How do I wean my toddler from the bottle?

How do I break my toddler from a bottle, she just turned 2 a couple days ago and I’ve bought all kinds of different cippy cups and she won’t have anything to do with any of them, I know I should of done this sooner but I didn’t, I know it can cause speech delay and decaying teeth among other things but her teeth are good and her speech is great, so I need to get her off the bottle before they ain’t good anymore, she came up to me just now and said mama please bottle and it broke my heart cause she ain’t had one all day so I gave it to her… I know I’m a crap mom! But I’m trying!!


I know it sounds harsh but with my last kid it was a big problem, specially since she was the only one of my three kids to take a pacifier, that one was a struggle, I would give her the sippy cut after her first morning bottle, I would try it until she would flip the cup or until she wouldn’t take it, I would try the bottle again. I didn’t fight her I just kept trying it might take a few days or sometime a bit longer but just be patience with it, I also found it easier when I tried all the sippy cups I could try until I went to walmart and got those parent choice sippy cups, (just make sure that silicon has the proper hole). One day I said no more bottle gave her the cup since morning and then she didn’t want it, until she wanted milk and just took the cup…

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I threw my daughters away. Told her one more we are getting rid of them because you are a big girl. Had a Ruff couple days but she got threw it.

I couldn’t take my daughters bottle away either. We were down to one bottle. One day it disappears. I refused to buy another one. It was over. A few days of a little crying but no more bottles. Found out some time later husband had gotten rid of it.


Keep giving her the sippy cups … throw the bottles away.


Put her favorite drink in the sippy cups and her least favorite drink in the bottle. She will eventually choose the cup!!!


Oh honey you are a beautiful mom u just gave ur baby what she wanted quit beating yourself up my last one still had a bottle at 4 it was her older brother that grabbed em and threw them over the fence no more bottle enjoy your baby quit worrying about small things she will give it up when ready it’s just a comfort thing right now they get older quick so slow down and again enjoy your baby amen


IT needs to be “lost” and no one can find it…if you really want/need to end the bottle routine. Everyone is miserable for a few days but then it is over. Up to you if it needs to be done or not.


Throw the bottles away and explain to her that she is not a baby anymore and she doesn’t need the bottles explain to her she is a big girl now she needs to drink from sippy cups.


Just take them away and go cold Turkey trust me.


I got rid of bottles at 1 transitioned to sippy cup at about 8 months. The only one who had issues was my daughter her twin brother didnt have an issue. but about 13 months she was good. My youngest was about the same.


I think people are right about going cold turkey but if she’s not ready ,it isn’t the worst thing in the world ,don’t let people shame you over a bottle . I see so many people saying they took them away at 1 ,that seems so little to me .I broke my kids about 18-20 months but they never had a binky and were potty trained by 2 .Every mother and every child is different .It doesn’t make you a bad mom.

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Maybe transition to straw sippy cups first.


Cut a hole in the bulb of the nipple. If they can’t get suction on it, they lose interest. Have another cup there for them to get when they cannot drink from bottle.


My neice is about to turn 3. We showed her pictures of rotted teeth she’s ready to give it up. She brushes every day.

My daughter used the nuk bottles, they also have cups, it was a decent transition.

Give her a sippy cup. If she’s thirsty enough she will drink out of it.


Water only in the bottle and her favorite drink in cup.

Start giving him a Sippy cup during the day or drinks from your cup

The longer u wait the harder it is ,also big girls get to go to school!

You don’t
She will do it when she is ready


My 2.5 year old loves his bottles.

Im not interested in taking something off him that brings him comfort and joy and helps him go to sleep so instead i try to minimise the bad side effects of longer bottle use.

So we do teeth morning and night, hes an excellent tooth brusher for a toddler, he doesnt have it in his mouth for longer than it takes him to drink the bottle so hes not going to sleep with it in his mouth.
During the day he has drinks out of a big boy cup because he doesnt really like sippy cups or his 30 different drink bottles.


Just take them away and only give her sippy cups. She is fully able to use them by a year. There may be some fits but she will get over it.


Should’ve thrown them out at 1 year…THROW THEM OUT NOW
Do not give her the option

Take it away permanently and give a soft spouted sippy cup.

Talk to her and ask her to throw them away with you. Reward her effort and praise her. Then stand firm and remind her that they are all gone and she’s got new cups. Let her choose a cup everyday. Make a game of it. Try also giving her other choices. Encourage her independence. (Lay some clothes out and ask her what she wants to wear…. Whether it matches or not just go with it) etc. Encouraging her to make choices allows her to feel some element of control.

Stop giving in just because you have emotions. Or you won’t ever be able to make her do anything at all she doesn’t want to. Throw the bottles out. She’s a big girl now and so are you. If you keep the bottles then you won’t change your own ways of giving it to her for your comfort.

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Just take them away. I did the same with my daughter. She was 2. My mom just threw them all away. We were done with it. When my son was not quite a year old I threw all his bottles away.

Just take it away, throw them away. This is entirely on you as the parent. You can’t be weak. You can’t give in because they pitch a fit. The younger you take it away, the better. We literally converted at 1 year when we dropped formula. Just took it away cold turkey. It’s easier than you may think. Your child doesn’t have an issue, you do.

Make a hole in the nipple and tell her its broken and they don’t sell bottles at the store anymore. She will eventually get over it.

My daughter was 2.5 almost 3 when we got rid of her bottle and binky. She was a premie so everything was a bit longer for her. My neighbor was pregnant at the time. I got my little one excited about giving her bottles and binky to the new baby. And how much she’d be a big girl for sharing.
That was the end of it. I’ve heard of people doing the binky fairy (think tooth fairy) for a new toy.
My daughter also potty trained her self around this time. Yes trained her self. She had an older sister she idolized.
I will add my daughter had no issues with her teeth bc of the bottle/binky. No cavities, nothing related to nipples.

Tell her it’s broke & if she wants a drink she has to use a sippy. AND STICK TO IT!!

I picked a day and just took them away.

Water only in the bottle. Just plain water. All juices, milk, chocolate milk, etc. in the sippy… she’ll pitch a fit, but she’ll drop it on her own.

Well you’re definitely not a crap Mama that’s for sure, stop worrying, she will just not want it one day, stay happy 🩷

Started giving my kids sippy cups at 6 months. At 2 years I had them help me toss the sippy cups into the trash.