I’m a little annoyed, maybe I’m being crazy? Lol but how do we feel about our husband’s following an old gf from teenage yrs? I only ask cause I noticed my husband is following his old gf from 16+ yrs ago. Not sure who started following who, im sure their has been a conversation because how are you gonna follow someone from that long ago in your life and not reach out to see how they are. Idk why but it’s bothering me
They maybe good mates still. Just cause someone’s your ex doesn’t mean you have to hate them
Not every one hate their exes , some people can still civil / friendly after a breakup, and a . Catch up with someone you dated 16 years ago will not bother me at all , unless you have reason to doubt your husband fidelity to you
16yrs ago is a long time and tbh I haven’t got an ex that I don’t still speak too x
16 years ago is a long time. And how do you know that he’s following her? I bet you were looking at his phone. Have you tried talking to him and ask him about it? Have you told him how you feel? Does he even know that it bothers you? At the end of the day he’s with you not her. Unless he has given you a reason in the past to not trust him l wouldn’t let it bother me.
My husband and I both have exes on our social media. It’s no big deal for me. If they were serious back then he wouldn’t be with you.
Is he telling you about it, mine did and come to find out she was looking for someone who could help her out. She had all these problems and I told my husband that he needs to get rid of her and he did
It doesn’t matter that is EX and only a gf you are his WIFE that is all it needs to be done make it more useless you don’t trust him but that’s a whole different issue if you don’t