How do I leave a relationship?

How do I leave? Idk how to start. I been talking about divorce with him for a while im just…scared? Idk i feel like im stuck i have 2 kids and 2 cats. I absolutely want to take my 2 cats there’s no way i can leave them behind. I just can’t be with him anymore. My mom said screw the cats just get out of there but these cats have helped me and are my babies I can’t do that to them.


Usually each community has a Facebook group. Perhaps find your local community group and see if someone might be willing to temporarily foster your kitties until you find a way to get settled somewhere else. It’s completely natural to feel scared of such a big life change but if you’re unhappy then that’s the only answer you are unhappy. And eventually that will also affect your kids. :heart: as hard as it is on you, it’s them you need to keep in consideration. They need a happy and healthy mama. Not a miserable one. You can’t pour from an empty cup. xx


Your mental health and your kids come first the rest is secondary. 


I made the same decision many years ago. I had two kids and 3 cats at the time. It eas not easy and we foind a cheap, junky house to live in but we did it. I think the first step would be to.go to the court house to set up a parenting plan as child support.

Listen to the song 50 ways to leave your lover.

I just left a 15.5 year relationship. 2 kids and had 2 dogs and 2 cats. I took the kids and left the animals. Sometimes you just have to do heartbreaking decisions. In the long run you will be happier and healthier. It took me a long time to muster up the courage to do this. And you can! Good luck and I’ll say a little prayer for you!


Why would you leave your family members behind? My animals and kids go where I go. Get a place and take your stuff and bye bye bye

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If you haven’t already, start saving money. Once you have enough, take your kids and your cats and go. Starting over is scary-- but as someone who has been through it, I can tell you that my first marriage ending was the best thing for me and my kids. They still got to see and love their dad, without having to see their mom and dad miserable, and I was free to find a man that truly loves me. So far marriage #2 is at 18 years and stronger than ever :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Your emotional and mental help should come first than your cats


File for divorce, keep the house, you have kids, you’ll get it. Get him out.


Why can’t you take the animals?

I get you if I was to ever leave I’d take atleast my cat and my dog and all 3 kids sadly I’d leave the rest we have 4 cats 1 dog iv had my cat 9 years no way I’d leave her and my dog is my security body gaured he’s a big trained 90lbs German sheperad and my husband never takes care of him I guess I get what your feeling

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Why can’t you ask him to leave? If it’s possible I would have him leave that way your kids and your cats will still have their home.


Have you talked to a lawyer to see how the finances would shake out? Are you worried you won’t have enough money to support yourself, the kids and the cats?

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If you’ve been “talking about divorce” and still havent acted either their is fear of some form of abuse or your in checkmate because of strategic positioning (he controls family resources), your first move is always to protect your family and if change is what will accomplish that find help, legal, and safety net


That’s a sad situation , I’m so sorry your going through this, I couldn’t imagine life without my pets either. I’m praying for you and you get out of there


Save up first and last rent, find a place that will take cats, pack your things, and leave.

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Everything depends on what state you live in. Talk to an attorney to find out what your options are and what you should expect from a divorce.

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Build you a stash of money. Seek housing help if your income is small enough for household size. Don’t rush. It took me 3 yrs. to get out.

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Pack the kids and the cats in their carrier and leave. Drive to your moms. OR have him move out. It’s easier for him to find accommodation for just one person than you with 2 kids and 2 cats.

I finally consulted a lawyer and filed for divorce after 44 years of being lied to and cheated on and threatened

File for divorce and ask for the cats and go.

You can contact rescues to find temporary foster situations. You can contact local women’s groups or shelters they might have more information or programs that can help you find something and help you get out. And to everyone laughing at this, do you have any idea how many women stay in dangerous situations because they can’t take their animals in their escape? My best advice is to line up your escape quietly and get as much help as you can and run.

I couldn’t agree more with what Jenna Moo said. You have to start by saving money. I don’t know your situation but if it’s bad put money aside that can’t be missed. Another way is to ask him to leave. Again depending on the situation if not good you could have him removed from the home. If you own the home then don’t you leave because you need a home for you and the kids. This is going to be the scariest thing you ever do. I left my first marriage because of physical abuse. I remarried a second time to a wonderful man and was married for 35 years. He just passed away a year ago, but he gave my kids and I the best life. Stay strong and positive. You’re stronger than you think and don’t let him use your kids as pawns.

Take your cats :cat:?! What about your kids! :rofl:

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Your mom is dope but don’t leave the cats though.

You really need to talk to a lawyer.

Have a friend or a family member that’s able to take the cat’s while you get out. Just supply them with a good amount of cat food and anything else you give them.