PCOS so getting pregnant naturally isn’t an option for me. I had to do fertility treatments to get pregnant with my son, and I do not want to do that again. Also, I was very sick during my pregnancy and it was really rough on my body. I caught every cold anyone around me had, I was extremely nauseous my entire pregnancy (though I hardly ever threw up) I had pneumonia, and I also had gestational diabetes, I was kid of a wreck.
But my biggest reasoning for not wanting another child is that I know my limits. I suffered from postpartum depression and anxiety really bad. Having a child has increased the already high anxiety I had before ever having him, and if I’m being 100% truthful I don’t believe I could mentally and/or emotionally handle another child. I just don’t.
I didnt want my son to be a spoiled only child. I just found out I am pregnant with #2 and it will be my last
I want one very close to my 9 month old now, I was an only child and as much as it was great it was very lonely. My perspective is having a sibling teaches social skills, empathy and kindness from a young age.
Nobody has ever said they regretted a child. But lots and lots of people regret not having one more
I wanted to die when I was pregnant…hated it lol
I remember a little too vividly the way I felt from lack of sleep.
I suffered miserably with PPTSD
I have a beautiful, inquisitive and challenging little man that is fulfilling enough for me as a single mom.
I fear that I will lose too much sanity, sleep and self to go through another pregnancy. I would be willing to take on a motherly role to a future partner’s children but I am all good with one and done (I used to think having another one meant playing and enjoying siblings but there is no guarantee they will actually like each other )
Mine and my husband’s second baby is due any day. They will have each other for life which makes me so happy. Two boys and done. This world is too crazy to bring anymore in to it I think.
If you don’t know if the one you got, why would you think of another? babies are a blessing, they go through many phrases of life, some good, some very trying, but you never stop loving, are you ready to make that commitment? This is for you and your husband to decide, no one else.
I have three. Two girls and a boy. Me and my husband decided on three to start with then my dr told us it was best to stay at three for my health. So I got my tubes removed after my son.
I have a 13 year old and a 2 year old, wouldn’t have it any other way!!!
I have 2. I only wanted 2. A boy and a girl. That’s what I have. I have thought about having more kids but to be honest I just don’t have the patience. I’m tired. My body is going to give out on me and I don’t want to have young kids and not be able to do anything with them. That’s why I had my last one at 26.
Many factors figure into this decision. It is not to be done on a whim, or because of pressure either to, or not to. Only you can really decide this. I’m sure others will give various arguments for, or against. Good luck either way.
A child is a huge, lifelong commitment so no idea why you wanna let Facebook strangers decide whether you should have another one or not
I have three boys and a girl. I felt content after having my daughter. Like I was ready to close that chapter of my life. Pregnancy was never easy for me either and I was 36 when I delivered her so my age made it way harder.
I had a really traumatic birth with my second and struggled alot with him, me and my partner both decided very quickly we didn’t want any more, my partner had a vasectomy shortly after and 3 years on we completely stand by our decision, i think you just know when you are done.
Honestly if you are on the fence, you are probably answering your own question. You may regret not having more to complete your family but you will never regret completing your family with more. That question quieted for me after my second child and I can honestly say I feel completed but everyone’s “timing” is different. Hope this helps
Me and my husband have had 3 sons. We lost our 2nd son. My 3rd was a high risk pregnancy for me and baby. Once we had our last son I said I wanted to try again. My husband said no, we were done. He knew I would want to keep going till we got a girl and he was convinced he could only produce boys. Lol! I was happy he made the decision for us. Now we have an 8.5 and 4 year old. I always said I didn’t want to have a baby once I hit 30 and I’ll be 32 this year. I’m just so good and done. Haha
I didnt want any till I was told that I possibly couldn’t have any. Now I have a 2 year old son who is my miracle baby💚
I had my boy last year and having my girl in October this year, pregnancy has been easy but painful for me and I will now have a boy and girl after I have my girl I want my tubes tied as I seriously couldn’t cope with another pregnancy I love the feeling of them inside me but the pain and not sleeping is killing me, I couldn’t go through it again x
I’m pregnant with my second and she will be my last due to my age and some health issues that came up. I originally wanted more but I knew I wanted at least 2 so my daughter would have someone to play with and if something happened to us she would at least have a sibling to help her cope
My grandmother had 2 kids my uncle died i saw my go throw much pain and stress alone when my grandparents were dying her first whole family was gone,no one to share memories with,it was sad I promised myself that wouldn’t happen to my kids so is had 5 but its your own choice
I had 1 son (i saw friends get pregnant 1 after the next i didnt want that) for years i waited then decided i liked my only child status and for 14 years i had my one son.well last December i found out i was pregnant. I felt lots of emotions but now as i see my 3 week old daughter im happy that i have her. And God blessing me 14 years later was an amazing decision. Im much older, patient, stable plus my don is such a huge help. I never decided on my children they just came and i am content with both
I wanted 1 and have 3… Don’t do it, it’s a trap
I have a 20 year old boy an 18 year old girl I thought I was done but I now also have an almost 3 year old boy …you will know when your done
if you can afford it and your in a happy relationship and both are on board go ahead and have one children are a blessing.
I’ve always wanted a boy and a girl thank God he answered my prayers! But I always told my husband if we were to have two boys or two girls I’d go for a third one to try and have either or if that makes sense lol
We wanted 2 or 3 because we wanted the first born to have a sibling
Im in the same boat!! I have one wonderful boy and I just don’t know!
I will say im the oldest if 4 kids and I love having siblings. I wouldn’t trade them for the world.
And I have many friends who are only children who say they wish that had siblings.
Can you afford to keep a child? That’s your only question.
Take some birth control for awhile. Don’t rush to go one way or another.
Sad but the world is such a mess I’d think twice. Reality speaking.
I only wanted 2 I have 4 love them all with all my heart.
Space in our place, price,
Would not bring a baby into this evil world!!!
I had 8 children and 8 stepchildren and I loved them all
This world is absolutely nuts and I can’t imagine bringing more children into it.
I have three boys.My reason for not having any more are last pregnancy was rough & I almost bled to death after giving birth & youngest is autistic so he requires alot of work which means I don’t have the extra time for another special baby
Pregnancy sucks ass.
Having a sister or brother is so crucial for life, it is so wonderful to share life, troubles, and hopes and dreams with a sibling.
Personally if your so unsure about having another don’t do it until your sure
I have 3 girls ages range to 14,13 & 11. The 1st 2 are 11mths apart. I wanted 6 kids. But during my last pregnancy i was like what am i thinking wanting 6. Lol! I love kids. But i started in my late 20s. I got fixed after my last one. Hubby wasnt happy. He said it should be both of our decision. I told him sure it is but its my body that goes through the changes not his. I just recently got diagnosed with graves disease and hyperthyroidism. So ive lost most of my energy and strength. I did get a iud put in this year also. Bc health issues. But ive always heard to have 2 kids one kid per a parent to replace them in a event of death. My parents only had 2. But if u want more than 2 thats ok too.
I have 3 boys and i regret not having more.I see them all the time they visit me or i visit them.We are very close.I am 64 years old and i can’t imagine just having one child.Yes its hard work when they are small but so worth it in the long run.Im never alone at Christmas,my birthday, easter etc.I would be so lonely without my boys.Just my opinion.
I jad two. My childhood friend was an only child and I always felt sorry for her. Two and done done done
I hate that I have my daughter as an only child. If your able have two. So they have someone to play with and be there for them. Someone to have just in case something happens to you and your no longer around
God forbid something happens to u.
I was on the fence after having my second child, I had a miscarriage before her and I couldn’t deal if I had tried for a third and suffered another miscarriage. I waited until my daughter was two and got my tubes tied. My children are 8 and 3, and I don’t regret my decision at all.
It really depends on you and your partner. I don’t know how a group of strangers could help you make that decision. With that being said, I have five children, two biological and three adopted. My life is hectic most days and I have to keep from pulling my hair some days but I wouldn’t change it for the world.
I only have 1 and can understand where your coming from. My son is 4 and I tell everyone I don’t want anymore but I feel like deep down I do. I’ve been pressured by family and been told not to wait too long between kids, ect. Right now I know I’m not financially ready but I wasn’t when I had my son either lol just don’t let anyone else make the decision for you, maybe you will get surprised and end up with another anyways
Only a question you can answer… considering you have a child, you know about the financial , emotional and all the other factors involved… Not all sibling get along however at the end of the day it makes me feel less anxious knowing they will have each other no matter come what may… think, decide… wisely… blessings
Well I have five kids and what helped me decide to not have a sixth was daycares $135 a week per kid here and we currently have two in diapers three in daycare and two in real school so I didn’t want to pay for that again lol
If you can financially afford another child and have enough love to give them I don’t believe you should hesitate.
Start thinking can you afford it what if the child has mental issues one should be enough if your family is bugging you to have more children tell them to have them if they want more
If you’re able it’s very nice for them to have a sibling growing up. It teaches them compromise and that the world doesn’t revolve around them. Also when you’re gone from this earth it’s nice for them to have someone that knows that history intimately.
I have a medical condition, if I have another baby they can’t say that we will both be ok. I have 2 kids with a nearly 17 year age gap. I decided to have my tubes removed to be safe as I want to see my children grow up
I have 2 beautiful boys. For me I just felt done.
I can’t really explain it better then that when I held my 2nd little guy I felt my family was complete
We were both over 30 and had babies back to back and were like omfg, so I had my tubes removed during my last csection. I had had one child previously that died in early infancy and he already had one in Germany with her mom that he’d met during his time in the service almost twenty years ago. That’s enough kids. And we can always foster later.
Good luck and go with your guy. THEN commit hardcore so there are no regrets.