Hello, I’m looking for some advice. I’m due in September & they recently found out that he has a minor cleft lip. I’m wondering when & how they will fix. I’m hoping that maybe someone who’s gone through it already could give me some insight on how they go about it & anything special I should be getting or doing for him. I’m terrified that it’s going to hurt him & that they will make me hold him while they sew his lip & im not sure my heart could handle seeing him in so much pain. Thank you all in advance
They aren’t going to have you hold him during a surgical procedure.
Repairing it will be surgery, you won’t be holding him.
It’s going to be surgery on his face. You won’t be asked to hold him. He’ll be put under general anesthesia and a surgeon will correct it. They’ll tell you exactly how to care for him as it heals.
They will put him to sleep while this is being done and you can stay in the room while it us being done it go wait in the lobby and when completed they will call you to his room. He will still be groggy but partially awake!!
It’s amazing what they can do now!! He will be ok!
You should ask your doctor to explain the details of the procedure
They wont have you hold him during that kind of procedure, he would be on an operating table and probably have general anesthesia. Figure out your pediatrician and ask them every situation is different.