How do miscarriages happen?

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Another interesting fact is our body actually tries to rid the baby… reason why we vomit and are nauseous. Our body thinks it’s a foreign object. I read this somewhere. It’s crazy to think that.


anything can cause a miscarriage, including stress

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Mine was because my baby stopped growing. My doctor said more than likely there was something wrong with the baby. Still hurts real bad.


Usually it’s a chromosome issue

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Many different reason. Usually out of your control


Infection, improper implantation of egg, age, incompetent cervix, etc. There are many reasons why miscarriages occur.


They dont really know.

I lost all of mine between 9-10 weeks. I had tests done after the 3rd one but they found nothing on either side. I believe that there must have been something very wrong with all my babies which meant they wouldn’t have survived out of the womb. With every one of them I knew the minute it happened because I just didn’t feel pregnant any more. If I hadn’t lost the first 6 I wouldn’t have my son. Xxx


I was having cramps for 2 weeks and the hospital kept telling me it was normal as long as i wasn’t bleeding, they offered me no scans or anything, in the second week the cramps got so bad i admitted myself into hospital and demanded a scan, after a 3 hour wait i had a scan and it showed my misscarriage happened when i was 6 weeks pregnant. The cramps only started when i was 8 weeks in, i wasn’t spotting or anything which they said was due to a blood clot blocking the exit for me to pass the sack. Reason unknown!

Mine were due to hormonal fluctuations that wouldn’t allow a baby to grow. I produced too much progesterone. So many reasons miscarriages can happen, not just one. :confused:

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There are a multitude of reasons miscarriage happens. Often, it is due abnormalities with the fetus. I’ve had a miscarriage where I hemorrhaged and became septic, and another that was a missed miscarriage. Both times, I knew something was wrong beforehand. Just a terrible sad feeling I had. Following each of these, I had a healthy baby, though the pregnancy was “high risk”.


It will vary but there most of the time isn’t a known cause sadly. Usually you’ll bleed and cramp till baby is passed and probably a little after. Always go to the dr so they can check as well. I’ve lost 2 at 8 weeks both were different but alike.

All my pregnancy were high risk. I had to see a specialist. She is one of the top in her field. She had told me they are still not sure what causes most miscarriages.

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First one had no baby in the sac, just a sac. Second my membranes ruptured at 20 weeks and I delivered my baby girl in the car on the way to the hospital​:sob::heart:


Never found out why we miscarried but my body didn’t let me know that something was wrong. Went for my 18week scan and that’s when we found out there was no heartbeat. Dr said baby passed at 16 weeks but I had no clue. No warning signs no bleeding no cramping nothing. Still the hardest thing I’ve ever went through in my life.

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I was told that my babies wouldn’t have survived outside the womb. I was devastated. I was able to bring 5 babies into this world and 3 of those babies have given me 7 grandchildren.


Mine doctors couldn’t figure out why I had mine :woman_shrugging:

My baby didn’t have a heart beat :broken_heart:

My 3 were cause of PCOS.
Right drs and miracles i now i have my rainbow baby and my covid baby :heart:

My 8 miscarriages were do to my heart-shaped uterus. It makes a vast portion of my uterine wall not good for the placenta or the fetus to attach to. After about five months of carrying there’s not enough blood supply to the baby and my body would abort. I’m telling this because it took years for us to figure this out and it should not have. Maybe this will help some other lady I hope so. And always remember just because this one didn’t happen doesn’t mean that the next pregnancy will fail. Stay strong mamas! :heart:


There are a number of things but one thing i was told was that your body recognized the embryo wouldn’t thrive and that gave me some peace

Mine turned into a very rare form and aggressive cancer. But luckily they caught it early which is why I’m still here.