My partner and I have been together 2 years, His 40 and I’m 31. He told me last week that he loves me so much and that I was an amazing partner but that he doesn’t love me romantically anymore and that the relationship had become more of a friendship. When I asked him what it was that went wrong he said he can’t pinpoint it but that it was him not me and he wants both of us to remain friends as he doesn’t see him life without me in it. I don’t know what to do.
Yeah he definitely already moved on with someone else but wants to keep you around
Madly in love for only two years…now he just can’t pinpoint what is wrong
Kinda sounds like he met someone else and wants to keep you on the back burner in case it doesn’t work out.
He just doesn’t see you as a romantic partner anymore… he’s also 40 now. That could’ve been what triggered it.
Leave him alone.
You don’t have to stay friends with someone who hurts you.
I wouldn’t be able to remain friends with someone that I still wanted to be with.
That being said, you need to get away from him and work on healing and move on with your life.
Having him as a ‘’friend’’ will only hinder that healing process.
Screw him! Get gone life is too short go be loved
Ah the 2 year mark. Just move on
At least he told you the truth, some men just stay and cheat, it hurts the ego but you’re better off in the long run
Walk away seems you have been used
He broke up with you. You need to leave, that’s what you need to do
Move on. You deserve all the happiness and love
It happens. Doesn’t mean he cheated or found someone else. Doesn’t mean he used you. People grow apart everyday for no reason at all. Move on and Starr a new life.
Sounds like he has someone else or you are just not really suit cause of your age difference
If he doesn’t want it ALL he should get NONE! Time to end that book and start a new one! The first chapter is always the hardest to get thru but it flows after that!
Leave. You don’t deserve that kind of love. You deserve better!
You could try couple’s counseling.
At least he’s being honest and acting like an adult. He’s not out running around on you like a lot of others do. Thankfully you’re young enough to find the LOVE of your life and who you’re really meant to be with. Focus on moving forward and work on getting out again on your own. The real
Magic is waiting for you ahead. Wishing you the best.
Do? He has said it’s over. There’s nothing to do except get on with your life.
Are you willing to make yourself emotionally available for someone who just wants to be friends?
Honestly it sounds like he wants to have his cake and eat it to. You need to move on and heal
I’ve actually recently been in this type of relationship with my ex husband except I was the one that called things off. From experience, I cannot tell you or pin point where we went wrong either. But it did just feel like a friendship and he was my bestfriend but there was nothing romantic about us anymore. We have been working thru our divorce really well though, trying to remain friends. Sometimes people just fall out of love romantically but still love each other as friends.
Hell no Don’t put up with that
Wow I’m so glad he was honest with himself and you , this could have gone on much longer and been far more difficult to end. He sounds like a good hearted honest man, definitely nice to be friends with after some time of healing. Change is never easy and only time gives you the tools for it to be easier. You’ve got a great opportunity now that you’ll find the one you’re meant to be with. You’ll be just fine
He was honest so I would focus on myself and moving on. Change is hard but it’s worth it.
He literally broke up with u and if u don’t see that than maybe u aren’t mature enough to see it. At least he’s being honest with you.
-He was honest so give him exactly what he wants.
-Then, you heal yourself with time and/or therapy.
-Decide if YOU even want to be his friend, because you don’t have to be if the friendship will only continuously pause the healing of your heart with false hope of getting back together.
-You deserve a man who doesn’t think you are just an option, and one that harbors strong love and feelings for you.
-Try to reverse your thinking of sadness and try to realize that you have a brand new chapter opening up for you.
In other words… he’s cheating on you and wants to be with the other woman… or man.
You need to immediately implement YOUR friendzone rules sexual and other intimacy, if this is truly how he wants things dont give him any “overlap” of the love that comes on the sweet side of your friendzone
Respect his wishes and move on.
He may be 40 but he is a man child. Move on.
Let him go, it will only bring you pain
Definitely move on… and dont let him cross the boundaries of friendship. He can not have his cake and eat it… gey on with ur life, go find someone that will love you like u need… dont waste ur life… it will happen…
So what he’s saying is he wants you for sex and emotional support while he goes and tries to find his actual marriage partner. You were a placeholder. He probably wants to settle down, but not with you. He just doesn’t want to lose all you give him until he finds the person to take your place.
In short, don’t be friends, don’t give him access to you. He wants to keep sucking your energy while he provides you nothing.
BANG HIS BESTIE & move on. That’s a whole man child
- leave
- cut off all contact, if no kids
- no friendship! If he doesn’t want all of you then he gets NONE of you!
Sounds like he’s letting you down gently trying not to hurt your feelings. But he’s done. You need to value yourself and move on. Meet someone who would die to have you. And there is someone out there like that for you once you detach yourself from your current partner
Move on at least he was honest so he must respect you enough to tell you the truth. To early to be friends tho.
So it sucks he broke up with you but this is way more gentle than any break up I’ve ever had, but you are in no way obligated to stay in his life, friends or otherwise if that it painful for you now. I say move on and tell him to do the same because if he’s lost interest now I doubt it’ll ever come back in a consistent way
Do your best to accept it & take care of YOU. Take a rain check on the friendship until you are back on your feet… then MAYBE , but only if you choose.
Move on…I think he’s being honest and upstanding!! Two years is not a very long time anyway
Gracefully move on and do not say or do anything you will regret later. He was honest, you cannot ask for more Than that. Respect the process and you will heal and find someone who will love you the way you deserve.
you have to let him go, it will hurt like heck, but you will recover and prob not have the friendship. Def not till you are healed and then only if you want to and feel like u r fully ok with that. Thats not his call to make and its selfish of him to even ask that.
Move on and take care of you. His way of letting you down easy. Put any contact on hold.
Bye… Sorry I can’t just be friends with someone I love!
Sorry, you’re going through this appreciate the honesty and move on ! You will be proud of yourself later on
Sounds like he met someone else. You deserve to be treated with love and respect. Don’t settle for less.
There’s only one thing to do, break up. Thank him for being honest and not being a weasel about it like some can be. Not all relationships are meant to last. Not all compatibilities stay the same.
He’s being honest with you. Be grateful for this. It could be worse. He could be cheating on you and telling you he loves you.
Move on with your life. Plenty of fish in the sea
Perhaps he’s gay n doesn’t know how to come out