Accept it and move on … don’t look back
Be grateful for his honesty, grieve the loss and continue with your life.
you want to know what to do??? Pack up & move, He is being honest with you, Take that & move on
At least he was honest but I wouldn’t continue to spend time with him for awhile till you are passed the relationship. Can be friends later if you choose to, but it would be more difficult ….for me anyway…. to see or be around him until I was over the hurt .
Not meant to be. Say bye, good luck! Don’t become a booty call.
U can’t be friends with someone u love it won’t work‼️ You’re the one that’s going to be hurt even more bc you’re going to see him with another woman or other women and he’s not going to be hurt bc he going to say u and he are just friends and he can date who he wants. In all honesty I think he has met someone else. I say just go your way and let him go his. Maybe once u get over him then u can befriend him.
I believe this is a natural process in most relationships because we become so used to each other and things loses it’s spark. I say definitely some space would give him time to think and see how life is without you. If it works out that way, see what changes you guys can make to make things interesting or keep eachother interested romantically
Painful, but move on, you need others for friends, not him
Move on. Don’t ever look back.
Walk on with a smile. You don’t want someone that doesn’t love you
Definitely not meant to be. Staying friends will only hurt you more. Move on & don’t look back.
keep yourself busy, keep your mind busy, focus on yourself and it will eventually get better, time heals. maybe try dating if you don’t like being alone, get together with friends and/or family. wish you all the best
Sounds like someone else in in the picture…
Tell him to hit the bricks! He is a narcissist. He is not considering your feelings at all.
It sounds like y’all have lost you’re spark… Get a taser, that’ll bring it back (totally joking… or am I )
More times than not, when relationships go south like this- it’s often because we become unconsciously overwhelmed with day to day life, we often quit doing the things we did, that our partners fell in love with about us in the first place. There is a big difference, as you’re finding out… as heartbreaking a situation it is…
Between loving someone, and being IN love with someone.
If saving your relationship is what you truly feel you want to do, then make an attempt to fight for it!
I’m sure him coming to you, and being as open and honest as he was, wasn’t exactly an easy thing to do. Appreciate that, because most wouldn’t of even given you that.
Well if he doesn’t have romantic feelings for you anymore, there’s nothing you can do. You can’t force someone to feel something they don’t feel. It sucks, big time, but at least you all can remain friends
I hope you move on with your life, sounds like someone else is in his life, just a hunch! You are too young to settle for a half ass relationship and he sounds like a jerk,especially if he wants you to stay with him. You are worth More!!
Read this It’s Called a Break-Up Because It’s Broken: The Smart Girl’s Breakup Buddy
Well. It is simple. Say ok. And walk away. Cry if you have to. Hurt if you have to, but not in his presence. Get happy without him. Find love without him. Find friendship without him. He does not get the gratification of your presence. Period.
Let him go. He wants what he wants AND you!
“Don’t let a man tell you twice, that he doesn’t want you” move on, and I hope you find everything you want
Move on. People outgrow relationships.
I was told that for 3 years and got a place of my own to give him some space because it was making me miserable living where I always felt I wasn’t wanted. He would always tell me he loved me but wasn’t in love with me but that I had potential to be that for him if I could be this way or that way. After moving and spending nights alone with my kiddos, I realized that I had no reason to keep trying because he also wasn’t the person I pictured spending the rest of my life with. I was just scared of being alone, and I think he was too. We wanted love so we held on, even when we knew it wasn’t for the love between us. I’m glad you’re getting honesty and that he’s calling it quits because you deserve someone who can’t picture life without you, and is unconditionally in love with you. It hurts and it’s a process, but the only thing I would change about it now that I know…I wish I would’ve known and left sooner. There’s no changing their feelings or being who they want you to be so you’ll be loved by them again. It’s best to see it for what it is, be grateful to have had the experience, then close that chapter and start a new one. You got this! If you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to add me and/or message me.
Two years isn’t a long time to find out he isn’t romantically attracted anymore. But don’t want to lose your friendship . I had a friend similar thing . Turns out he was gay and fighting it . Maybe a similar situation. Another friend her husband was a navy seal . Yup he was gay too . They live there life’s sharing a home .
Well, I’d say part friends and don’t see him anymore. Refuse to meet up with him for any reason. He wants you on his terms now and that should never be an option for you.
Sleep with his brother,uncle,dad,and all his male cousins…
I’ll translate. He wants access to you anytime but doesn’t want to be committed. Just cut ties and move on TRUST ME or you’ll break your own heart.
Move on. Many fish in the sea my mom always told me this.
Whilst it is perfectly reasonable and acceptable that he has fallen out of love with you (shit happens, people grow apart), it is completely unreasonable and unacceptable for him to expect you to maintain any kind of friendship while you are still in love with him. You need to create a new life and engage in new hobbies and meet new people and forget about him completely. Stay his friend and you will remain in a relationship motivated purely by what is convenient for him, while you miss out on opportunities for new love because of your misguided connection/attachment to him.
Sounds like he met someone else. You deserve to be treated with love and respect. Don’t settle for less . Now is your chance to find someone better than him.
Leave or tell him to leave it’s over thank him for his honesty. So sorry for you But one part of your life ends and anew part begins don’t sit home do things go on a little trip to a bed and breakfast orsomthing
Can’t have his cake and eat it too!
He can’t hav the cake n eat it too… lovely just move on!!
I think you already know what is going on … just not ready to face it yet
Thank him for being honest and move on. Be grateful U didn’t spend anymore years trying to make something work that isn’t going to.
Your still young someone will love u just the way I want to be loved.
Thank him for his honesty as he could have said nothing and led you on but I would, in my way of thinking, tell him it would hurt too much to keep him in my life. If you can be friends then cool but move on and find a new path. At least he respected you enough to tell the truth. That is rare now days.
He wants to keep you on call for on call stuff but still be able to do other stuff n people. Let him go, let him call but don’t EVER think of doing anything with him and see how often he calls or stays “friends” past that.
Possible midlife crisis GOOD LUCK HUN
Please realise your worthy of so much more . Don’t settle foe let’s be friends etc if that’s how he really feels honey then as hard as it is and hurtful hold your head high and leave . I know some can remain friends if they both feel the same way but think of Joe you might feel being friends and if he was to move on etc . Or things don’t work out with out here so your there as a back up . no took me a long time to realise you are worthy so much more xo
Prayers and blessings for an amazing future for you onwards and upwards you got this listen and trust yourself
I mean, he broke up with you. You move on.
Believe him when he tells you that he doesn’t love you. Move on, and don’t look back. Friendship won’t be possible while you are cutting all ties in order to heal.
He got someone else and keep you on the backburner…just in case