How do I move on from a violent childhood?

Get a good therapist that is easy for you too talk to. It took years but I found one and she is a God send for me.

You don’t overcome it. You never do. You use it to teach your kids the dangers of the world. It’s ok to not trust ppl. Ppl suck. I hope you find a gentle soul that you and your kids love and loves you back. You all deserve it and nothing less. I agree that counseling will prob help.


Professional help. Truly, get a therapist. They have the tools we don’t to move past trauma. And to help you understand what you are feeling to fix it.


Therapy! What you are experiencing is called spantaneous recovery (the reappearance of a conditioned response to a conditioned stimulus following a rest period after extinction). But most like you just repressed the feelings rather than actually resolving them to begin with! Many therapists will offer solutions (cognitive behavior therapy) to help you work through this! It’s not something you can do alone!

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You need to figure out what is triggering you and work on not having a huge reaction and letting it cloud your emotions. Its better to be over protective than under protective and something happen. I also thought I was dealing with my trauma until I became pregnant. Try not to be over tired and make sure you are hydrated. Breathe :person_in_lotus_position: you got this :purple_heart:

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I suffered abuse for years. I still have PTSD from it and have since I was a child. It helps to have trusted people you can talk about it with. Whether a therapist or a best friend. You will never get over it by trying to bury it. You need to realize there is no shame on you. Abuse survivors often carry shame because sometimes they feel somehow responsible or because they were too scared to tell someone who could stop it. There is no shame on your end. Your abuser is the only one worthy of shame. You are a victim. You are a survivor. For quite some time I too worried that every man was gonna be a molester. That fear you feel is normal. It is something though that gets better. There is nothing wrong with not trusting someone until that trust is earned. The best thing you can do to protect your kids is to early as they can understand it teach them about good touch and bad touch. You need to teach them that means by anyone. Kids get abused and sometimes act out there abuse on other kids. You could be watching out for just adults and your kid could be abused by another child. These children don’t realize what they are doing. They think just showing off a new thing they learned. Again if you yourself sexually acted out with other kids while you were being abused, it is not your fault. Or your shame to bear. Sexual abuse makes you promiscuous very often. If you slept with a lot of men since being abused, again it is not your shame, but the effect of what was done to you. I was able to stop sleeping around myself once I learned he made me that way. Do some research into child abuse if you have not. You may find things that explain why you feel things you feel. To be honest, listening to Dr. Drew of that old radio Loveline helped me a lot. I would say look for his books or old radio programs. He may even cover topics online in articles. I would hug him if I ever met him. His advice helped me heal. I hope some of my words bring healing as well. I will never forget so the PTSD will probably always be there. It has gotten better though with years and healing. I will be honest. As a child I prayed my abuser dead. He did in fact die when I was a child of a heart attack in his sleep. My saving grace is because he died so suddenly while sleeping is that the church going man couldn’t ask for forgiveness before he died. I hope there is a Hell because I hope he is in it. As you can probably tell I still have a lot of anger at him and over what he did. That too is normal. I am a God fearing woman who knows forgiveness but I can never forgive that man. Nor should anyone expect me to. Fact is sexual abuse changes how you think and who you are forever. If I had my way all pedophiles would get the death penalty so that they can’t reoffend like they often do. A life for a life because they stole and changed a life. Many of the abused become drug addicts to numb the pain. Without that pain maybe they wouldn’t have ever done drugs at all. We got single moms out here raising babies alone because they were abused and went on to be promiscuous and got pregnant unplanned. My question for this World is when will it wake up and see all the effects of sexual abuse and realize pedophiles are the worst problem our society faces? We are trying to raise healthy children to lead the World one day. Not a bunch of broken ones. The MeToo movement helped but it wasn’t enough. The justice system isn’t putting them away long enough. That movement did help people to be brave and speak out. Most cases go unreported because a child is too scared to speak up or ashamed. I pray for bravery to speak up for all those who have been or are being abused, because we will never stop it until everyone speaks up. You btw are being brave by speaking out even anonymously. This is a subject that needs to be out in the light, not hidden in a closet. As you gain the strength to talk about it openly to your friends and family you may find out they were abused too. It takes two hands to count all the people I know who also admitted to being abused. You may find how not alone you are by being able to talk about it openly. I think this World would be shocked to find out just how big a problem pedophilia has been. If only it wasn’t a taboo subject which it should never have been.

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For you not alone. As you read these comments you can see their are people along side of you. Therapy helps. I also educated my self on how to be proactive to teach my kids of owning their own body and what aloud or not. Also what is grooming. I still have trouble at times. I am still over protected and the fear is always there. But when you need help to cope is ok to ask for help.

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Don’t underestimate the power of prayer

The only way to remove Past trauma flashbacks is talk therapy, you have to explain every memory to a stranger(therapist) to get it out of your system, you can also use tap therapy, just tap your forehead or your hand 5 times and keep saying , I am not my traumas, I am not my emotional flashbacks

I have a similar story. I moved 1000 miles away, have been on meds most my adult life and counseling. It’s not your fault, your a survivor not a victim and you have nothing to feel shame about. I did marry my 1st bf and we have 24 years together. He gets it and now I have some panic attacks bc I have a young daughter.

This happened to me to from 4-11 and it all came rushing back when I got pregnant with my first. All you can do is therapy and take each day one step at a time. You never really move on

I highly recommend a trauma therapist. You are not alone. :blue_heart:

Cognitive behavioral therapy

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You’re going to find a lot of answers. The truth is there’s no one size fits all. Therapy helps me tremendously but as ive found sometimes you just need to push to explore yourself and the world outside. It’s filled with beauty and rich experiences that can help you balance and mend yourself internally. Whoever you are anon. You’re not alone. From one to the other.


You can’t change your past. Need Therapy to get thru this. It’s understandable how you feel? Being protective is not Bad Thing. Try to Enjoy what’s good in your Life. Enjoy your babies! Go to all their events! Have your friends come over. Find a hobby that brings you Joy. Just don’t let Life go by without being there. Best of Luck!


I was SA when I was a kid too, and I was a single mom for a long time. I have a boyfriend now and we have been together for a year. We talk about what I went through quite a bit especially when I’m having a bad day. I trust him completely with my kid, but I also have discussions with my kid on her body and who is safe to talk too. I have taught her what her body parts are and who is aloud to see or touch them(basically just me if she needs a bath or help) my boyfriend believes the same thing I do, and has never helped with bath time or getting dressed. and we dress respectfully around her. He doesn’t wear anything inappropriate and neither does she. I really honestly trust my boyfriend though, if I felt like I didn’t I would never leave my daughter alone with him. Talk to your husband about your fears. If you don’t feel like you can talk to him he obviously isn’t the right person. But don’t blame him either for something he has never done, that is his child too and he deserves the right to be a good dad.
Definitely talk to a counselor about what your going through.

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Be a helicopter mom until your children are old enough to be able to protect themselves by providing the knowledge and coping skills to face adversities.

I don’t think you can ever become overly protective of your children. Children need that extra eye on them in todays world harboring sick people. Good job Mom!!!

Therapy honestly that’s probably the only way to resolve the anxiety.

I have been through hell more than once just draw a line behind your ass and start over.

You don’t. I speak from experience. You just try your best everyday to protect your children as much as possible. I do not trust anyone with my children. I also am extremely cautious of any signs my children give. They know the appropriate body part names, they are aware of the dangers of predators. I am not overly graphic, but they are well aware. Baby steps, a little at a time. You will find your balance. Therapy also helps. Good luck!

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First of all I am very sorry that this ihappened to you. You did absolutely nothing wrong and you did not deserve this. You’re very best bet is to see a therapist that specializes in childhood SA and PTSD. The good news is that you can be helped. No one can take away what happened but can help you cope. There is a very good book that explains a lot of this and I suggest reading this. The book is called The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk, M.D. I will pray for you and hope that you can start treatment as soon as possible. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Hang in there.

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Therapy. And having a relationship with Jesus is HUGE. Pray, pray, pray. He will answer you. :heart:

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I send you prayers today for being brave to speak out life threw you a very difficult event to live with but l share and truly understand your situation the best thing you can do frist is make. Your relationship with your children a strong one built bonds early with each and everyone of you children relationship are important then study as much as you can to make a difference in your house yes separately your pass from the present go to a seek help in Counseling no not in person over the phone is fine work on your past keep it separate from the present until you feel safe with what happen and know the frist step is was not your fault l am here to listen always no names necessary

Therapy will help a lot, but it will never fully go away. You are a mom and your always going to worry about your children. I know my husband and know he would never harm our daughter, but when I first had her I was terrified to leave her with him or have him change her. I was also worried about his dad touching her or his brother. My husband was hurt but I couldn’t help it. After some time the feelings calmed down and I felt bad I ever though it, but again it was an automatic response. It will be okay mama. You are a strong woman and you care for your baby. Your baby will be okay with a momma like you looking out for them :heartbeat:

First, sorry for what happened to you. No child (or adult) should be a victim.
I always say that there is always something good in every bad situation. I know that sounds like a clichĂ© and it may not always be the case depending on how you look at it. But, in my opinion, there is something good in your story: your (negative) experience is resulting in you going to make sure what happened to you won’t happen to your child. Also, I understand this having your pen kids is bringing bad memories back to you, but one thing you need to bear in mind: you can never say you are being too cautious when it comes to protecting your kids. There is no such a thing. No one should blame you for not trusting even your kid’s teachers at school or their priest at church or their family members at hone. You do what you need to do and you should feel the way you need to feel to keep your child safe. Period.

My last advice to you: seek some professional help.

Good luck!

Happened to me as a 4yr old. Blocked it out till I got married. Then it all came back. I wrote a letter to the one who was suppose to protect me and put the blame on their shoulders and off mine. It helped me live my life better and I can cope with the memory of it.

Please get some help this is not the place that can help you get counseling

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Find a good therapist who focuses on SA and the EMDR Technique (tapping) which is working wonders for survivors of many traumas including SA and PTSD.

I don’t know. I have had therapy and it has helped, I no longer feel that punch in the gut when I think of it. But, my ability to open myself to anyone or believe anything good someone tells me seems to be gone forever.

With counseling! It works. It takes time. There’s no overnight fix. But persevere my friend.

I went through years of therapy and ultimately it was finding my husband and watching him be an amazing dad.

God’s help is the only way it can be done :pray:

Unfortunately it takes a lot of time and you are never really “over it”. I’ve experienced a similar lifestyle when I was younger. Some traumatic experiences never truly leave, but there’s always help available online. I’ve actually found that some YouTube videos help, same with reading material from the library. But the most important thing is to know that you aren’t ever alone and things will get more difficult before it gets better. I hope this helps someone out there.

Extremely well said, Amanda. The comments following are though provoking as well. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Find a skilled EMDR therapist. If things don’t turn around dramatically they are not skilled, find another one. It will get better.

Find a good therapist.

You should go to therapy

Take it 1 day at a time, slowly work thru the emotions that threatens to overwhelm everything, slowly make peace with the traumatic memories, remind oneself that it wasn’t your own fault. Ask yourself if the emotion being triggered by a traumatic memory even constructive
breathe & let it go. Remind oneself that the abuser dragged you into that situation that did not belong to you
breathe & let it go when it’s not constructive.

Incest survivors anonymous ISA meetings online and in person 
pregnancy definitely a trigger
 The great news is you survived this as a child with the skills of a five to 17-year-old
 now finally you are so much stronger and you’re able to experience this because it is a safe time to heal if not you’ll suppress it again and it will come out again later but now you have the chance to heal this for yourself and your children God bless you.

You need to find a qualified therapist ASAP! When your child gets to the age you were when the abuse occurred, you’re going to have a very difficult time. You can do this - for you and your little one.

Therapy, friends, and the truth sometimes not until the child is old enough to talk or communicate.

You will never move on from this I too was SA from 4-10 and I’ve never trusted men. I grew up terrified of men and was very over protective of my daughter. I am 55 and I never moved on as you say, it makes you an anxiety filled untrusting person . I tried therapy but honestly it didn’t help me

Why remain tortured in a past you can not change? You’re an adult now. Look forward to what lies ahead and take better care to protect your children to assure no one does to them what your parents allowed to be done to you. You don’t have to suffer for years and years. Take charge from this day forward and be all you were created to be. You got this.

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Move forward and trust God. He will take care of it. You are alive, you have a child, you are blessed. I never think of what happened to me. Enjoy life for today

don’t listen to the devil whispering in your ear.

You get professional help not advice from Facebook users.

Cognitive behavioral therapy!!!