Hey mommas,
Just wondering how you potty trained. My daughter is 18 months and goes on her potty no problem #1 &2, but she is also learning to communicate through speech as well! So im still figuring out what she says. im not looking for advice nessessarily, but would like to know. What you did while potty training??
Teach her the sign for potty.
Sign language for restroom. Make letter R like this and wiggle hand back and forth. I taught all my kids this one for potty training.
My son would just grab his weiner and it would let me know he had to go
My son is 19 months. An my biggest problem is for him to pee in his toilet and not in my trash can
I started at 1. I would take them every 45 minutes to an hour. In between i would look for my signs they needed to go. They caught on within a few months. #2, I would give them books to look at while they relaxed and did their business. All 4 were trained by 2