How do I look at myself more positively?

How do you embrace positivity within yourself and to others? I’ve had a lot happen to me this year and I wanna be a positive person but it’s hard from built up anger and trauma from my childhood!

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do I look at myself more positively? - Mamas Uncut

Fake it till you make it.

One day at a time.


Pretty hard nowadays. I just focus on my babies

Look up RTK " real talk kim. Aka pastor Kim. She will help you get unstuck. Her podcasts are amazing.

For myself, I start with gratitude (especially when I get upset that things aren’t as I planned), I follow a ton of positive thinking kind of pages, and save the most powerful things I see to remind myself in difficult times. And really really try to see people as a whole and not just their opinions (so hard on the internet, and I absolutely hate socializing so this one can be tricky for me sometimes) … I have bpd (borderline personality disorder) basically everyday is a crazy rollercoaster of emotions, these practices have definitely helped in my daily life… Also again just personally, so much praying!!!

All that comes from within! Only you can make the changes to feel better! Try it all until something works!

Daily positive affirmations, I also did a self love jar💜

Find what you like about yourself and start from there. Your world will eventually build up if you talk about all the things you love. Also, do your best to get validated on social media if you plan on living on it.

Count your blessings!

I’m a Mindset Coach so have lots of tips.

Firstly I advise healing that trauma and possibly looking at doing forgiveness work (if you feel ready)

Self care and lots of it

Gratitude, journalling, affirmations are fantastic too.

I also advise being conscious of your thinking in order to reframe your thoughts.

Having a high vibrational morning routine really helps to lift your mood too.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do I look at myself more positively? - Mamas Uncut

If you can get some counseling try it…or if you have a pastor to speak with try that…if nothing else call a hotline for help…talking to somebody helps.
Childhood trauma is horrible! I know!
Look within yourself and know that YOU are a good person…you did not deserve ANYTHING but love as a child! Never blame yourself or carry a burden or guilt for things other people or SOMEONE did to you! Soul search and leave it behind!

That sounds really challenging. If it seems overwhelming to take on by yourself, you could start by going to therapy if it’s affordable to you. You could try things that help regulate the nervous system like journaling, meditation or yoga. Things like exercise and dance and laughter are also very healing. Getting to the root of the trauma and seeing how it affects your day to day life and the decisions you make and how you treat yourself and others. I follow a great account on Facebook and on Instagram called the Holistic Psychologist for self healers mostly that has been incredibly eye-opening. I’ve also tried therapy and regularly exercise and eat well and get a lot of sunlight. Ultimately sometimes what it takes is having somebody witness our trauma and help us process it. Best of luck.

I started by appreciating parts of my character like I have a kind heart, I’m caring, I’m funny etc and some of my gifts and talents. Pick things to like and appreciate about myself and remind myself of those everyday for few weeks/ months, whatever.

Cathy Hanson “freeing your self from fear”